
Bobbi Brown Answers Readers’ Top 10 Skincare Questions


It’s hard not to look good when you take beauty advice from makeup mogul Bobbi Brown and her sister, nutritionist Linda Arrandt. So when we sat down with the two, we were delighted to ask questions submitted by you, our readers. Real advice from arguably the biggest name in makeup, Bobbi Brown is our kind of Everygirl. How do we know? Because we learned that even Bobbi struggles with removing her makeup at night (much like us). Got to love an entrepreneur who believes that “beauty isn’t about looking perfect. It’s about celebrating your individuality.” We most certainly agree! 

First up, Bobbi answers your most pressing beauty and skincare conundrums. Then, stay tuned (next week!) for our ultra-informative chat with her sister Linda and her no-nonsense approach to a healthy lifestyle. 

1. What is the best nighttime skin care routine? Or just tell us about yours!
Wash your face and what I like to do (because I’m always really tired by the time I get ready for bed) is use an oil that washes off with water. Our cleansing oil takes everything off so it’s a one thing, quick cure. But, that’s the Bobbi answer — the real answer is you’re supposed to take your eye makeup off first and then take off everything else. I just use the oil, so when I’m even really tired I don’t have to put moisturizer on afterwards; it’s just one thing. It washes everything off in combination with water so I don’t use a washcloth but just splash it off. If there’s anything left over in the morning, I just clean it off and it usually looks okay. 

2. How often should makeup brushes be washed, and how often should they be replaced?
Everyone uses makeup differently; some people wash them after a week, other women, three months. Other women never wash them, so I would say 3-6 months for most women, unless you’re someone that is really hard on makeup. In between, when you use your brush, don’t just leave it in the drawer, get the excess off before you put it away. Replace them when they fall apart, know that they’re good until then. Everything depends how you take care of it.

3. What is the best way to minimize acne scarring?
If you have acne, you should see a dermatologist and you shouldn’t be afraid of moisturizer. If you have super oily skin make sure you use an oil-free moisturizer. So much of what’s on your skin is dependent on what you put in your body, so if you change your diet your skin will improve. 

4. What are the best preventative measures for aging skin?
Don’t smoke, wear sunscreen and moisturizer, hydrate, and really pay attention to what you eat. Those are really the secrets, and pay attention to your skin. It’s okay to develop lines in your face, it’s very natural. 

5. How often should we exfoliate our skin? What is the best way to do it?
I like to exfoliate my skin a couple times a week. And I use buffing grains, my product, which you can put right in your cleanser. Or you can even use a wash cloth just to rub the dead cells off.

6. What is the best method for maintaining balanced skin?
You have to have two different regiments. On the dryer days, use the one for dry skin and on the oilier days use the other one. Only put moisturizer on the dry parts and skip the oily parts. And the same thing with foundation — use an oil-free foundation but then put moisturizer on your dry areas. 

7. What oils do you recommend for healthy skin? Why?
I recommend my face oil — it has patchouli and neroli. I love the smell of it; it’s almost like a fragrance. 

8. What tips do you have for women dealing with adult eczema and acne?
Go to the dermatologist, and change your diet. 

9. What is the best way to eliminate under eye darkness?
Corrector — it corrects the blue, purple, and deep parts on your face. Corrector will correct those tones and brighten under the eyes, whereas concealer only lightens so it becomes the same color as your face. So you should use both, and layer.

10. What is the best way to minimize pores?
Pore minimizers, that’s basically it. There’s no way to minimize the pores permanently, it’s part of the skin. But there is a way to make it appear less pore-like — pore minimizers are a silicone product that you put on and then layer foundation on top.