
These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Be Most Affected By This Week’s Full Moon

written by EMMA GINSBERG
full moon in aries"
full moon in aries
Graphics by: Caitlin Schneider
Graphics by: Caitlin Schneider

Right when we thought we were safe from major astrological changes after this fall’s eclipse season, along comes another full moon. In astrology, full moons spell change, and the October 2024 full moon in Aries is no different. In fact, it’s even stronger because this month we’re dealing with a supermoon. When a full moon is a supermoon, the astrological energy is even stronger, making all of the zodiac signs feel the power of the event to a heightened degree. Also known as the Hunter’s Moon, this Aries full moon is all about making big changes and taking action—so expect to ride out some big shifts in your relationships, sense of self, and career. Are you worried about how the full moon will affect you? Here’s what you need to know:


Silvy Linings, Professional Astrologer

Silvy Linings is a seasoned astrologer with over a decade of experience of honing her craft through classes and one-on-one consultations. Specializing in natal chart readings and transit analysis, she empowers her clients to view the planets as allies in their journey toward self-discovery. Recently, Silvy’s love for astrology has found a new dimension through her love of books, launching a collaborative project (@silvylinings) that pairs book recommendations with astrology, helping readers discover their next favorite reads based on the current transits.

When is the October 2024 full moon?

The October 2024 Aries full moon will reach its peak on October 17th around 7:25 a.m. ET. You can count on seeing a supermoon if the moon is visible in your area at that time. “This is a potent full moon, gifting us drive, courage, and passion to serve as fuel on the pyre of our past selves,” said Silvy. In other words, full moon, new you!

Which zodiac signs will be most affected by the full moon?

According to expert astrologer Silvy Linings, the four signs that will be most affected by this full moon are the Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. The term “Cardinal signs” refers to the signs at the beginning of each season in the zodiac—the ones that embody their element in its purest form. “The full moon will activate what’s known as a ‘grand cross’ across all four signs,” Silvy said. “This tense alignment stirs up long-standing stagnation, urging us to finally acknowledge and overcome the roadblocks and obstacles holding us back from pursuing the things we want.”



At the risk of stating the obvious, Aries signs will really feel the supermoon on October 17. If you’re an Aries sign, you’ll feel your sense of self and identity impacted by this full moon because the full moon will be in your first house. You might experience the urge to shift career paths, explore your sexual identity or how you relate to others, or simply want to alter your style.

If the prospect of having a mini identity crisis freaks you out, fear not. “For Aries, this full moon offers a surge of raw, unadulterated courage,” said Silvy. “Lean into it and let it strip away any insecurities and lingering self-doubt.” Embrace your newfound confidence and be prepared to bring your new identity into the light.



As a Cardinal water sign, Cancers are natural-born yet still emotionally attentive leaders. During this full moon, you’ll step into that role more than ever before as you take the next step in your career. You might be getting a promotion, taking on more meaningful work, or even just getting a raise—regardless, this full moon is giving you a boost in your professional life. If you have not yet taken on the “boss” persona, you might see yourself with that title soon.

To align with what you really want out of your life, jot down some reflections in your journal or talk through your professional thoughts with a mentor or coworker. “For Cancer, this moon encourages you to venture beyond your comfort zone, inviting you to boldly tread where you’ve perhaps been too complacent to go before,” advised Silvy. Time to take the leap!



If you’re a Libra, you’re going to be feeling the love during this full moon in Aries. Have you been feeling like you need to set a boundary with an overbearing coworker? Think you need to take the next step with that person you’ve been seeing? Now is the time to make those big changes in your relationships because this Aries full moon is all about your connections to others.

“For Libra, this moon offers the opportunity to cultivate some self-assurance, empowering you to step forward and confidently claim what is rightfully yours,” said Silvy. If a friend, coworker, or significant other is treating you poorly, don’t over-reason with yourself as you decide how to deal with the relationship. Remember that sometimes the most important thing is how you feel.



Capricorns are notoriously determined and steadfast, which is why this Aries full moon is going to bring about such big changes for this Earth sign. During this time, Capricorns will need to lean into flexibility as the full moon impacts their location, home, and living situations. This could be as small as shifting around the furniture in your house or as big as moving across the country.

As you ride out this time of change during the Aries full moon, take note of changes in your sense of self. “For Capricorn, this marks a pivotal moment of transformation—it’s going to be a wrecking ball of clarity,” said Silvy. If you feel like you’re on the verge of becoming a new version of yourself this full moon, know you’re right on track.

Emma ginsberg

Emma Ginsberg, Associate Editor

Emma is a writer, editor, and podcast producer who has been creating at The Everygirl since 2021. She writes for all sections on the site, edits the Entertainment and Community sections, and helps produce The Everygirl Podcast. She became a seasoned astrology writer when she taught herself to read birth charts in spring 2024.