A few years ago, I was feeling completely out of control. I was stressed out and felt drained all the time, constantly in a state of languish, and worried about failing in everything from my career to my friendships. But with perfectly aligned timing, the concept of a life edit found its way into my life, thanks to the Almost 30 Podcast. In Ep. 296, co-host Krista Williams shares how unpacking the details of her life—from her apartment and online presence to her finances and mental health process—gave her more clarity to allow for an expansive future and helped her reach her goals. Long story short: Trying a life edit myself encouraged self-reflection and carved out space to attract what I really want, so much so that it transformed my life and I turned it into a yearly tradition. Read on to try it for yourself–the results are well worth it.
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What Is a Life Edit?
As a key step in manifesting your dream life, a thorough life edit is intended to help you see every part of your life in its current state. It’s taking a deep dive into all facets of your life: digital, home, finance, wellness, mental health, and social. By doing this, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to spend significant time sifting through the “clutter,” determining what’s working and what isn’t, clearing space for what you want to manifest, and upgrading to your highest self.
For me, a life edit was the missing piece that helped me lean into manifestation. While manifesting is about turning your thoughts into reality, the reality you want doesn’t come about by simply wishing or asking for it. Instead, manifestation is a matter of intentional alignment by taking action. Essentially, you’re learning to shift your actions, beliefs, and habits to support the life you want for yourself. But of course, you can’t change what you’re not yet aware of. And that is where a life edit comes in.
Consider a life edit a re-evaluation. It’s an opportunity to take stock and get a pulse on where your life is right now. The best way to clean your space—whether physical, mental, digital, or in the form of habits or relationships—is to (painstakingly) take everything out and only put back what you really want and is serving you. By slowing down and observing every aspect of your life, you can more definitively realize what to let go of (AKA what’s not serving you) and what you ultimately want to welcome in. The space between your dreams and reality becomes so much closer. Let’s go through the six areas you’ll focus on, plus tips and tricks to ensure you get the most out of your life edit.
How to Do a Life Edit
Step 1: Reflect
While I’m one to jump into things before I know how to succeed at them, I’m trying to break that habit by taking intentional pauses. So, while a life edit sounds exciting (spoiler: it is), the best way to get what you need out of it is to get quiet and spend some QT with your journal. Not a fan of journaling? Think of it this way: Putting your thoughts into words actualizes them and gives them permanency. It’s like creating a roadmap for yourself, and people who swear by their morning pages can attest that the practice is a surefire method to finding much-needed clarity.
In your journal, designate six different sections for the areas of your life you can reflect on: digital, home, financial, wellness, mental health, and social life. From there, respond to the following questions:
- What do I want more of in this area of my life?
- What feels overwhelming?
- Do I feel any blocks keeping me from achieving my goals?
- What do I want to introduce more of?
- What can I release?
- How would it look to feel a greater sense of peace?
Step 2: Accept that it will be a challenging process
Before diving in, I want you to know that this step of your life edit can take a while. There’s no set timeline, but do not rush the process. Be patient and give yourself grace. We often don’t give ourselves enough space or credit for how challenging it can be to let go of objects or say goodbye to relationships that we’ve outgrown. And coming face-to-face with the reality of your financial position can be a hard pill to swallow.
Initially, these truths kept me from acting on what I’d written in my journal. I wanted to start saving more money, but seeing my spending habits in front of me brought on a whole bout of shame. And while I no longer wanted to feel obligated to pour effort into a futile relationship, my fear of conflict kept me from standing up for myself. But the harsh truth? The most effective course of action is to move forward. It will be difficult and uncomfortable, but nothing is more challenging than staying stuck.
Step 3: Take action
Once you’ve spent enough time reflecting and journaling, identify the area of your life you want to focus on first. (Pro tip: Start with what you feel will be the easiest and build momentum from there.) With your journal responses as a guide, take the time to sift and sort through everything that relates to this part of your life. Maybe you’re tackling your digital life first. Delete old texts and unused or time-sucking apps, re-evaluate contacts, and declutter your desktop. Then, clear your inbox by unsubscribing from emails that cause you stress or no longer apply to your life. Do you want to spend less time on social media? Do you need to unfollow a few accounts that leave you feeling drained? Consider the steps that will help you reach your goals.
Personally, I had the most fun Marie Kondo-ing my apartment. It gave me the opportunity to separate my things into keep, donate, and trash piles. (The closet purge was the most satisfying part.) But remember: No life edit looks the same. It will be a deeply personal and emotional process that may cause you stress in certain areas, whereas in others, you may feel completely calm. One thing that’s consistent across all life edits? You’ll feel more aligned and confident about where you’re giving your focus, attention, and energy as you step into this next season of life.
I Finished. Now What?
While I like to do a life edit on a yearly basis, there’s no reason you shouldn’t do one as often as you’re compelled to. Noticing when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck is part of the process, and leaning into a life edit will bring you greater clarity and direction. However, it’s important to remember that it’s an ongoing journey. The ever-elusive concept of balance isn’t something we’re meant to achieve and maintain at all times. We meet new people, embrace new goals, and welcome new objects into our lives every day. By viewing a life edit as a perennial practice, you can trust you have what you need to create the life that you want.

Isabelle Eyman
Isabelle Eyman is a Chicago-based writer and editor. She is currently the Managing Editor at Camille Styles, sharing inspiration and uncovering the beauty all around us through food, design, and wellness editorial.