Home & Living

Step Inside a Hip Washington Home (With Major Style + Color)


Not only does Siri Roozen have an eclectic home oozing with design inspiration, she’s a passionate creative who serves as a great example: we can make a career out of the things we love most.

As the co-owner of a hair salon in Washington State, she loves expressing her creativity through the work she does with her clients and in the design of her home and salon. We love her reasoning behind filling her home with sentimental decor and how she starts designing each room. While you’re drooling over her bright, vintage rugs and enjoying all of the white corners of her home, heed the piece of advice she’d give to her 23-year-old self, it’s something we ALL forget to do.

Name: Siri Roozen, Hairstylist / Co-Owner
Age: 30
Square Footage: 2,042
Rent or Own: Own
City: Mount Vernon, WA


Tell us about your journey of becoming a hairstylist and opening your salon.

I went to a community college for two years and then transferred to the University of Hawaii to study Apparel Product Design and Merchandising. I absolutely loved it but realized it wasn’t what I wanted to make a career out of. I remember going to lunch with my mom when I moved home and she said, “What do you love to do? Do that.” So I enrolled in beauty school that week. After three years of renting a chair out of a great salon, a family friend had a space that came up for rent and it was a no brainer to open my own spot. It’s hard work but worth every second. I have a co-owner, two other stylists, and a massage therapist. We have all been together since day one and we just celebrated four years of business!











How did you find your home? What was the search process like?

This is the second home we have purchased. Originally we just wanted a new neighborhood. I never thought we would buy a brand new house but we fell upon a piece of land with only the foundation poured and decided it was a great opportunity for us to customize and put personal touches on our home. We didn’t have a huge “must have” list because we bought this house knowing it would be a 5-year commitment. After three years of living here, we know exactly what we want and what we don’t want. The search is on.

Are there any quirks in your home? How did you navigate them when decorating?

Our house has a very open floor plan, which I absolutely love but it brings some challenges in finding things to fill the empty space. We have a huge wall between the kitchen and living room that has an archway into the laundry room. We finally decided on modern barn doors to fill the wall space and add some character. I struggle a little bit with barn doors because they are used so much right now. While I love them, I really try to be authentic in my design and didn’t want them to look basic. We came up with our own design and used old wood from my husband’s family farm so they feel original to us.







Which room was the most difficult to decorate and why?

Our offices. Specifically my husbands. It has to be very functional and he has about a million notebooks and file cabinets. I still struggle with the best way to decorate it and for now, I just shut the door.

Where do you usually start when designing a room?

I have a thing for rugs. I will design everything around a perfect rug. If I don’t have a rug for the space, I start neutral and add in color as I figure out the vibe I’m going for.

How long does it typically take you to commit to a piece?

If I’m searching for something online I will usually look around a bit to find the best quality and price. If I come across something vintage or one of a kind I don’t think twice. I’ve learned over the past few years that it is definitely worth it to wait for quality pieces rather than buying a bunch of things you don’t love just to fill space.




How do you balance your aesthetic and your husband’s?

My husbands?! Just kidding.

Honestly, he is so supportive of my passion to be creative and pretty much gives me free reign. When designing the spaces we spend most of our time in I try to incorporate his style and personality. We make a pretty good team!







Do you have a sentimental piece of decor in your home or simply a favorite?

Almost everything in my house has a story. Whether it’s from a trip or passed down from a family member I love looking around and being reminded of great times and family.



Was there an item you splurged on? Can you tell us what it is and why?

My rugs. There is something so special about old vintage rugs. All the time that is put into the details and all the colors amaze me. Getting to know the history of where it came from and the creators who made them is so interesting to me. My living room rug is from Turkey and over 100 years old, yet it looks brand new. They don’t make them like that in stores. Rugs truly complete a room.







What are your favorite places to shop for decor? Any gems you can share?

I love finding decor at flea markets and farmers markets. Also, I love used bookstores. I add books to almost every table and shelf in my house. For furniture, I love West Elm, Article, and Craigslist.





How long from move-in until you felt like your house was “done”?

I’m not sure our house will ever be “done.” I always have new design ideas and changes I want to make. Even when I think it’s perfect I still tweak it.

What advice would you give to your 23-year-old self?

Slow down.


Siri Campbell is the Everygirl…

Least favorite hair trend? 
Cornrows. I actually love them, I just hate doing them.

People would be surprised to know that you…
are a TWIN!

Last movie you saw?
Friends With Benefits. I’m obsessed with it.

Favorite drink to relax with? 
Rosé. Always rosé.

If you could have lunch with any woman, who would it be and what would you order?
Kate Moss. I’d order polenta cakes and prosecco.