We know how special your birthday is, so we’re sharing a monthly run-down of everything you should wear, read, watch, and do to celebrate your big day. Tune in every month as we share a guide to having the best birthday month, all according to your zodiac sign.
I’ve been making these guides for every sign for a few months. Obviously, I really enjoy it—I get to take a stab at creating some outfits à la our fashion editor Maddie, talk about fun books and movies coming out, and indulge the little fairy inside me that could talk about zodiac signs for hours. But this one is extra special, and it’s one I’ve been waiting for since this series began: my sign, Sagittarius. Like other Sags reading this, I’m fun, outgoing, a bit flighty, and only have a mild God complex. We’re blunt and tell it like it is, so I’ll just say it: this might just be our best version of this series. Shall we get into it?
What to Read
For the Sag with a short attention span (AKA all of them), this less-than-300-page romance will keep you entertained and excited the entire time you're reading. Our heroine is standing outside a famous department store in Manhattan at Christmastime when a very hot man (who we later find out is the owner) asks how the window decor is—and she answers honestly, ultimately taking on the job of redecorating the windows for the holidays. It's so steamy, one reviewer called it "Hallmark After Dark." Sold.
This twisty mystery/thriller follows a Black lawyer who gets entangled in a conspiracy after her boss suddenly dies. It has all the makings of an explosive, interesting thrill, which every Sagittarius can get behind.
Behind all of that partying and sunshine of your favorite Sagittarius is a yearning for knowledge. They like to open up their minds to new ideas and philosophies, so they'll love this take on gender identity, sexuality, motherhood, and relationships. Reese and Amy have a great relationship, until Amy decides to detransition and becomes Ames. Their relationship unravels, and we see how each of them grapple with the fallout.
What to Watch
1. House of Gucci
What it’s all about: Based on true events, Patrizia Reggiani marries into the Gucci family as an outsider, she then begins to complicate the family legacy, ultimately leading to betrayal, revenge, and even murder.
Why Sagittarius will love it: Lady Gaga, impeccable fashion, a little bit of history, more Lady Gaga
2. And Just Like That…
What it’s all about: Sex and the City is back, y’all. Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte—now in their 50s—are transitioning their friendships and their lives. Don’t worry—it’s just as raunchy as last time.
Why Sagittarius will love it: nostalgia, best friend relationships, the gorgeous NYC setting, sex talk galore
3. Narcos: Mexico
What it’s all about: Our favorite binge-able series Narcos—just even crazier. Narcos: Mexico goes back to the start of the drug war in the ’80s. Whether you’re a fan and are ecstatic for season three or just starting, we guarantee you won’t turn this off ’til you finish.
Why Sagittarius will love it: absolute chaos, Spanish language, loads of drama
What to Wear
dress / earrings / heels / tights
pants / sports bra / fleece / sneakers / mug
What to Do

Source: Inga Seliverstova | Pexels
1. Wear something sparkly
Not only is it your birthday month, but it’s the holiday season (maybe that’s why Sags have such bright personalities? Just a thought), so there’s no time like now to bring out your sparkliest gear. Maybe it’s a shimmery eyeshadow all over your lid or a sequined bag (one of our favorite holiday trends)—however you embrace the trend, we’re about it.
2. Make a sweet treat
Celebrate your birthday month with a special homemade treat. Sagittarians are great in the kitchen and thinking about cooking and baking as a creative science project that they can enjoy. Indulge your sweet tooth with a special cake or your family’s favorite cookie recipe.
3. Go through your inbox
Sag, it’s time. I know your inbox has been overflowing for months since the last time you sat down for a good purge. In the heat of holiday business, block off a chunk of time to finally go through the hundreds of emails bogging down your inbox. Starting 2022 fresh? A dream.