Healthy Living

I Consulted an Online Spiritual Guide—Here’s What Happened


I believe in astrology extensively, I’m quick to try anything in the name of mental clarity (I used to take mindfulness and meditation classes, for example), and I’ve had my aura and energy read a few times (I’m told my aura is very bright, so that’s fun). All of this to say, I’m a pretty open-minded person. I believe in most things until I’m proven otherwise, and I often find solace in these seemingly impossible ideas. But I’ve always been skeptical of psychics and mediums. (You know, unless their name is Raven Baxter.) 

I like the idea of it, but I’ve never understood how it could possibly help someone to know what their passed loved ones are thinking or what their future holds. To me, that always sounded scary and discombobulating. I don’t need to know what’s going to happen to me in years, I’m just trying to get through tomorrow, please and thank you. But in the name of intrigue and trying to get rid of some of the mental clutter I’ve been experiencing this spring, I decided to give it a try. With a little help from, I gave a spirit guide reading a chance to find some positivity and focus during this deeply uncertain time in everyone’s lives. Consider it a mental spring cleaning. Here’s how it went. 

Bonus: try Keen and get 10 minutes of your first reading for just $1.99!


Calm GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY made it so easy to try without having to do tons of research. The website has hundreds of personal advisors from mediums, psychics, intuitives, and more. It’s almost like a ZocDoc for finding a spirit guide. All of the readers have personal information and their specialities listed, as well as reviews from people they’ve worked with in the past, meaning you can seek out the right person to work with you. They provide a whole host of options for readings, from phone calls, messages, e-mail, and more, depending on what you’re looking for. The readings are very similar to what you’d get if you went to see a psychic or a medium IRL—just from the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is make a free account, and then the rest is pretty easy. 



For my reading, I worked with Alison Shine. She’s an award-winning intuitive and medium (which I’ll explain more about later), and her reviews are impeccable. I was excited and interested to talk to her about my love life initially—if you’ve ever read a Beth Gillette Original™, you’ll know I haven’t had very good luck with dating in the past. I wanted to see what she had to say about past relationships, what I can do in the future, and you know, maybe see what my spirit guides had to say about any dating prospects in 2020. Well, then Coronavirus happened. Truly, the last thing on my mind is dating someone right now. So, I went in completely open-minded. I wanted to talk about whatever came up for her, so that’s how it went.

First, Alison explained the difference between an intuitive and a medium: an intuitive means she can sense, feel, and pick up information on a “soul-to-soul level,” whereas as a medium, she connects with “the other side,” meaning loved ones, my spirit guides, and more. She explained that she never knows what’s really going to come through, but it was good I came in with an open mind and not too much that I wanted to discuss specifically. 

And then the fun began.



I didn’t go into the reading expecting Alison to tell me the exact date and time of when I’d meet someone new or when I should make that big move or tell me details of the future; it was more about guidance and validation. It was similar to a really good therapy session. I felt understood, open, vulnerable, and positive once the reading was over. She explained things to me that I hadn’t thought about in that way or that had never really crossed my mind. Her advice was simple and straightforward, but also actionable and relatable. 

In the beginning of the session, I brought up my dad, which prompted her to talk about my grandpa who passed in 2018. She could tell I’m pretty close with my dad and was explaining that my dad and grandpa are really similar (true) and that they want me to be more open to surprises (a thing in my life, for sure). Then, she explained that my dad really wants me to know that I don’t need to be so stressed out over finances. This has been a big stressor for me—my dad is a machinist, so he isn’t able to work at home, so I’ve been worried he would get laid off and having a lot of anxiety toward how we would make it out of a financial hardship like that. I trusted her and took the advice to heart. A few hours later, my dad came home from work to tell us that his company is working on making parts for ventilators, deeming them an essential business and even hiring workers and offering overtime. It was like everything I was so worried about melted away, and if I hadn’t already trusted Alison’s guidance, I did just then. 

She also brought up close work relationships, explaining that one of my spirit guides is a close female friend I work with who she deemed as my “soul sister.” I immediately thought, “Oh, it’s Maddie! LOL!” as I’ve explained over and over again that my coworker and deskmate also happens to be my actual real-life BFF. She talked about balancing boundaries and checking in on her, and I took that to heart immediately. But at the end of the session, she said this connection might be a surprise to me and that it might not be someone I work directly with or that I know very well. This was so intriguing and was a reminder to keep my friendships close while also being open to new connections and relationships.



We also discussed relationships briefly. She said she could sense that I’m grappling with a past relationship that was a big part of my life and it’s been holding me back (oh so very true). She reminded me not to judge myself for thinking to the past, but to know that something new is coming my way. She couldn’t give me an exact timeline but said to be open and willing to meet someone who would “surprise” me. Will do, Alison

Her voice was also miraculously relaxing. I’m a huge fan of ASMR and am deeply relaxed by sounds and soft voices, and she did the trick. Being relaxed through the process made it a lot easier to listen and process everything she was saying. It also aided in making the session feel like a therapy appointment or a really good talk with a close friend. It was warm and inviting, which is something all of us can stand to feel, especially right now. Talking to her felt like a sigh of relief. Everything I’ve been worrying about in my head—finances, dating, career, my home, and family—finally felt like it had an answer, or at the very least, a little direction. It was like a mental decluttering session.

The world of psychics, mediums, and spirit guides is often misunderstood. People have misconceptions, preconceived notions, and stigmas attached to what it means to seek out the guidance of a spiritual teacher. However, my reading with Alison quickly made me forgo all those ideas I’d held for so long. My advice would be to go into a reading looking for positive affirmation and guidance, rather than knowing what’s going to happen to you in the future. Yes, Alison did tell me some things she sees happening for me in the future (a relationship is one of them, but also friendships, family, and more—her ability to tap into my spirit guides and know so much about me in mere minutes was fascinating), but she focused on validating and affirming that everything I’m doing right now is on the path of where I want to be eventually. 



One thing she said that stuck out to me was to stop worrying so much about the “what ifs” in my life and allow myself to be surprised. This is something I don’t think about often, but as soon as she said it, it resonated, and I felt an immense amount of reassurance.

I walked away from my reading feeling clear and focused on my relationships, career, and my family. It was a way to reignite my goals and know that everything I am feeling is valid. Talking to a spirit guide is everything you make of it—for me, it was about affirmation. Working with Alison (or any of the spiritual advisors on isn’t weird or any of those negative connotations you might think; it’s a normal and positive part of promoting your spiritual and mental well-being.

If you’re interested in doing your own mental spring cleaning, visit to get 10 minutes of your first reading for just $1.99!


This post was in partnership with Keen, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.