Healthy Living
Sponsor Post

This post is sponsored by Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.

The Busy-Day Hacks Our Editor Leans on When Everything Is on Fire

Source: @lifew.erin
Source: @lifew.erin

Let me set the scene: It’s a Sunday morning. Your mouth is drier than the Sahara desert, your head hurts from a Saturday of dancing and sipping on margs, and you’re desperately trying to forget the horror that was you, singing a cringeworthy rendition of Celine Dion to a bunch of strangers during last night’s karaoke sesh. The only thing that will spare you from extinction? An ice-cold, blue Gatorade. You beeline through the CVS aisles, secure the bag, and head to self-checkout. The kiosk reminds you to “grab your receipt” and you find yourself baffled at the concept of how one singular item can yield 6 whole feet of paper. But then you remember—you’re too hungover to care.

I’ve been using “CVS receipt” as a unit of measurement for as long as I can remember, and while it’s not a standardized length, it’s synonymous for “ungodly long.” There’s no better way to describe a to-do list that contains a massive number of action items including, but not limited to, responding to emails, prepping for meetings, getting a few steps in, and following up on project after project. And on days where my to-do list is CVS-receipt long, I tend to lean on my holy grail CBD products from Equilibria.

I used to be a person who was up for the challenge of an impending deadline, straddling multiple tasks at once, and being a “yes” girl to any last-minute task that came my way. Now? A bursting-at-the-seams, busy day is enough to send me into a spiral, which can negatively impact my mood, my ability to focus, and the wind-down when it comes time for sleep. To make sure my mind and body are right on my busiest days, these are the three CBD products I lean on.


1. To calm my nerves as anxiety creeps in:

I have a love-hate relationship with to-do lists. They’re the only way that I can keep my life together, but, also, when it starts to get long, my anxiety tends to creep in and get to a point where it cripples me from even tackling tasks, which—you guessed it—leads to even more anxiety. Enter my Equilibria Rapid Calming Melts, which I reach for when I feel my flight-or-flight response kicking into a self-sabotaging overdrive. I love these because they have a rapid onset and help bring some zen to my inner chaos without making me sleepy.

Rapid Calming Melts

When you need fast support from your CBD, these mint-flavored, Rapid Calming Melts have your back. With innovative technology focused on maximizing absorption, these help provide you with greater calm in little to no time at all.

Use code theeverygirl for 20% off your first order at Equilibria!

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2. To get in a flow state that yields results:

One of the biggest selling points that enticed me to start taking CBD in the first place was learning that it can help improve focus. And once I realized there would be a possibility that my brain wouldn’t jump from singing the Empire Carpet theme song to re-experiencing the embarrassment of the most recent time I said “you too” when the waiter told me to “enjoy my food” in a matter of 0.02 seconds, I said, say no more. I especially feel like my attention span is poor when I’m stressed (see above: anxiety) and when I have caffeine on board, which, let’s be honest, I almost always do.

I love using the Daily Drops from Equilibria in my coffee or matcha latte in the morning to help me zone back in and get things done. My caffeine helps me perk up a bit while the CBD helps me block out the noise and focus, which has proven to be such a great solution when it comes to achieving a flow state that helps me produce results.

Daily Drops

These editor-favorite Daily Drops are perfect for targeted, fast-acting results. Looking to regulate your mood and stress levels, manage discomfort, and increase focus? Look no further. These CBD drops have you covered.

Use code theeverygirl for 20% off your first order at Equilibria!

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3. To wind down after working in overdrive all day long:

By this point, it’s no secret: I’m a bit of a head case. On busy days when I’m jumping from task to task and grinding it out, it can be really hard for me to turn my brain off and carve out time for relaxation and rest. And if there’s one thing I learned over the past few years of burning myself out with work and life, it’s that finding time amongst a busy day to do things I love, recharge, and truly rest is absolutely crucial for my ability to bounce back the next day. When it comes time for bed, I love taking the Equilibria Sleep Gummies and lulling myself to sleep with a light, low-stakes read. 

I’ve used a lot of sleep aids to help me wind down in the past, but truly, nothing works as well as Equilibria’s formula. These gummies contain 25 mg of CBD and 5 mg of cannabinol, which helps to synergistically enhance the CBD’s effectiveness. I take them one hour before bed and have such an easier time calming down, falling asleep, and staying asleep. It has been such a game-changer for me to wake up feeling rested, better able to manage my anxiety, and ready to take on whatever the day (and the CVS-receipt-esque to-do list) has in store.

Sleep Gummies

Sleep Gummies are formulated with powerful, premium, high-quality CBD along with CBN and a botanical blend of Chamomile and L-theanine. Boasting rich notes of Bordeaux Cherry, these gummies are a delicious way to maximize calm and lull you to sleep.

Use code theeverygirl for 20% off your first order at Equilibria!

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This post is sponsored by Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.