Mama, a Mercury retrograde behind you. I hate to tell you that your November (which has notably already included both an election and a supermoon) is about to get even crazier, but… Mercury retrograde is back. If it seems like Mercury was just in retrograde, that’s because it totally was! Our last Mercury retrograde ended in late August, and now we get to experience the astrological event one last time before the new year. Lucky us!
In all seriousness, Mercury retrograde is never as serious as the internet makes it out to be. After all, it happens three to four times a year, and we get through it every single time. Sure, our technology might go awry and our communication might be a little off, but if we’re willing to slow down and be extra mindful, Mercury retrograde can be a breeze. However, each retrograde will impact a few signs more than others. Here are the ones that will be most impacted this time around:
When is Mercury in retrograde?
First, in case you weren’t already aware, Mercury goes into retrograde on November 26, 2024, and goes direct (AKA… not retrograde) on December 15, 2024. However, as with any retrograde period, there are “shadow” periods that exist before and after the official retrograde where things might still go astrologically awry. The full shadow period of Mercury’s retrograde started on November 7 and lasts until December 3. So, perhaps a better question is: When isn’t Mercury in retrograde?
What signs will be most impacted by Mercury retrograde?

And suddenly, your unfair reputation for being two-sided becomes clear: As it turns out, Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, which means that you feel Mercury’s retrograde more intensely than other signs. When Mercury goes retrograde, it taps into your negative traits, particularly your tendency towards indecision. This specific Mercury retrograde will put a spotlight on your close personal relationships, whether that’s with a romantic partner, business partner, family member, or friend. Try not to make any rash decisions when it comes to your relationship because you may end up regretting them once Mercury goes direct again. Use this period of clarity as an opportunity to take stock of how you feel in your relationships—but don’t take action.

Like Gemini, Virgo is also ruled by Mercury, so they tend to feel that planet’s retrograde more strongly than other signs. This year—and I do hate to tell you this—Mercury will be messing with your home. Since Mercury retrograde tends to impact streamlined processes and technology, it’s possible that something will go awry with your appliances or home routine. If you’re planning to host people during Mercury retrograde, be prepared to deal with potential delays or double bookings. You can avoid wanting to pull your hair out during this time by being proactive about doing things you’ve been avoiding in your home. It may also benefit you to focus on quality over quantity as you invite guests over for the holidays—the Friendsgiving guest list can shrink a little this year.

Since Mercury is going retrograde in your sign, you will feel this astrological event more strongly than any other sign. Though the retrograde may impact any area in your life, you most likely need to pay extra attention to your communication during this time. This includes both virtual and in-person communications—you’ll want to double-check all of your emails before you send them. To combat any cringe you might feel during Mercury in retrograde (it’s OK, it happens to all of us), focus on things you can do to feel more confident in your appearance or self-presentation. That might mean switching up your wardrobe, getting a haircut, or simply getting on your affirmation grind.

Pisces, it’s time to brace for a shakeup in your career. This Mercury retrograde hits your career house hard this time around, which means you’re going to question whether you’re in the right role, if you’re at the right company, or if you need to consider brushing up on a few work skills. The good news is that if you come out of this retrograde on the right side, you might end up with a pay raise or promotion. Take things step-by-step as you consider whether or not you want to stick with your current career path—talk to mentors, network, and do some internal reflection, too. Chances are, if you can approach your work crises calmly throughout the retrograde, you’ll make it out unscathed.

Emma Ginsberg, Associate Editor
Emma is a writer, editor, and podcast producer who has been creating at The Everygirl since 2021. She writes for all sections on the site, edits the Entertainment and Community sections, and helps produce The Everygirl Podcast. She became a seasoned astrology writer when she taught herself to read birth charts in spring 2024.