I’ll admit it: I’m in a deep, all-encompassing love affair with coffee. Like most of the world, coffee is one of the only things to get me out of bed in the morning. There’s just something about a warm cup of joe to pull you out of that foggy, sleep-deprived state. To be honest, I’ll drink it any kind of way… black, creamy, iced, with soy, pumpkin-spiced — I’m not picky! By the end of the day, I’ll probably have had two or three cups (yikes, yeah I know. We don’t need to talk about it). I like to tell myself there are worse things to be addicted to and that my love for coffee is hereditary — thanks, mom.
“Sorry, can’t make it tonight.”
Drinking coffee doesn’t have to have the bad rep that has been put on it over the past couple of years. The coffee itself isn’t as bad as the chemicals and artificial sweeteners we choose to put in it. By taking the bad stuff out and adding in vitamin-filled superfoods, coffee can actually provide many potential health benefits. While superfood doesn’t have an actual scientific meaning, it is a term to describe nutrient-rich foods that positively affect health and well-being. You can try these one a time, or have fun with it and create your own combination of them!
1. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of those holy grails that can be used as an eye-makeup remover, all-natural hair mask, or a hydrating body butter (when mixed with essential oils). Now adding oil to your coffee might sound weird at first, but trust me — it is tasty and healthy! Coconut oil contains MCTs, which have been shown to aid in weight loss, suppress appetite, support the immune system, and boost energy and brain function. When deciding which coconut oil to purchase, go for the unrefined, as refined oil goes through baking and bleaching that reduces antioxidant benefits. Try this Bulletproof coffee recipe to enhance your morning!
2. Collagen
I’m all for anything that helps my hair grow and keeps my skin firm and smooth — which is why I add a scoop of tasteless collagen powder to my coffee EVERY. DAY. Collagen consumption can reverse signs of aging by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and increasing skin elasticity and moisture. It can also improve digestion and aid in joint and bone health (read our post from earlier this year for more on everything you need to know about collagen peptides). The collagen I have been using most recently and have been loving is from Vital Proteins.
3. Maca Powder
Maca root powder has a nutty taste that many add to smoothies, oatmeal, and now coffee. This superfood is charged with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, potassium, iron, and vitamin B6, and is a good source of carbs and protein. Maca can enhance your day from simply improving your mental well-being and mood to promoting learning and memory. It has been found to even have benefits to sexual health by increasing libido, enhancing fertility in men, and relieving symptoms of menopause. Maca is one of the most energizing foods on the planet, which makes it the perfect extra kick in your coffee!
4. Cacao Powder
Do I seriously add chocolate to my coffee? Yes! Ok, while I don’t actually add the same sugary sweetness found in a candy bar, I do add the natural powder from which chocolate is derived: cacao. This is considered a superfood because it is filled with antioxidants as well as iron, magnesium, and calcium. When consumed naturally, cacao can have the benefits of reducing high blood, pressure, improving mood and brain function, aiding in weight control, and lowering risk of heart attack.
5. Turmeric
Turmeric is a superfood that has grown increasingly popular in the health community and has caused the obsession with sharing photos of the Gold Latte on Instagram. It is a bright yellow spice with an intense flavor somewhere between ginger and cinnamon. Add it to your coffee to get your daily dose of antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory properties claims Medical News Today. It also aids in healthy skin glow, which we love! Heat it up with the milk of your choice and use a handheld frother to get a rich, creamy mixture to pour on top of your coffee.
6. Cinnamon
This is a super easy way to not only add a nice taste to your coffee but also to improve your health. Add a dash of cinnamon to your morning cup to increase your antioxidants. Cinnamon has also been found to lower the risk of heart-related illnesses and gives you an extra boost when combined with coffee.
7. Ghee
This clarified butter used in cooking and medicinal healing for centuries is a major superfood that’s easy to add to a cup of coffee. It’s loaded with fat-soluble vitamins like A, E, and K, improves digestion, and reduces inflammation, just to name a few of the numerous benefits. Plus, it’s free of lactose (which gets heated out in the clarification process), so its fine even if you have a dairy intolerance. While adding clarified to your butter might sound, well, gross, don’t knock it ’til you try it—it makes coffee creamy and frothy, and the taste isn’t very apparent when mixed in, properly.
8. Inulin Powder
This nutrient-loaded powder is the latest ingredient that wellness bloggers and nutritionists are adding to their coffee cup. Inulin is a game-changer for gut health, as its a soluble fiber, meaning it gets digested in the lower intestines and acts as a prebiotic (meaning it feeds the good bacteria, aka probiotics, in the gut). As well as numerous other benefits, this powerhouse powder works to de-bloat and improve digestive health. Plus, it completely dissolves in coffee, so you won’t even taste a thing!