Product Reviews

Can These Sakara Life Detox Drops Help My Skin?

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With constantly wearing a mask and living in a polar vortex-type climate, my skin hasn’t been very happy. It’s dry, flaky, and plagued by maskne. I’ve been in search of a product that would bring back the glowy skin that I assumed was only attainable from a bit of sun and a COVID-free lifestyle. Well, I was wrong. 

About a month ago, I discovered the Sakara Life Water Detox drops from a super-targeted Instagram ad. After a bit of research, I discovered that the drops are basically a highly-concentrated liquid form of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants like spinach. As far as research goes, studies have found that topical chlorophyll can decrease acne and help with wound healing, and liquid chlorophyll can act as a sort of digestible deodorant, reducing body odor like bad breath and sweat. However, most benefits the dark green, almost black concoction boasts—like flushing out toxins, promoting gut health, improving immunity, and making you glow from the inside out—need more scientific research to fully back them up.

Sakara Life
Detox Water Drops
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Similar to a probiotic supplement, this product promotes healthy bacteria to ensure regular digestion naturally. Ultimately, you are consuming some of the benefits of eating greens like spinach just by drinking water with a few drops of this liquid.

After reading about all of the benefits and tons of glowing reviews, I decided to give the product a try. Upon its arrival, I was pleasantly surprised to find you get two vials of the drops. I thought I was shelling out 40 bucks plus shipping and handling for just one tiny bottle, but luckily, it contains 4 fl. oz. worth of product total.



After examining the product and reading through the info cards included, I was nervous. While most of the reviews claimed no-taste, I had seen a few that said it was mineral-y tasting, whatever that means. So for my first test, I filled my tumbler with ice-cold Brita water, a single dropper of the grass-colored liquid, and the juice of a large lemon to mask the inevitably disgusting flavor I feared. Well, all I tasted was lemon. And on my next try, I was feeling a bit braver. So I did water, chlorophyll, no lemon. You’ll be happy to know there was absolutely no taste, just good old water. 

Now that we have the taste issue out of the way, it’s time to discuss the effects. I have gone through one bottle of these drops over the past month. On average, I use somewhere between one and five drops a day, honestly depending on how often I remember to add them to my water. I’m honestly surprised to say I saw several skin-related results from this product. First of all, I currently live in Chicago where the climate is less than ideal, and my skin takes the effects pretty hard. My face gets dry and cracky, and my hands often show signs of what I believe to be eczema. After a week of using these drops, I could almost feel my skin being hydrated from the inside out. My makeup applied so much smoother without any flaking, and the patches on the back of my hands were clearing up. I will say this product promotes me to drink much more water, probably double what I was consuming before. Every time I take a sip, I’m thinking, “Oh, this is good for me,” so I’m sure the extra H20 has been helping as well!

I also noticed fewer breakouts. I’ve been dealing with my new enemy, maskne, but when drinking my grass water, I began to see fewer whiteheads popping up. And I will say, when I didn’t drink the detox water for about a week, I saw my skin flare up again. Safe to say, I am a believer. 



I’d also like to point out the most unexpected outcome I’ve had from this product and perhaps my favorite. This is the hangover cure to beat all hangovers—seriously! I must preface this by saying I am a 22-year-old woman who likes to go to bed by 10 p.m., so my lifestyle doesn’t warrant excessive drinking. I enjoy a cocktail or two on weekends and Zoom happy hours. But thanks to the pandemic, my tolerance has been hit harder than I would have expected. 

One night (pre-detox drops), I had a mere two glasses of red wine and woke up with a fuzzy hangover headache… not ideal. A few weeks later, I indulged in two margaritas. Before I got into bed, I forced myself to chug a large glass of water and doctored it up with three whole squeezes of the chlorophyll drops. I woke up refreshed, sans headache, and my skin looked so supple! Since this product is meant to flush out toxins, its use as a hangover remedy checks out. 

Overall, these green drops definitely changed my skin for the better. Whether because they forced me to drink more water, I had a bit of added hydration, or they were flushing out bodily toxins, my skin looked fresher, more supple, and maskne free. And I can’t help but recommend this as a must-have after consuming alcohol. Thank me later! 

Sakara Life
Detox Water Drops
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