Healthy Living

Our Wellness Editor’s Reset Checklist That Will Make You Feel Amazing By End of Week

written by JOSIE SANTI
reset checklist"
reset checklist
Graphics by: Caitlin Schneider
Graphics by: Caitlin Schneider

When it comes to wellness, the word “reset” may feel reminiscent of days of yore, when health was synonymous with weight loss, juice cleanses were as popular as Juicy Couture, and the wellness industry was built around making women feel insecure in their bodies. But sometimes we really do just need a reset—not a cleanse, or a diet, or an overnight supplement/plan/program that promises to make all our problems go away, but a reset—a chance to refocus on ourselves and prioritize the way we feel in our bodies, especially if we’ve gone through a phase where our bodies have been our last priority.

Even as a wellness editor and health coach, I go through these phases too. I go through the same motivation slumps throughout the year, have a difficult time getting back into routines after a vacation, and can feel sluggish, lethargic, or sick after an especially fun weekend. But I’ve gotten pretty good at listening when my body’s trying to communicate with me, and I look to a reset to connect back with my body when I’ve accidentally been ignoring it. To me, a reset is a love letter to my body—an intention to provide optimal nourishment when I need it most and reconnect to why taking care of my body when I’m feeling less than motivated. If you need a reset, too, I’m sharing my reset checklist. You can add these to your daily routine to feel amazing by the end of the week, but true wellness is a lifelong journey—not a quick fix—so you can also keep up these habits well beyond the “reset” is over. Your body will thank you later.

“To me, a reset is a love letter to my body—an intention to provide optimal nourishment when I need it most…”

Get strategic about food intake before noon

If you feel in need of a reset, it’s probably because you are too busy or not feeling motivated to be optimally healthy RN (and that’s OK, BTW). It’s easy to feel out of control with nutrition when we have a packed schedule, haven’t had time to meal prep, or crave ice cream every night after dinner. But when we want to prioritize our health, we often think it’s all or nothing: either we have to be absolutely “perfect” or we ditch any semblance of nutrition. To avoid getting into the “all or nothing” mindset that makes healthy habits unsustainable or stressful while also fitting in nutrients even if I’m busy, traveling, or out of my routine, I focus my energy on my food intake from when I wake up until noon.

Of course, I typically pack in nutrients throughout the entire day (more on that below), but my main focus when I really need to prioritize my health is to get strategic about what I’m eating in the morning. I pack in as many nutrients as possible (typically with a green juice, cacao latte, supplements, and a superfood-rich breakfast high in protein), so that even if I get too busy and opt for takeout, have plans with friends come up, or indulge in wine and pasta on vacation, I know I set up my blood sugar, digestion, hormones, and overall wellbeing for success—without being restrictive.

Drink a green juice or smoothie every day

I very much believe in food as medicine. Nutrition is not just about avoiding foods that negatively impact blood sugar, hormones, digestion, or inflammation; it’s also (and I believe primarily) about eating foods that improve energy, support hormonal health or digestion, and give us the vivaciousness, energy, and well-being to live the lives we want. So one easy way I fit in daily “medicine” is a green juice or smoothie, so I can blend in a bunch of superfoods and get lots of nutrients in a convenient (and delicious) drink.

The go-to green juice I make most mornings contains spinach, cilantro, mint, lemon, pineapple, ginger, and coconut water, which I find has an immediate effect on energy and digestion. Since a juice is not a meal (talking to you, juice cleanses of 2015), I have this juice in addition to a big breakfast. I like it first thing in the morning to kickstart my digestion, but you get all the nutrients in no matter when you drink it, so you can also make it as an afternoon snack or before bed during your reset. If I am extra short on time, not in the mood to spend too much time in the kitchen, or need to take breakfast on the go, I make a smoothie with the same concept to fit in a ton of phytonutrients but add a protein powder and fat (like avocado, almond butter, or flaxseed) to make it a meal.

Manifestation-journal for 10 minutes every morning

Morning journaling has never been something I can stick to long-term (I’ve tried every hack, but mornings will always feel semi-hectic to me). However, when I’m in desperate need of a reset, I make sure to wake up 10 minutes early to manifestation-journal. Nothing motivates me or improves my energy more than reminding myself what I want out of life. It’s an important reminder of why the daily effort, habits, and rituals really matter. Listen here to learn more about my specific manifestation journaling routine, but you can tailor the 10 minutes to whatever works for you. Try one of these manifestation prompts or simply make a bullet-point list of all of your goals to keep them at the forefront of your mind. I have also been obsessed with this ChatGPT manifestation hack lately.

“Nutrition is about eating foods that give us the vivaciousness, energy, and wellbeing to live the lives we want.”

Increase protein and produce

IMO, the wellness industry makes nutrition way more complicated than it needs to be. When I need to boost my health or refocus on my well-being, I go back to the basics and eat more fiber and protein. Protein is necessary for functions such as metabolic support, hormonal health, energy, and building and sustaining muscle, so you can feel the immediate effects of eating more protein (click here for sneaky protein hacks, and click here for protein-rich snacks). Fiber (which you’ll find in many fruits and veggies) is critical for gut health and to support detoxification. Plus, fruits and veggies have a ton of phytonutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins that make you feel amazing. Trust me: simplify your life. Eat more produce and clean, whole sources of protein, and you’ll feel drastically better by the end of the week.

Walk 10,000 steps a day and stretch

You might be used to “resets” or health programs that include intense HIIT workouts, high-intensity training, or long jogs. This is not one of those types of resets. Strength training and cardiovascular exercise are crucial for long-term health, and I absolutely encourage you to stick with your individual fitness goals. But there’s no such thing as overnight results (as much as toxic weight loss marketing campaigns with “before” and “after” pictures may have you believe), and burning yourself out with intense exercise for one week isn’t actually helpful and can even cause injury. When I really want to feel my best as soon as possible, I walk more often and stretch daily.

Yes, getting your 10,000 steps is worth the hype (but FYI, I don’t get too caught up in the number—you might need more or less to feel your best!). You’ll support long-term fitness goals while also improving mood, energy, sleep quality, and digestion. Go on one extra walk today and just see how good it makes you feel. And stretching is highly underrated. We know it’s important, but it can make a major difference in a week—or even a day—in how you feel in your body. Hot tip: Do poses like Cat Cow to stretch out your back or Pigeon Pose to stretch your hips, where I’ve found we hold a lot of tension as women.

Sweat daily

The word “reset” is synonymous with the word “detox” in popular wellness culture, which has often been used as toxic marketing to monger fear more than offer helpful advice (no, your body does not need a supplement or to go on a restrictive diet for three days to detox). Your body has a complex detoxification system that can rid the body of excess hormones, toxins, and bacteria on its own. One of the many ways the body detoxifies is through sweat (one 2012 study found that sweating plays an important role in expelling heavy metals from the body because they dissolve readily in water). So, if you’re feeling the need to give your detoxification system a little extra love, sweating is a (free) ritual with major benefits. Try a sweaty workout like hot yoga, turn your shower on hot and DIY a steam room in your bathroom, or invest in a sauna blanket.

“Nothing motivates me more than reminding myself what I want out of life. It’s the important reminder of why the daily effort, habits, and rituals really matter.”

Do legs-up-the-wall and read 10+ pages at night

You know how they say your mornings dictate your days? I believe your evenings dictate your mornings; if you want to have a productive, healthy day, start the night before. Having optimal sleep is crucial for energy and clarity for the next day, and how you spend your evenings sets the tone for how motivated you feel the next morning. I’ve found that turning off the TV or getting home from plans with friends a little earlier to read at least 10 pages while putting my legs up against the wall is the ideal ritual for a habit-stack that helps me sleep and sets up my mind and body for success the next day. Legs-Up-the-Wall pose promotes lymphatic drainage (another important detoxification system of the body), reduces inflammation or swelling, and can help calm the nervous system to promote relaxation for better sleep.

If you’re feeling in need of a reset, it’s just as (if not more) important to reset the mind as well as the body. One way I love to nourish my mind is through reading (nutrition is not just about how we feed the body, but how we feed the mind). My goal is to read at least 10 pages every night before bed. I love an inspiring self-help book (some favorites here and here) that makes me feel like my best self while giving me the tools to actually tap into her. But your form of mental nourishment might look more like imagination, creativity, or escapism with a favorite fiction book. Choose whatever reading calls to you; the important part is taking the time to nourish your mind before bed.

Prioritize sleep above everything else

I know, I know: You’ve heard the advice to get seven to nine hours of sleep approximately one million times. Getting quality sleep is the adult equivalent of “eat your broccoli”: We know we’re supposed to, but we don’t really care enough to actually do it. In years past, when I would get back from vacation, have a busy week, or feel bad in my body, the first thing I would sacrifice was sleep—and it was in the name of health. Working out was my main priority, even if that meant waking up early and sleeping less. But now I know better, and I want you to know better, too.

Sleep offers the biggest bang for your buck. When you sleep, the body works to repair itself: the brain removes toxic metabolites, the immune system fights inflammation and bacteria, and the growth hormone is released to stimulate muscle growth, skin cell rejuvenation, and more. So especially when I need a “reset,” I prioritize sleep first and foremost—even if that means skipping a workout. I don’t just aim for a solid night of seven to nine hours when I need a reset; I try to get more like nine to 10 (women need more sleep, FYI). That means I put in the work and preparation to achieve that sleep: I go to bed early, turn off bright lights after sunset to avoid melatonin disruption, have a wind-down routine to prepare my body (see above), and take a supplement to help me fall and stay asleep. Permission to crawl into bed early tonight? The best reset ever.

reset checklist

Josie Santi, Senior Wellness Editor & Podcast Host

Josie has been an editor and writer for The Everygirl since 2017 and became a certified Holistic Health Coach in 2020. As the Senior Wellness Editor, she oversees, writes, and edits wellness content, as well as reports on wellness trends, serves as a guinea pig for every new supplement and hack, and interviews the industry’s leading experts. Listen to Josie on The Everygirl Podcast.