Have you ever rushed to get ready in the morning only to feel the defeat of finding absolutely nothing pretty enough to wear for the day? No high heels seem to match our outfit as perfectly as we want them to, and the button on our pair of black skinny jeans we bought last month just so happens to not close all the way like it used to. While our clothes are supposed to make us feel like a queen, we manage to clutter our closets with materials that become more of a pain than a way to empower our bodies. On the weekends, if you’re anything like me, you’re the woman running through every mall within a 50-mile radius, only to find yourself with ten to fifteen shopping bags filled with all sorts of clothes and accessories.
If it isn’t going to make me feel like I’m wrapped up in a warm hug, I’m not wearing it.
But somehow no matter how many pairs of distressed denim or neutral blouses we buy, our closet isn’t equipping us to feel confident. But when we invest time to organize our closet in a way that represents who we are, we emphasize a life of self-love and self-care for everyday life. It’s all about simplicity! The moment we start reorganizing what we have in a way that would benefit our style needs, we set ourselves up to spend less at the mall and actually put on the clothes we’ve purchased so we get our money’s worth. If you’re ready to spend less and maximize on what you have, here’s how to reorganize to make the most of your closet space.
Shop for today, not for tomorrow.
Sometimes shopping can lead us to so many (if not hundreds) of purchases that go something like this: Oh wow, a denim romper! This looks just like the one I saw that blogger wear on Instagram. This isn’t my size, but maybe if I’ll just lose two dress sizes, it’ll fit me! I’ll take it. Red flag! Instead of spending your money on outfits that don’t actually fit, utilize those dollars to invest in pieces that actually fit you — that way, in a few months, when you see the outfit in your closet, it reminds you how beautiful you are in the size you are today and not the size you wish to be.
Don’t get me wrong! We’re huge advocates for goal-setting over here. But girl, in the words of Bruno Mars, you ARE beautiful just the way you are. Your closet should always be a happy space that reflects this positive affirmation and not a negative reminder of all the things you’re not.
By shopping for the fit or size you are today, you are empowering yourself to embrace what mama gave you and wear clothes that will make you feel enough… because guess what! You are. If later on, you find that you’ve lost weight, then treat yourself by simply buying those clothes when the time comes. This helps to avoid unnecessary clutter in the closet.
READ: 7 Things You Should Clean Out From Your Closet
Source: @songofstyle
Declutter the mess in your closet to reduce waste.
Spring cleaning should be a year-round thing! Go through your closet according to what may still fit and may not fit anymore. Compile the clothes into a simple garbage bag or two and make a trip to your local Salvation Army or thrift store to donate.
Donating accessories, clothes, or shoes allows for the items to be recycled and repurposed for others who may actually need them more than we do. If you don’t know of a place that accepts donations, PickUp Please resources people with all locations of donation stops in the United States so you can find the shop that is closest to where you live.
Decluttering is such a healthy habit for your mental health, as well, because studies have shown that people who declutter their rooms or any home spaces “typically experience less stress and anxiety, more inner peace and self-confidence, stronger decision-making skills, and improved health habits, like better sleep.”
As it produces so many positive health benefits, our old things can also help others in need — or become treasure for people hunting for a good pair of mom jeans. What better way to declutter than to do it through an avenue that helps the community around you?
READ: 7 Questions to Ask When Cleaning Out Your Closet
Source: @daniellemoss_
Actually wear the clothes you’re buying.
Your money is so valuable! If you’ve bought something to hang in your closet, actually wear it. If you’ve worn a certain outfit multiple times before and feel like it’s boring — spice things up and find new, creative ways to style it by putting that leather belt around your waist or accompanying it with that cute bomber jacket hiding in the back of your closet.
Clothes are more diverse than we think, and when we make effort to restyle every so often, it will look like we bought a completely brand new outfit. Maybe if you’ve typically dressed down a blouse, dress it up with a statement necklace and simple vest to make it fit the occasion you’re needing it for. When it comes to fashion, creativity speaks volumes. Be a trendsetter, and try to curate a new look that no one else has ever seen before.
Pinterest can also help with styling tips and beauty looks. Recreate the look and rock what you have! Your bank account and your wallet will thank you for quenching your purchases for what they’re worth.
Source: @hayet.rida
Feel confident in your own skin by wearing clothes that accentuate your body.
The best way to live life is to be true to ourselves. Walk with your head held high and wear clothes that are relevant to your bone structure and your weight. The success to good style is to ignore comparison and purchase the fabrics that will enhance the beauty of your details — what makes you Y-O-U.
One of my best friends can rock certain romper styles that I can’t because my body wasn’t built the way hers was built, and guess what — it’s completely okay! It doesn’t make us less of a person when we have a different body feature than someone else may have. As women, we are all so beautifully unique, and when we accept our freckles, quirks, and other physical differences, our confidence flourishes because we know that our beauty is not defined by our lack.
Avoid following trends to simply fit in, but purchase items that are going to highlight what you love most about your body. There’s no shame in a little extra love handle around our waists or in big hips. Every shape, every size, and every skin type is a gift.