Career & Finance

10 Best Financial Podcasts to Follow


Deciding how to save, manage, and invest your money is scary, especially if you haven’t received any type of financial education. Which to be honest, most of us haven’t. It doesn’t help that no one wants to talk about it. Discussing money makes most people uncomfortable, but not our favorite financial podcast hosts! Download these financial podcasts and you will become more comfortable with your finances in no time. If money is power and knowledge is power than being knowledgeable about your money is going to make you invincible! Did we mention every podcast is free?

1. The Clark Howard Podcast

You’ve most likely seen Clark Howard on HLN’s now canceled Evening Express program. If you miss his savvy financial advice then check out his daily radio show, which is available in podcast form. Howard has been a nationally syndicated radio host since 1989 and by his words has been teaching consumers how to “save more, spend less and avoid rip-offs.” If you have a pressing question, listen live and call in to speak to Howard any weekday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST. Howard gives straightforward and applicable advice that will help you save and prepare for your future.

2. BiggerPockets Podcast

Thinking about purchasing your first home? What about a second home solely as an investment? The BiggerPockets Podcast is the highest rated real estate podcast on iTunes. You will find real estate advice on topics ranging from what to do if you face a lawsuit and how to purchase properties to how to manage investments from romote locations. Join their social network with more than 263,000 members to interact with other investors, check out forums, and connect with potential business partners.

3. Entrepreneur on Fire

Entrepreneurs face a unique set of money problems and ideally they will learn from other people’s mistakes. Entrepreneur on Fire allows you to hear first-hand accounts from successful entrepreneurs who have faced failure in the past, but bounced back. The daily podcast focuses on the guest’s entire journey and delves deep into their worst entrepreneurial moment and lessons learned.

4. Money Girl

If you know that listening to a long podcast about money is likely to lose your attention, then consider giving Money Girl a try. In less than ten minutes a week, host Laura Adams will break down complex personal finance topics. If your are ready to take control of your finances, Adams gives advice that listeners can take action on immediately following each show. And you won’t be the only one listening—the show has been downloaded more than 40 million times.

5. You Need a Budget

You Need a Budget is a personal finance budgeting app that costs $5 a month (or is free if you are a student!). It has hundreds of episodes about practical and realistic financial topics such as “Budget Bucket List” and “You Don’t Have to be Frugal.” They also have a blog full of information about creating and sticking to your budget. Check out the podcast and if you like what you hear, you can try a free one-month trial of their app. No credit card required to sign up!

6. Smart Passive Income

Passive income has become quite the buzzword these days. Everyone is looking to make more while doing less. It’s doable, so why not you? If you take passive income seriously, you can make good money. Host of Smart Passive Income Pat Flynn will explain the ins and outs of passive-income and interviews successful entrepreneurs who have made money off it. Start with episodes 192, 193, and 194 to get a firm grasp of what passive income is and how to be successful at it.

7. Freakonomics Radio

You’ve likely heard of Freakonomics in the past: Journalist Stephen Dubner and economist Steven Levitt published the wildly popular book Freakonomics, which melded pop culture and economics and sold millions of copies worldwide. The books SuperFreakonomics and Think Like a Freak followed. Freakonomics Radio aims to uncover “the hidden side of everything” from the wage gap to the cost of diamonds. While your personal finances won’t be directly affected, you sure will learn a lot about different facets of money, from the economy to societal issues.

8. Your Money Matters

The Wall Street Journal knows a few things about money and for five minutes a day they will update you on the latest money news through their podcast Your Money Matters. Being informed about money in a larger sense will help you make more informed decisions about your own. For only a few minutes a day you can stay up to date on the economy, business, and current events.

9. We Study Billionaires: The Investors Podcast

If you want to learn about money, why not learn from billionaires? We Study Billionaires Hosts Preston Pysh and Stig Brodersen study the lives of billionaires such as Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, and Mark Cuban. They look at the books billionaires read, their habits, and advice they have given.

10. The Money Tree Investing Podcast

The Money Tree is the perfect podcast for you if you tend to want multiple opinions before making a decision. Each week a panel of four experts from different financial fields interview a special guest about investing, personal finance, or passive income. The panel includes a finance blogger, a financial advisor, an entrepreneur, and a certified financial planner. The panel’s experts will tell you everything you need to know (from their differing perspectives) about the topic the episode is focusing on.

You can easily squeeze listening to these podcasts into your busy day. Take time commuting, cooking, cleaning, or working out to brush up on your financial knowledge. The more you know, the more in control you will feel, especially about money matters.

What are your favorite financial podcasts? Share them in the comments below.