For some time now, I have recognized that spending too much time on social media takes a toll on my time, my mental health, and even my sense of self. Despite this realization, I admit that I still find myself scrolling mindlessly, only to realize hours have gone by. I have tried setting a timer on my phone that limits my scrolling, proceeding to hit mute on that timer over and over again. I have also tried to pick up new hobbies to replace my scrolling. On the days when these tactics don’t work, I’ve even considered what it would be like if I didn’t have a social media presence at all. Would I feel relief? FOMO? Or both?
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When I think of our current society, it seems unfathomable and even impractical not to have a social media presence, especially if our line of work can benefit from it or requires it. I worked in social media for a long time, so avoiding it was not an option. However, there are those among us that have been able to resist the pull of social media. They might have no interest in social media platforms, and thus never created an account, or they have an account, but don’t seem to have any qualms that their profile has been inactive since 2019. You might know these people. You might even be one of them. There are a few specific zodiac signs that are the most inclined to have zero social media presence. These zodiac signs aren’t afraid to live a life without the scroll. Read on to find out if you’re one of them:

Geminis are not afraid of change. Their friends look to them not for consistency but for unpredictability, creative inspiration, and absolutely beautiful chaos. While Geminis might be engaging to watch on social media platforms because of all of these qualities, they also burn out easily if they spend too much time on them. If they partake in social media, curious Geminis might find themselves scrolling for hours, wanting to know and learn everything about a topic. But what really lights a Gemini up is something they can’t quite find on their feed: new experiences. Geminis need to be constantly evolving, or they’ll lose their inspiration. Social media can make a Gemini feel like they’re on a treadmill, moving without direction, with no change in sight.
Once a Gemini recognizes that treadmill feeling, they are over social media. Your Gemini friend probably had an account on all the major platforms at one point just to try it out. When the experience didn’t fulfill them, they stopped posting and forgot to check their feed long enough that it became a habit. It’s that simple for Geminis. They’re that friend whose last post on Instagram has a hashtag or reference that is at least five years old. And yet, they won’t experience any FOMO because they’ll still manage to show up at social events and intuitively know what’s trending.

Scorpios are always the last to trust anything or anyone, so they were probably suspicious about social media to begin with. A Scorpio rarely posts, due to their intense desire for privacy. However, they always seem to show up in the views of other posts because of their inherent need to be in-the-know. Scorpios feel the most in control when they know everything that’s going on with their friends. But to maintain their own privacy, they probably have a private account with no profile pic, much to the chagrin of anyone who wants to see what’s going on with them without having to hit “follow.”
At the end of the day, Scorpios prefer to be mysterious and elusive. They are more than willing to replace their social media presence with solitude and quiet reflection. They might even be seen meditating and journaling in place of scrolling. Above all, Scorpios will relish having no social media presence because that means they’ll have more time to spend with the few people they trust. That being said, they will have no problem giving into their curiosity and looking over a friend’s shoulder to see what’s going on on the feed.

A focused Capricorn is always going to prioritize achieving their goals. Capricorns who have to use social media for career-related pursuits are the best at scrolling. They always know where to go to find the latest trends. However, the Capricorns among us were probably the first to notice when social media was taking away from the productivity of, well, everyone. The scroll is real, and Capricorns have absolutely no time for it. Capricorns are all about perfection, and in a world where social media is unpredictable, they probably didn’t even bother creating an account for the new social media platforms that have come along over the last several years.
Bottom line: if being on social media doesn’t fit into the organized to-do list of a Capricorn, it will not be a priority. However, due to their focused nature, dedicated Capricorns will need to channel their energy elsewhere. You might find them on Substack or creating their own website, where they can engage in their personal or creative pursuits without the instant gratification social media can dangle in front of them.

Michelle Lema, Contributing Entertainment Writer
Michelle is a Los Angeles-based writer, performer, and on-camera host. She has worked in editorial and on-camera entertainment coverage with brands like Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars.