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Spoiler Alert: It's so, so worth it.
As someone who falls squarely into the forgets-to-take-her-vitamins-every-morning camp, there’s no morning routine that I aspire to more than that of the supplement queen herself. By supplement queen I am (of course) referring to Siff Haider, co-founder of Arrae and host of The Dream Bigger Podcast. This week on The Everygirl Podcast, we’re sitting down with Siff to learn everything there is to know about supplements, entrepreneurship, and her personal wellness hacks.
After struggling with her immune system and digestion, Siff turned to holistic medicine and quickly found that small changes made a huge difference for her well-being. She co-founded Arrae with her husband in 2020, and has been sharing her wellness journey online for years. Read on for Siff Haider’s super-detailed morning routine, and check out this week’s episode of The Everygirl Podcast for more.
Coffee and journaling
After she wakes up, scrapes her tongue, brushes her teeth, and chugs a bottle of water, Siff likes to sit down with a cup of coffee and her journal. Her go-to coffee is a cinnamon Americano, and she sips it for twenty minutes while she does nothing but write. According to Siff, her journaling routine is the most important, sacred ritual of her day. “I take so much joy from it,” she said on The Everygirl Podcast.
Siff’s favorite kind of journaling is “Future You” journaling, which is a kind of manifestation journaling where you imagine your future self and write down every little detail you can imagine about her life. It’s an aspirational ritual that is so rewarding (and easy) to work into your own morning routine.
Get outside and walk
Siff prioritizes getting outside first thing in the morning and taking a quick walk. “My non-negotiables are getting outside in the morning for my walk, journaling, and movement whenever I can get it in,” she said on The Everygirl Podcast. Learning the benefits of walking as an exercise was a game-changer for her, because when she was younger, she thought she needed intense HIIT workouts and cardio to feel her best. But now she knows it’s the little things like walking that have made the biggest difference in her health journey.
Resistance training or Pilates
Movement is another non-negotiable in Siff’s morning routine, and for her, the best ways to get active are weightlifting at the gym or taking a Pilates class. “Building muscle is what protects you from degeneration when you’re older,” she said. “It allows you to stay more vibrant for a longer period of time. I’m really interested in the longevity play.” However, Siff emphasizes that there’s no need to follow the exact workout that anyone else is doing in order to discover a morning movement that is effective for you. To her, it’s all about finding and doing what your body loves.