It is day 1,394,888(?) of quarantine and I am challenged to find the words for how I feel. “Stir-crazy” doesn’t seem to cut it. “Bummed” doesn’t do it justice. Truly, the only word I can use to bring light to my current emotional state is “blah.” In an attempt to add some *zest* to my life, I’m channeling the Tiger King period of isolation. You know, the part where we all emptied the grocery stores of yeast to make bread, questioned who killed Carole Baskin’s husband, downloaded Tik Tok after we promised ourselves we wouldn’t, and waited anxiously for our cozy, winter-friendly loungewear sets to arrive.
chronic fatigue, you better count your days
I won’t say that I’m tired of my March-friendly lounge sets, but I will say this: summer is upon us and I am sweating. It’s humid as hell in Chicago and as much as I’d like to walk around naked at all times, I have windows and my across the street neighbors simply do not need to see that. My solution? Finding the cutest loungewear sets on the web that are hot-weather approved and cute AF. Read on to shop the summer-friendly sets I’m adding to my cart to bring joy back to my quarantine: