Imagine this: You’re at Sunday brunch with your crew, lamenting about how the new date you were seeing led you on for weeks and then ghosted you out of nowhere. No warning signs. No apologies. Just a good ol’ cut-and-dry immature ghosting. You pause and say, “Well, I guess I should’ve seen it coming. They are a Gemini after all.” No, Sarah, they’re just an asshole.
panic packing? I don't know her.
After all, would you look at a baby and immediately assume that they’re judging you just because they’re a Virgo? Probably not. The sky we were born under tells us a lot about the energy we’re working with and the key strengths and challenges of who we are as people, but it doesn’t dictate whether we’re good or bad people—that comes from personal growth and self-awareness. Zodiac sign hate is real, and it’s time to put a stop to it once and for all (yes, even if your heart was shattered into pieces by your Scorpio ex). Ahead, I’m breaking down the most misunderstood zodiac signs and the truth you should know about them.
The Most Misunderstood Zodiac Signs
Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn. What do these signs have in common? While all the signs get put on blast from time to time, these signs tend to get the worst of it. In reality, none of us are perfect—some of us are on point when it comes to our checkbooks but not so great when it comes to self-care, and vice-versa. Every sign has its strengths and its challenges.
Also, just because someone is a stereotypical Gemini when they’re younger, it doesn’t mean they’ll be like that forever—that would be super boring! Personally, I’m not at all like the little Scorpio me that was running around all possessive and jealous at 21 years old (although I am just as intense and, from time to time, super petty). We all grow and mature. An immature Capricorn is immature because they have some growing to do, not because they’re a Capricorn.
It’s extra important to remember that astrology is a tool to help us understand ourselves and others better, not a way for us to judge each other. That would be a super Virgo move.
The Stereotype: Geminis are two-faced.
Gemini-haters love to point at the sign’s symbol, the Twins, as proof that they’re two-faced. In reality, the Twins represent the dual nature of the sign. In other words, Geminis are skilled at understanding all different perspectives, and they love to share the information they find. TBH, sometimes Geminis do overshare when they’re gossiping with friends (and trust me, we all love a good Gemini gossip sesh), but it’s rarely malicious. Remember, don’t shoot the messenger.
Geminis are one of the best signs at changing their minds and opening up to new perspectives. We might not always like what they change their mind about, but we could all use a lesson in being a little more flexible and open to new information.
The Stereotype: Geminis are flaky.
Sure, Geminis are known to cancel plans every now and then when something more exciting comes up, but it’s only because they’re in this life for the experience. Why go to the same book club that happens every week when there’s a once-in-a-lifetime art pop-up happening downtown? Geminis need new experiences to feel alive, whether that means calling it quits on a stale relationship or constantly bringing new people to your friends’ weekly brewery night.
Geminis remind us that we’re alive and that this world is ours for the taking. Going to the same restaurant every weekend or always hiking the same trail might be comfortable, but what are we missing out on by choosing comfort over something new and different?
The Stereotype: Virgos are critical and judgmental.
Look, I’d be lying if I said my Virgo partner didn’t give me way-too-honest feedback about my cooking skills, but I can now make edible food because of it. Virgos live life with a vision of perfectionism in their minds, whether it’s a perfect meal, a perfect friendship, or a perfect world. They don’t criticize you to make you feel bad about yourself. They do it to help you become the best version of yourself—and you better believe they’ll support you on your way there.
Virgos know how to take something mediocre and make it great—like really great. When everyone is telling you that they have no idea why you’re still single, Virgos will come at you with a bullet-point list (with footnotes) of reasons why. In other words, they’re often the only ones willing to give you the direct advice you need to grow, even if it can sting a little in the process.
The Stereotype: Virgos are fun-suckers.
Virgos want to have fun, and they can be super fun as long as the dishes are done, the house is vacuumed, they like everyone at the party, and the stars are aligned perfectly. For Virgos, getting out of their head can be a challenge—they feel a responsibility to make sure things are perfect and working well. If they’re hosting, they’ll inevitably be slipping coasters under drinks or trying to make sure everyone else is having a good time. But if they’re in the right environment and don’t have much to worry about, look out because they’ve got to let go of all that stress somehow.
Virgos are the ones who take on the responsibility of worrying so that others don’t have to. If they can give the people they love some support or a memorable experience, their work is done, even if they collect some gray hairs along the way.
The Stereotype: Scorpios are manipulative.
This is one of those stereotypes that does come with a healthy dose of truth, but it’s not necessarily negative. Scorpios are observant and skilled at reading between the lines. Because of this, they can easily gather information. What they decide to do with that information depends on the person that they are. I’ll admit that I do use that Scorpio energy to get my partner to take out the trash or go grab me a drink at the store from time to time, but more often than not Scorpios use that information to protect themselves and the people they love, like carefully choosing words to get a point across without hurting someone’s feelings.
If you ever need to solve a crime or find out if your partner is lying to you, make sure you have a Scorpio by your side. With their investigative skills and ability to pull information out of people, you’ll get to the bottom of the mystery in no time.
The Stereotype: Scorpios are heartbreakers.
There’s no getting around it—Scorpios can be intense and obsessive. I say this as a Scorpio who used to look up her crush’s names in the phone book as a kid and call them (honestly, not sure whether that was cringe or bold). Any relationship that a Scorpio has is going to be deep and magnetic. Are Scorpios heartbreakers? They can be, but no more than any other sign. It’s just that Scorpios aren’t afraid of their feelings and their relationships go deep, so it feels extra painful when it ends.
Scorpios teach us how to love unconditionally and be brutally honest about our own feelings. They show us that sometimes our actual feelings are different from how we think we should feel, and we owe it to ourselves and the people we’re with to be honest.
The Stereotype: Capricorns are emotionless.
As much as I’d like to blame my ex’s coldness on him being a Capricorn, I know from my Capricorn friends that I’d be lying. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorns are often fighting an internal battle between working hard to bring their vision into the world and wanting to just say f*** it and go live in a hut in Hawaii with bottomless margaritas. They can get into a habit of ignoring their own emotions to keep from getting distracted from their goals, but with the right people, they’re more than willing to open up and go deep.
Capricorns are the metaphorical dads of the zodiac, or in broader terms, the breadwinners of the family. They understand that for society to progress and for us to get what we want out of life, discipline and structure are a must. They build the house so that the rest of us can live comfortably and do what we do best.
The Stereotype: Capricorns have high standards.
OK, OK, I’ve managed to defeat all of the stereotypes in this article, but even I have to admit that this one is spot on. But since when does having high standards make you a bad person? Capricorns have their eye on the prize and are willing to get down in the trenches and dig their way there. Because of this, they have little patience for people who complain without taking action. Think of Capricorns like a basketball coach who’s worked all season getting their team ready for the playoffs. Of course, they’re going to get annoyed with the players who barely try and then complain about the loss.
Capricorns hold us accountable. We’ve all spent a little too long in front of the TV or slacked off at work for a few too many days after getting back from vacation, but the disapproving gaze of a Capricorn is a reminder to not lose focus and to get ourselves back on track so that we can achieve something great.