It’s almost November, which means it’s time for a movie night visit to Forks, Washington, to rewatch Twilight. Late autumn is truly the best time to jump back into the epic tale of Bella, Edward, and Jacob. Whether you’re a fan of the books or the movie series, there’s no question that the Twilight Saga is full of memorable characters and archetypes.
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From the vampires to the werewolves, each character has a specific trait that drives their choices, for better or worse. And as it turns out, most of those choices align with a specific zodiac sign. If you’re drawn to a particular character in Twilight, it might be because your astrological sign shares traits with them. Read on to find out which Twilight character you are based on your zodiac sign.

Rosalie Hale
Aries signs are often known for being straightforward and blunt, and Rosalie is not afraid to exercise this part of her personality when she has something to communicate. Edward’s adoptive sister will stop at nothing to protect her vampire family, even if that means making some enemies in the process. Like an Aries, underneath her brave and fiery exterior is someone who cares very deeply about everyone around her, even if she has trouble expressing those feelings.

Sam Uley
Sam Uley is the leader of his friends and fellow wolf shapeshifters. Like a Taurus, Sam is grounded in his beliefs and deeply loyal to the people he cares about. As an Earth sign, Sam is consistent and sometimes stubborn in his ways, which leads to occasional conflict when anyone in his group attempts to defy him. But this consistency also means that Sam is a leader who sees the bigger picture, eventually learning to reshape his definition of tradition.

Alice Cullen
Alice Cullen is the most curious and playful vampire in her family, but her visions of the future often give her major anxiety about what’s to come. Like a Gemini, she’s torn between these two aspects of her inner self—the carefree side that spurred her to get a fashion degree and her dark past. Alice is also one of those vampires who is good at everything, from baseball to international business. If Alice is your Gemini vampire friend, you know she’ll have your back, but you’re also in for a lot of fun along the way.

Emily Young
As the caretaker in Sam Uley’s wolf pack, Emily approaches all of the creatures around her from a place of love, even when conflict arises between the vampires and the wolves. As a Cancer sign, she’s not afraid to show her emotions, but she keeps them close to her heart when she wants to. She’s the ultimate protector of her family and friends and will stop at nothing to support them, love them, and provide a welcoming space for them.

Emmett Cullen
Emmett loves putting on a show—a frequent trait of a Leo, especially when he’s playing vampire baseball. With a heart of gold but a flair for the dramatic, Edward’s adoptive brother doesn’t do anything lowkey. Like a true Leo, Emmett is a ball of energy who can be a guiding light for anyone who needs encouragement. Though surrounded by an equally talented family, Emmett is the type of vampire who leads by example, taking action first and asking questions later.

Bella Swan
Bella Swan probably didn’t realize her life would turn upside down when she went to Forks to live with her father, but that’s because, like a true Virgo, she pretty much had her life planned out up until that moment. Even though Bella is uprooted, she remains steady and focused, just like any Virgo would. The protagonist of Twilight is determined to learn and grow, even if that means stepping outside of her comfort zone. She takes everything—including vampires and werewolves—in stride.

Carlisle Cullen
As the founder of the Olympic Coven, Carlisle is the glue holding the Cullen family together, facing conflicts that arise over literal decades (and centuries) of existence. Like a Libra, Carlisle is interested in maintaining the balance of his family and all of the vampire world. As a doctor and caretaker, his strongest Libra trait is communication. He knows how to talk to both vampires and humans alike, making sure everyone understands how the supernatural and human worlds can threaten one another.

Jasper Hale
Jasper is one of the more complicated Cullen family members—he struggles with his past as a vampire, grappling with the moral weight of it all, and eventually becomes a vegetarian. Because of his moral conscience, Jasper is often quiet and reserved, something many Scorpios can relate to. However, even though Jasper can come off as mysterious and elusive, he truly cares about his family and can show his more sensitive side to those who are closest to him, like Alice.

Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen is both a mystery and a steady force. Like a true Sagittarius, he often acts based on his passion and instincts, leaving discussions for later. This impulsive attitude definitely leads to a few reckless vampire moments for Edward throughout Twilight. However, Edward’s passion also leads him to seek out the deeper meaning of life and love—a classic Sagittarius trait. In the end, Edward is unafraid to go on an adventure to find what he’s truly looking for.

Leah Clearwater
Leah is a crucial member of the shapeshifting wolves and is not afraid to share what’s on her mind. As a Capricorn, she’s a perfectionist through and through and will not sway from a goal when she has her mind set on it. While some may say Leah and other Capricorns are stubborn, it’s this trait that leads to her relentless bravery and neverending protection of the people she loves, especially her brother.

Jacob Black
Even though Jacob’s fate as a wolf was set out for him, like an Aquarius, he’ll do just about anything to live life on his own terms. Jacob is dedicated to his friends, especially Bella, but he’s also not afraid to defy them if it means doing what he thinks is right. Aquarians are known to be unpredictable in this way, and Jacob keeps his vampire and wolf friends on their toes.

Esme Cullen
Esme is the heart of the Cullen family, leading with positivity and strength. Like a Pisces, she’s aware of reality but also dreaming of the many possibilities of the future of her vampire family. With all of that Pisces dreaming, she’s always willing to look to the bright side of the future. Even in the worst times, Esme keeps a steady hope that everything will turn out alright, like a true Pisces.

Michelle Lema, Contributing Writer
Michelle is a Los Angeles-based writer, performer, and on-camera host. She has worked in editorial and on-camera entertainment coverage with brands like Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars. She has been writing about astrology on The Everygirl since 2022.