Manifestation is a buzzword you hear everywhere right now. Whether it’s journaling, vision boards, or meditation, there are so many things that go into manifesting a life you want, but the most important aspect is a healthy mindset. Our mindset can drastically affect the way we view the world and ourselves. If we are spending our days in an unhealthy and negative mindset, we can’t manifest that dream job or a happy relationship. Taking the time to focus on ourselves and working to create a positive and healthy mindset only lead us down the path of manifesting even greater things into our lives.
chronic fatigue, you better count your days
Manifesting a healthy mindset may seem daunting, but there are small steps you can take to start looking at things in a more positive light. Just by taking the time to read this article, you have already taken one more step forward. So if you are ready to manifest a healthy mindset, here are some ways you can get started.
1. Set boundaries
You know that person who drains your energy every time you’re with them, but you continue saying yes to plans with them? Maybe you feel bad letting them down or don’t know how to say no. Or maybe this person is your boss or a family member, and you feel like you have to be around them. No matter who this person is, it’s time to set some boundaries. The longest relationship you will have in this life is the one you have with yourself—you owe it to yourself to understand when someone is not making you feel good and then do something about it.
Boundaries can look like saying no to plans (even just saying “I’m super busy right now and need some down time—thanks for understanding!”). But if it’s your boss, this may be more difficult, and boundaries might look like having a conversation with them about your availability (for example, “I am happy to answer your calls during work hours, but after, it will have to wait until the next workday”). Boundaries are different for every situation, but the first step is realizing which relationships need them and then creating a plan to set them.
2. Practice affirmations
I love an affirmation. I love reading affirmations in books, finding them when scrolling through TikTok, and writing down the ones I resonate with (something I also highly suggest doing). Affirmations can be used while meditating, but they can also be said aloud to yourself every day. Having an affirmation to help you put into clear and concise words what you want to manifest is a great way to tell the universe (and yourself) your intentions. As you repeat the affirmation over and over, you are signaling to the brain to believe it (bonus points if you say it to yourself in front of a mirror). Some easy ones are the “I Am” affirmations, like “I am enough,” “I am capable,” “I am strong,” and “I am loved.” You can also practice more detailed affirmations. My favorites are “Healing doesn’t happen in a straight line” and “I surrender to the flow.”
3. Reframe the narrative
How often have we all found ourselves in a negative thought spiral? It could be something as simple as forgetting to go grocery shopping on Sunday—now you have nothing to eat for lunch tomorrow, and you’ll have to buy take-out, which isn’t as healthy, and spend money when you are trying to save. When any situation arises that isn’t what we desired, we have two options. One is to go down the anxiety-provoking thought spiral and the other is to choose to reframe the narrative. The narrative above is telling us we are unhealthy, lacking in money, and unproductive, AKA not a very healthy mindset.
To reframe that narrative, you can instead tell yourself that you forgot to go to the grocery store, but you can go tomorrow after work, and you will get take-out from that new healthy place and treat yourself before you save for the rest of the week. This narrative is saying that you value yourself enough to treat your body because you deserve it, and there is a solution to forgetting groceries. Reframing the narrative is a difficult practice, but the more you do it, the more it becomes part of your healthy mindset.
4. Spend time alone
Manifestation is the act of using thoughts or emotions to create a certain reality for yourself. But to know what you want to manifest, you have to spend time with yourself. Spending time alone can include something as simple as going for a walk without any distractions, meditating, journaling, taking yourself out on a date, etc. These practices allow you to feel comfortable spending time alone. They also bring up thoughts or feelings you might not experience in your day-to-day life. Having a healthy mindset means being clear on who you are and what you want out of life; you’re not easily influenced by what someone else is doing in their life because you feel confident in your path. Taking the time to be alone and understand your intentions is a great practice to incorporate into your routine.
5. Adopt an abundance mindset
Fear is the biggest issue with a scarcity mindset, so to have an abundance mindset, we have to get to the root of those fears and conquer them. Some of the top fears I hear women talk about is the fear of not finding a loving relationship and fear around lack of money or succeeding in a career. There are many other fears we face in our lifetime, and no matter what is stopping you from having an abundance mindset, know that it is possible to change it.
Some ways to adopt an abundance mindset can be gratitude journaling. If you are fearful of finding a loving relationship, writing down all the different positive and loving relationships you currently have in your life can put things into perspective. The next step is to write down the loving relationship you want to manifest (and be as detailed as possible). Creating a practice around being thankful for the abundance of what you currently have in your life makes it easier for you to be open to whatever love/money/career journey you’ll take next.
6. Pay attention to your choice of words
Not only does the universe listen to the words you say, but your body and mind do too. If we tell ourselves we are not smart or pretty, our bodies will hear that and feel it. We’ll express it in the way we converse with others or the way we walk down the street. Adversely, if we say, “I look beautiful today, and I am going to have a great day,” the mind and body listen to that and react more confidently. Language is such a powerful tool. Studies have shown the influence of positive self-talk, so taking the time to reconsider the words you use to speak about yourself daily can have drastic effects. Try viewing yourself the way your best friend would. After all, she would only ever say how beautiful and smart you are. Start a self-monologue in the same way your best friend would and see the changes it makes to your mindset.
7. Stop comparing
Whether it’s the influencers you see on Instagram or your friend who seems to be living her best life, comparing yourself to someone else will only leave you feeling empty and lost. You are your own person who has a journey unique to only you. We will all face highs and lows at different times in our lives, and chasing after someone else’s happiness is never the answer to your own. The easiest way to stop the comparison game is to go inward. Ask yourself what you admire in these people’s lives and make a list. Then, go back through that list and see what truly aligns with you. Some of the things on that list won’t. Once you have a final list, see what actionable steps you can take in your life right now to manifest these things. Don’t go back and compare with friends or strangers. What worked for them probably won’t be the same for you. Choose the things you know will truly fulfill you, and then start by taking one actionable step toward them. It will lead you away from comparison and toward an authentic you.