
Editor Approved: This Clean Beauty Brand is Actually Worth the Hype


We know we aren’t supposed to sleep with our makeup on, we know we should wear sunscreen, and we begrudgingly know that we should drink WAY more water than we do. There are so many skincare rules and guidelines, and it’s honestly not easy to keep up with. As the busy, multi-faceted women we are, we’re constantly searching for ways not only to simplify our routines, but also to enhance them. So when we heard about True Botanicals, we here at the Everygirl team thought it was simply too good to be true.

True Botanicals is a natural, non-toxic line of skincare that is perfect for everyone — no matter your skin concerns. The brand features four collections of products: Renew (for anti-aging), Basics (for everyday skincare needs), Clear (for acne fighting and prevention), and Calm (for rosacea prone skin) . Each product is chock-full of nutrient-laden goodness, so users are able to use a collection as a whole or pick and choose which individual products would function best in their own routine.

The products take allll the guesswork out of caring for your skin — it’s a simple step-by-step program, it’s gentle yet functional, and, UM HELLO it smells INSANELY good. To test out if we had truly found the new holy grail of skincare, three of our editors put the products to the test. Here, we’ve broken down how True Botanical’s incredible line of products changed the routines (and, frankly, the lives) of three different women with three different skin types and concerns. While it doesn’t quite replace chugging your daily 64 ounces of water (because nothing can), it comes pretty darn close.


Use code EVERYGIRL15 for 15% off through October 15, 2017.




Working from home means that I now get to go makeup free most days of the week. I love makeup, but I can’t deny how much my skin has improved since I quit slathering it on daily. I’m at a point where I want to play up the best features of my skin and feel comfortable without all the layers. And since I’ve gotten my breakouts down to a minimal point, this should be possible… right? I should also mention that I work out every morning, so before I’ve had a sip of coffee, it’s already been washed, slathered in sunscreen, sweated profusely, washed again, and then coated in products.


Skin Concerns & Current Routine

After a decade of acne, my skin finally started to clear up about three years ago.  I’ve transitioned into treating & caring for my skin rather than battling it. My aesthetician warned me about dry patches on my face, so I’ve been working hard to keep my skin hydrated. I would love to have glossy dewy skin and feel best rocking minimal makeup. Oh and if I could also have Lucy Hale’s eyebrows, that would be great.

I wash my face right out of bed, apply moisturizer and spf and then hit the gym. When I’m finished, I shower and then do a full morning routine that I’m fairly proud of. Where I fall short is my nighttime routine. I would say about 3 days a week I pass out without doing anything to my skin. I know that’s shameful, but it’s true. Once a week I treat myself to an exfoliation session followed by a sheet mask.

True Botanicals

When you don’t have acne, irritation, or wrinkles but you want more radiant skin, essential skin nutrients are your answer.

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The Switch to True Botanicals

The Basic line is a very simple process, which I’m thankful for. I started with the Hydrating Cleanser whose texture was a mix between a water cleanser (which strips the impurities off your face, but can leave it feeling dry) and a milky cleanser (luscious but sometimes leaves you wondering if your face is clean). I followed it up with the Hydrating Mist which felt like a light toner thanks to the green and white tea inside of it (and feels luxurious, too). Next was the hydrating oil which smelt heavenly. A few drops meant my face was moisturized, but not too heavy or greasy (a serious problem I have found with other oils). The final step was the hydrating serum which helps you retain moisture all day. The serum has a low weight hyaluronic acid which aids in collagen production and anti-aging benefits. And even though I didn’t wear makeup, the routine was light enough that I could have worn a full face of foundation and contour without feeling like a clown.

All I can say is: HELLO DEWY SKIN. I couldn’t believe how nourished my skin felt after only a week of using it. I wanted to touch it constantly but I didn’t because I could practically hear my dermatologist yelling at me for putting my hands on my face. On week two, I started my period (a week where I question why my skin hates me so much) but it was actually one of the best menstrual skin situations I’ve ever had.


Hero Product

In my opinion, the best skincare products are the ones you’re excited to use and yield results. The hydrating oil hits those exact criteria—it smells fantastic, gives my face a surge of moisture without being too heavy, and provides me with a dewy glow. See my gratuitous selfie above for proof. And even though I was standing in some seriously strong natural light, I felt hydrated without being unnaturally shiny. Massaging a few drops on my skin at morning and night has become a favorite part of my skincare routine.




I LOVE MAKEUP. I’ve struggled with breakouts and subsequent scarring for as long as I can remember, so I taught myself at a young age to use makeup to hide my insecurities and to express my style. I’ve never been like “You need makeup to be beautiful!” but I also have never gone on a date, to a party, or even to a friend’s house without makeup on. Additionally, I exercise a ton, so my face deals with a constant cycle of wash, makeup, wash, sweat, wash, repeat.


Skin Concerns & Current Routine

Like I said, acne and scarring are my two biggest concerns. I want to use products that are gentle enough that I can use them multiple times a day, but tough enough to get the job done!

I sooometimes wash my face in the morning, but regardless of whether or not I do that, I always take off my makeup and give my face a good wash before I hit the gym after work — then I make sure to wash immediately after as well. I’ve tried several topical creams, gels, and serums for breakouts, and I recently started using a nice toning mist. My skincare routine is ever-changing, as I’ve always been looking for something new that would hopefully make all the difference.

True Botanicals

A modern acne solution
that destroys acne-inducing bacteria and
balances your skin, without damaging it.

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The Switch to True Botanicals

I tried the full Clear line, as well as the Pre-Cleanse Oil and the Vitamin C Supplement. In the morning, I used the Clear Hydrating Cleanser, Clear Nutrient Toner, and the Clear Pure Radiance Oil, then put on my makeup as usual. Before a workout, I used the Pre-Cleanse Oil to remove makeup, then washed with the Clear Hydrating Cleanser. Before bed, I used the Cleanser, Toner, and Oil, then finished by mixing the Cellular Repair Serum with the Vitamin C Booster.

While I did feel like I was spending more time on my routine than I had been before, it was totally worth it. Not only did it feel like I was giving myself a facial every night (Hello, bedtime! I’m relaxed and ready for you!), but I also saw results that made the extra time feel like a breeze (I’ve spent even longer on less clear results, am I right?). After the very first night, I woke up feeling smoother. As I used the products longer, I felt like my skin was excellently moisturized, squeaky clean (in the good way!), and balancing out. I have definitely seen a reduction in scarring, and I think my overall skin tone is brighter and more even. I’m so excited to continue using the products — I think I’m a newfound lifelong TB user!


Hero Product

Is it possible to fall madly in love with a skincare product? Because I have fallen hard and fast for the Pre-Cleansing Oil. After a scary allergic reaction to some store-brand makeup remover a few months ago, I’d been really skeptical of any and all makeup removers. But I trusted TB’s impressive ingredient list, so I was hopeful to give this one a try. To use the Pre-Cleanse Oil, you rub 2-3 pumps of the oil all over your face (eyes included!). It unsticks all that pesky makeup, leaving you with a face full of raccoon eyes. But once you add the Cleanser on top (you use it directly after the Oil, no rinsing required), it LITERALLY all melts away. I’ve really and truly never had a product so effectively remove all of my makeup with so little irritation (And by that I mean that there was zero irritation involved. True Botanicals, my sensitive skin cannot thank you enough!).




This past year, I’ve taken a big interest in what chemicals I am putting on and in my body (wine doesn’t count, obv). My husband, Josh, and I are currently working to expand our family, so clean beauty has become a serious priority — I don’t want any sneaky toxins absorbing into my bloodstream through my skin, NOT COOL.


Skin Concerns & Current Routine

Hitting my 30s brought my first grey hair — see you in hell — and a general awareness of some fine lines I’ve got going on under my eyes. It’s past time to up my skincare game. Anti-aging is my new number one priority (oh, to be young again lol) in the hopes of avoiding a more ~serious~ skintervention. I also am not one of those lucky unicorn people with poreless skin, so I’m always on the lookout to minimize my pores and oust blackheads.

My current routine is complicated… I follow a lot of steps — serums, moisturizers, mists, oh my — but I’m not sure what each individually is doing for me. It generally takes about 20 minutes of precious morning or evening time, without a lot of end result. The fine lines are still running rampant, damn them.


True Botanicals

Developed with highest-impact ingredients to address aging at the source and make lasting changes.

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The Switch to True Botanicals

In the morning, I started with the Hydrating Cleanser — bring on the hydration! — followed by the Nutrient Mist, which left my skin feeling extra fresh and dewy. Plus it’s just fun to spritz it all over your face while shaking out your hair like a model. I let that dry on my skin while adding 4-5 drops of the Pure Radiance Oil (loving this name, I’m ready to be radiant) to my tinted moisturizer. I was skeptical of adding oil during the day at first for fear I would end up looking like a greaseball, but the oil wasn’t heavy and actually mixed really well with my current moisturizer. Dewy game strong.

The nighttime routine was a serious af routine, which feels appropriate for my 30s. I was confident that every step was doing something for my skin too, unlike my previous routine, which felt all over the place and unnecessarily long and useless. I listened to music to wind down and give the whole thing an “I’m at the spa” vibe. I started with the Pre-Cleansing Oil — rubbing it on my face, over my eyes (bye mascara!), and all over dry skin. After going full raccoon-eye, I added the Hydrating Cleanser over top (without rinsing first) and lathered on up. I loved using both products in tandem, it actually made my skin feel super soft and all that massaging was the perfect antidote to the stress of the day.

Once my face was *super clean* I spritzed with the Nutrient Mist, applied the Pure Radiance Oil, and took my nighttime routine to the next level (TAKE THAT FINE LINES) with the Cellular Repair Serum and Vitamin C Booster. The next day, my skin already felt a little tighter, brighter, and smoother. WIN.


Hero Product

My favorite product was the Hydrating Cleanser. It had an amazing floral smell that reminded me of stepping into a blooming garden in Spring — much better than that slightly antiseptic smell some cleansers have, or even worse, that WAY TOO STRONG floral smell like you dropped an entire bottle of perfume on your face. The cleanser is silky and light and leaves your skin very hydrated and clean but without any tightness or overly dry feeling — the worst, especially as we head into winter here in Boston (it gives the word “frigid” a whole new meaning). I didn’t even feel like I needed a ton of added moisture afterward and could have easily skipped my normal spritz and moisturize step. One product to rule them all? It’s real and it’s here.



Have you made the switch to natural skincare? Tell us your routine in the comments below!


This post was in partnership with True Botanicals, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.