Decor & Styling

8 Changes to Make to Your Home Environment to Help You Feel Less Stressed


Let’s say you just finished an eight hour shift at work and you’re ready to crash on your couch. But the minute you open your front door, you’re immediately overwhelmed with stress. With piles of dishes in the sink and clothes scattered across the floor, you don’t have an area to unwind after a long day at the office. So to fix this ugly mess (pun intended), here are eight ways to de-stress your home environment to help you feel more relaxed.


1. Incorporate more plants.

Source: Claire Esparros for Homepolish

Decorating with plants is a great way to positively impact your home. By surrounding yourself with nature, stress levels will lower and you can become more creative. Plus, plants will release more oxygen and moisture into the air to help you breathe better. Immediate mood booster!



2. Get rid of the clutter.

Source: Boheme Goods

When your home is not in the best condition, it can inhibit your mood and make you feel anxious. Before you go to bed, try to clean your home for 30 minutes. Pick up papers, organize books, and clean a few dishes. This will relax your mind and prevent that morning anxiety boost when you first wake up.



3. Create an area of peace.

Source: Studio McGee

Whether you work from home or have a typical nine-to-five job, try to section off an area in your house where you don’t answer emails and can just hang out. One of the main reasons you may feel like your home environment is stressful is because you don’t know where to stop or slow down. You utilize every room in your home as an office, which can confuse the brain and prevent it from relaxing. Instead, unwind in a cozy nook and read a book to feel more at ease and comfortable in your own home.



4. Make your bed every day.

Source: Amanda Holstein


As crazy as it sounds, making your bed every day can actually positively boost your mood and your home environment. Your bedroom is where you unplug and decompress and if you visually see that your bed is a mess, you won’t view it as the sanctuary it’s supposed to be. Plus, going to bed in a made bed always feels good, amiright?



5. Use colors that calm you.

Source: Caitlin Kruse

With thousands of colors to choose from, paint your rooms with colorful hues to help calm your mind. Cooler colors like blues, violets, pinks and greens can sooth your thoughts and bring a calming presence into your home. Pro tip: Try to stick with hues that have grey undertones to help balance the energy in each room.



6. Lay off the electronics.

Source: Julia Robbs

While scrolling through your social media accounts may help you relax for a little bit, doing this all the time can actually make you feel more anxious and depressed. Instead of looking at your phone or binge-watching your favorite show, give your eyes a break by mediating, taking a bath, or reading your favorite book. Also, try not to use your phone as an alarm clock. You will be more inclined to check your email, which can make you (and your bedroom!) feel more stressful.



7. Spring clean every three months.

Source: Bomei Design

Don’t wait until spring to deep clean your home. De-clutter every three to four months to create more space in your home. Donate clothes you don’t wear, rearrange furniture, and deep clean the inside of your stove. Your stress can rise when you’re surrounded by too many things. Be honest with yourself and purge the things you know you don’t need. Trust me, it’s worth it.



8. Incorporate as much natural light as possible.

Source: Coco Kelley

While hanging out in a dark space can feel cozy, constantly being in a poorly lit home can negatively impact your mood. Open up your space by inviting natural light into your house. With more exposure to natural light, your body can absorb more vitamin D, which in return, can make you feel happier, calmer, and can actually make you fall asleep easier. Live in a perpetually dark place? Open the curtains and blinds as soon as you wake up.



How do you de-stress your home? What trick do you use to create a more relaxed environment?


This article was originally published on Jan 25, 2017.