When you plan for a poolside summer excursion, your mind probably goes straight toward one thing: which swimsuit you’re going to wear. Yes, that’s important, but since we graduated from wearing a towel-material dress as our cover-ups (just me?), there’s more to think about than just what you’re going to swim in.
If it isn’t going to make me feel like I’m wrapped up in a warm hug, I’m not wearing it.
When you’re lounging on a boat or by the lake or walking to any water-related activity, you probably aren’t traveling there in just your swimsuit (but hey, if you are, more power to you). Sometimes you want to be able to lounge around for the afternoon in your swimsuit, but don’t want everything exposed during the entirety of the day (one poor soul I know met her boyfriend’s parents at a pool party—tell me how you’re supposed to dress for that one). The good news? If you pair it with just the right things, well, your swimsuit can turn into a full-blown summer look—like a Real Housewife spending their champagne-filled Saturday on a yacht.
From the chicest cover-up options of the season to accessories to make your swimsuit look like you, we’re sharing our favorite ways to style up your swimsuit in 2020.
1. With a white shirtdress
Whether you’re walking to the pool or lounging by the lake with your friends for an afternoon, a long, white shirtdress is a chic coverup that’ll make any swimsuit look more sophisticated.
shirtdress / bikini top / bikini bottoms / sandals / bag
2. With a wrap skirt
Throwing a wrap around your favorite swimsuit is an effortless way to elevate your poolside look. With a variety of ways to tie it, it’s a versatile way to stylishly cover up when you aren’t in the water.
sarong / bikini top / bikini bottoms / sandals / sunglasses
3. With palazzo pants
With a pair of easy, breezy, flowing palazzo pants, you can float to and from whatever water-side activity your summer brings. They look sophisticated and refined and are the most versatile cover-up you’ll ever come across.
pants / bikini top / bag / sandals / sunglasses
4. With jewelry
Don’t underestimate the power of pairing simple jewelry with your swimsuit. If you want it to really pop, opt for a black or jewel-toned swimsuit and pair it with hints of gold.
swimsuit / hoops / sandals / sunglasses / bracelet
5. With high-waisted denim
Nothing screams “cool girl” like a bikini top paired with a high-waisted pair of denim. The key to this is all about the accessories: a pair of chic sunglasses and trendy sandals can make all the difference.
bikini top / bikini bottoms / sunglasses / sandals / shorts