Before you read the headline and freak out, fear not: We will not be telling you that you need to juice cleanse for five days. In this week of the January Challenge, we’re reclaiming the detox. This week is focused on eliminating anything in your life that isn’t serving you—because you deserve only the best in 2024. Kicking off the best year of your life means getting rid of those things that are holding you back or dragging you down (whether it’s food that makes you feel bad, social media accounts that clog your feed, or relationships or habits that are no longer serving you). Read on below for the second week of The Everygirl Podcast January Challenge, centered around detoxing and cleansing what isn’t serving your mind, body, and spirit.
panic packing? I don't know her.

Monday: Go grocery shopping for the week and load up on a variety of fiber-rich fruits and veggies
Eating high-fiber fruits and vegetables supports your body’s natural detoxification process. As much as we may want to rely on a triple-shot latte to…eliminate things from our system, it’s much healthier for your body to process naturally with foods that are high in fiber and antioxidants. Fill your cart with fruits and vegetables this week—your body deserves it.
Tuesday: Listen to “Cleanse Your Body and Your Life with Lisa Odenweller, Founder of Kroma Wellness“
This week’s episode of The Everygirl Podcast, available on January 9, is all about breaking down myths about detoxing and cleanses with Kroma Wellness founder Lisa Odenweller. Lisa is sort of like the cool wellness big sister you always wanted, and she’s found a way to turn detoxing from restrictive diets into abundant health. This episode is full of tons of positive energy, helpful tips, and wellness know-how.
Wednesday: Read “All About Detoxing: What It Really Is and How To Do It, According to Experts”
What even is a toxin? Why have we come to associate the word “detox” with juice cleanses and supplement teas rather than a natural process that our body goes through every day in some way or another? In this article, we block out the noise and discuss the truth about detoxing with several doctors. It’s the perfect Wednesday morning read.
Thursday: Do a complaint cleanse
Yes, this is a real thing. Read this article to learn all about our editor’s experience doing a week-long complaint cleanse, and then try it out for yourself for one day. Filling your thoughts and your spoken words with as much gratitude and positivity as possible might just change your whole January.
Friday: Listen to “How to Detox the Mind and Body with Bonberi’s Nicole Berrie”
Nicole Berrie is the founder of Bonberi and the author of Body Harmony: Nourishing, Plant-Based Recipes for Intuitive Eating, so she knows her stuff when it comes to making healthy choices and approaching detoxing from a holistic standpoint. In this super-honest and raw episode, Nicole walks us through her tumultuous wellness journey, explaining how she found healing in food and shifted her mindset for good.
Saturday: Give yourself a lymphatic drainage massage
Lymphatic drainage massages, de-puffing tools, and ice rolling aren’t just all about making your face look super chiseled—they have real health benefits. Read this article to learn more about lymphatic drainage and reducing inflammation, and then treat yourself to a well-deserved lymphatic drainage massage.
Sunday: Make a list of three habits, routines, or mindsets that are not serving you
… And then, make a plan on how to detox them from your life or replace them with better habits, routines, or mindsets. Scrolling before bed? Worrying too much about what other people think of you? That’s so 2023. Take some time to sit down and journal about three habits, routines, or mindsets that you’re ready to leave behind.