Food & Drink

Pan-Seared Salmon with Pesto ‘Spaghetti’


A trip to Target is always a good time in our book. It usually starts with picking up a few toiletries and then, if we’re being completely honest, suddenly we’re in the middle of the home decor aisle. A new mirror for the entryway? Yes, please! As the wandering continues, we find ourselves in the fresh food section and we think, perfect! Let’s check all the items off our grocery list, too; it’s all about efficient shopping.

On the menu? A simple pan-seared salmon with a healthy pesto squash ‘spaghetti’ that has quickly become one of our favorites at The Everygirl. Don’t be overwhelmed by how exotic preparing fish might be to you: this meal seems complicated but it’s just as delightful to make as it is to eat. And, not to mention, an economical option thanks to Target’s great selection of fresh and frozen fish and other protein options.

However, the salmon we picked up wasn’t the bright pink color we were accustomed to and left us wondering, have we been in the dark all along? A quick flip to the back of the packaging explained it: Target doesn’t offer artificially colored farmed salmon, only wild Alaskan salmon. Hence the all-natural color. We were delighted to learn that Target’s thoughtful salmon selection is a large part of their commitment to providing sustainable and traceable seafood. Rest assured, we were in the right place for good, quality nourishment!

Sustainable seafood is seafood from sources, whether fished or farmed, that maintains or increases future production without jeopardizing the structure or function of affected ecosystems. Traceable is defined as seafood that can be traced through the supply chain to its point of harvest or capture. Target is committed to making its entire seafood selection 100% sustainable and traceable by the end of 2015 through partnering with FishWise, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the recovery of ocean ecosystems. Healthy oceans are essential for a healthy planet, which makes this initiative extremely important. Overfishing is a concern in many fisheries around the world with negative impacts on habitats and causes water pollution. Target’s goal by the end of 2015 is to ensure their fresh and frozen seafood selection is 100% sustainable and traceable. Another reason to shop at Target? Yes! And now we can feel really good about it.

Pesto Spaghetti Squash

Ingredients (yields 2 large servings)
1 medium sized spaghetti squash
1/4 c. cherry or snacking tomatoes, cut in half
Pesto: 1 c. fresh basil, 1-2 tbsp. pine nuts, 1/3 c. freshly grated Parmesan cheese, 2-4 tbsp. olive oil

1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Cut the spaghetti squash in half and remove the seeds. Drizzle each side with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place the halves on a baking sheet and bake for 35 minutes or until fork tender. Let cool and then shred the squash with a fork.
3. While the squash is cooling, place the pesto ingredients except the olive oil into a food processor or blender. Gently pulse while drizzling in olive oil until you get a smooth texture. Season with salt and pepper.
4. Toss the squash, halved tomatoes, and pesto together in a large bowl.

Simple Pan-Seared Salmon

2 4oz. salmon fillets with skin
1-2 tbsp olive oil
salt & pepper
Equipment: A non-stick oven safe frying pan, at least 9 inches in diameter to fit both fillets

1. Place oven on broil.
2. Drizzle one tablespoon olive oil on both salmon fillets and season with salt and pepper.
3. Heat pan on medium high heat and drizzle with one tablespoon of olive oil. When oil starts to sizzle, place salmon skin side down and sear for 4-5 minutes until halfway cooked through. Do not flip!
4. Carefully place the pan under the broiler until salmon is cooked through, about 2-4 minutes.
5. To serve, place salmon skin side up on top of a serving of pesto spaghetti squash and enjoy!


To learn more about Target’s commitment to sustainability check out the video above and read more here. Please note, this post was created in partnership with and sponsored by Target but all opinions are our own.


This post is brought to you by Target. With helping hands, Target is committed to building healthy and sustainable communities.