
The Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Ghost Their Hinge Date

Source: Nikolay Ekimov | Pexels
Source: Nikolay Ekimov | Pexels

Let’s face it—dating in the digital age has some serious ups and downs. One day, you’re falling in love, and the next, you’re crying at the nail salon. One day, you’re meeting the person you swear could be the one, and the next, you’re getting ghosted. Ghosting happens for a variety of (crappy) reasons. Maybe the other party feels overwhelmed or doesn’t have the words to articulate how they feel. Perhaps they’ve lost interest or don’t want to turn someone down or be turned down themselves. Regardless of the reason, it’s a lame way to go about dating.

Much like life’s other social and romantic scenarios, certain zodiac signs might be more prone to ghosting than others, thanks to their personality traits granted by the stars above. Whether they’re impulsive, avoidant, over-thinkers, or allergic to drama, here are the five zodiac signs most likely to go MIA and ghost their Hinge dates.



Tauruses are deeply stubborn and naturally resistant to change, making them hesitant to venture outside their comfort zone and even more hesitant to admit it. If a Hinge date introduces new ideas or even slightly challenges their views, a Taurus can easily shut down and slip away. Firm in their ways, once a Taurus decides a date isn’t the right match for them, it’s likely their final decision. In their mind, once they choose, they do not need to explain or communicate further. This is why they can be likely to ghost.



When you pair a Gemini’s impulsivity with their unpredictability, you end up with a prime candidate to ghost a Hinge date. One day, it might seem like a Gemini is all-in, and another, totally disinterested. They love variety and spice in life, and their dating experiences can often reflect that. If they’re feeling a bit bored or stuck, they might quickly move on and “forget” to formally let you know. If it makes you feel better, in a lot of aspects of life, Geminis tend to shift gears quickly and shake things up without much notice or second thought. It still doesn’t make ghosting your date cool, though.



Libra’s perfectionist tendencies have some pretty obvious pros and cons, especially when it comes to dating. They have high standards and social ideals when it comes to appearance, vibes, and aesthetics, which can make them hard to please. When that’s paired with their tendency to avoid conflict, ceasing communication with a Hinge date (though the easy way out) feels easier to them when their often-inflated standards aren’t being met. Plus, Libras are famously indecisive, so when faced with a big decision, they can completely shut down. However, it would be awesome if they could choose to send at least a courteous text.



Considered to be the more cautious sign of the bunch, Capricorns tend to take their time, and sometimes it’s a long time. If at first you’re feeling ghosted by a Capricorn, give it a few days or so, in case they’re simply getting cold feet. If there’s still no communication, and a Cap has a feeling their date might not have the most long-term potential for longevity, they just might pull the plug without letting you know. Not cool, but very Capricorn-like. They have a practical approach to dating and tend to be picky—to them, ghosting isn’t such a big deal.


Erin Nicole Celletti, Contributing Writer

Erin is an NYC-based writer with a BA in Journalism from Quinnipiac University and two master’s in education. She’s currently freelancing as a lifestyle, beauty, wellness, and trends reports writer. Beyond The Everygirl, Erin’s editorial work has been featured in publications like Allure, Byrdie, TeenVogue, BRIDES, SundayEdit, The Everymom, and TODAY, among others.