Whether I’m pushing through a workout or having a tough day at work, I say to myself, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” It’s one of my favorite affirmations to remind myself that my thoughts affect my reality. Negative thought patterns not only influence how I feel and act, but negative thoughts snowball; I continue to find more things to think negatively about—from spilled coffee to getting stuck in traffic to constructive feedback from my boss. But affirmations serve as an immediate reminder to pause a negative thought pattern and choose a thought that serves us better, therefore changing how we feel and how we act.
However, the important part is finding an affirmation that will actually help you, based on what you need and your goals. The secret to finding the one affirmation that could resonate deeply, turn your day around, or even change your life may be found in astrology. Read on for the affirmation you probably need to hear right now, based on your zodiac sign.

“I am compassionate with others and myself.”
Self-assured Aries dive head-first into conflict and competition, so an affirmation centered around compassion can help remind them to be gentle with themselves and others. This driven sign loves taking charge and sharing their opinions, so it can be frustrating if they aren’t in control of a situation. This affirmation can also help them lean into their patience and slow down. With a self-centered energy (that’s not always bad), using “I am” statements can remind Aries just how powerful they are. Since they’re a fire sign, practicing their affirmations by candlelight can spark more insight into themselves.

“I accept change as a positive force in life.”
Tauruses often get a bad rap for being stubborn, but really they just like what they like. Despite enjoying the finer things in life, they’re content staying in their comfort zone, sticking to their routine, wearing a similar outfit, and eating the same meal every day. This affirmation can help them get comfortable with the idea of change and reframe it as a positive opportunity to try something new. But when they need grounding, saying “I have” statements (i.e. “I have everything I need”) with their favorite tangible comforts beside them can remind them of their abundance.

“I’m enough exactly the way I am.”
Known for having two personalities and wanting to have multiple options when they tackle anything, Geminis love change. Their minds are often racing, considering all sides of a discussion or planning their next adventure. With their focus always on their subsequent move, it’s important for Geminis to stop and remember that who they are and where they are in the moment is enough. To feed their need to have different approaches for any endeavor, Geminis can find that writing the affirmation down in addition to saying it aloud makes their manifestation practice stronger.

“It’s OK to feel my feelings.”
You know that friend who always makes you feel better when you’re down? They’re probably a Cancer. This sign loves taking care of others, but with that comes the burden of carrying the weight of others’ problems, so they often forget to take care of themselves. This affirmation reminds them to express their own needs and emotions and helps center them when nourishing others becomes too much. Because Cancers are a water sign, complementing their affirmation practice with a bath can be even more empowering.

“I approve of myself and don’t need external validation.”
Leos thrive at the center of attention and sharing their accomplishments with others. While we could all probably learn a thing or two about self-confidence from Leos, it’s equally important for them to remember that they don’t need to seek validation from others to feel worthy of praise. This affirmation helps give them permission to find that validation internally. As a sign that appreciates acknowledgement and feeling seen, Leos would especially benefit from saying their affirmation in front of a mirror or in the presence of a SO or friend.

“It’s OK for me to set boundaries.”
Virgos have a tendency to overanalyze, and they love solving other people’s problems, cleaning up messes, and checking off to-do lists—anything that makes them feel productive. Therefore, they rarely slow down or acknowledge their own needs because they’re focused on perfecting everything around them. Virgos need to be reminded that they should never feel guilty for taking a break or saying “no” to someone’s request. Because they’re an earth sign, Virgos can find practicing their affirmations in nature more effective.

“I am confident in my decision-making.”
Known for their symbol of scales, Libras can see both sides to any argument. Because of this, they’re often so focused on balancing out those around them that they have difficulty making decisions based on what they want or need themselves. If you’re a Libra, repeat this affirmation to give yourself an added boost of confidence in trusting your gut. Because Libras are relationship-oriented and like to share their experiences with a partner, consider enlisting a friend to do your affirmations with.

“I am at peace.”
Despite being a water sign, Scorpios are full of the passion and intensity characteristic of a fire sign. While they’re kind and sensitive to those they love (that’s the water sign in them), they often overanalyze situations and relationships and can have a hard time letting their guard down. Dear Scorpios: take a break from your racing thoughts to say this affirmation and find peace within yourself. With the sign’s association with the underworld, Scorpios can better connect with and feel the affirmation when said in a dark, intimate environment.

“I am becoming the best version of myself.”
Curious Sagittarians are always on the move. They love learning but can sometimes get lost in their endless quest for knowledge and lose sight of the end goal. This affirmation helps them remember that they’re on a lifelong journey to become the best version of themselves. To get the most out of their affirmation practice, Sagittarians can pair it with visualization (AKA imagining their best version of themselves—what they look like, what they’re doing, where they live—while taking notice of the feeling of already being that person and applying it).

“I am proud of myself and how far I’ve come.”
Workaholic Capricorns love to be acknowledged for a job well done, so this affirmation is right up their alley. Others may not notice their hard work or ambitious and overachieving tendencies, but they deserve to feel proud of themselves all the same. As an earth sign, they’re sensual to the core and they find joy in accumulating material objects, especially when it comes to treating themselves for their hard work and a job well done. So saying this affirmation while holding one of those items or sitting or standing beside some of them can bring out the best in them.

“I am grateful for places where I feel like I belong.”
In true air sign form, Aquarians are community-oriented and seek to help the greater collective, but they can sometimes feel like an outsider. Whenever they feel like they don’t fit in, Aquarians should take a pause and consider all the places where they feel seen and the people who understand and appreciate them as exactly who they are. Trying an affirmation ritual with a group of trusted friends can not only uplift them, but also everyone involved.

“I believe in myself.”
As a water sign, Pisces can’t help but feel intense emotions. This along with insecurities can leave them feeling fragile. This affirmation is an important reminder that they are strong and their emotional intelligence is their superpower. As the dreamer of the zodiac signs, Pisces can benefit from focusing on the affirmation as they’re falling asleep to strengthen its power and deepen their belief in it.

Christine Winder
Christine Winder has been contributing to The Everygirl since 2021. She has a BA in Communications from Roanoke College and lives with her two cats in Richmond, VA where she writes for several publications.