
Winter Horoscopes: Mercury Retrograde Ends Just in Time for a Peaceful New Year

written by LAUREN E. TAYLOR
Graphics by: Aryana Johnson
Graphics by: Aryana Johnson

The temperatures have dropped, and it gets dark at 4 p.m. now, so I think we can officially say that winter is here. After all the fun of the holidays subsides, we have a few long frigid months ahead, but there’s one bright spot to look forward to—your winter horoscopes!

One major event to be aware of is everyone’s favorite, Mercury retrograde, returning. Instead of getting nervous about it, take the opportunity to slow down and enjoy spending time with friends and family over the holidays. And there’s good news: Mercury retrograde ends on January 1, so we’ll head into 2024 feeling calmer and clearer about our 2023 goals. Want to know what else your sign can expect? Keep reading for your winter horoscope.

Important Winter Dates to Know

  • December 12: New moon in Sagittarius
  • December 13: Mercury retrograde in Capricorn begins
  • December 21: Beginning of Capricorn season and winter solstice
  • December 26: Full moon in Cancer
  • January 11: New moon in Capricorn
  • January 20: Aquarius season starts
  • January 25: Full moon in Leo
  • February 9: New moon in Aquarius
  • February 18: Pisces season starts
  • February 24: Full moon in Virgo



You might find yourself interested in new subjects during December, and you could be looking into classes or workshops you can take. You might also find a book that grabs your attention and decide to keep up your reading streak. If you’ve been considering going on a big trip, this is a good time to research new places to cross off your bucket list. You’ll also have more going on with your social life in February.


The full moon in Leo at the end of January could bring the end of a relationship, or you might have a realization about what’s not working for you in dating. In February, you could meet someone you’re interested in through friends, so try to say yes to invites to meet new people. Aquarius season is also a perfect opportunity to try to get to know your significant other’s friends.


Enjoy the holiday festivities and time off at the end of December because January will be more focused on your career. You might decide to start off the new year with a fresh approach to work, and you could feel energized to tackle new projects. This is a great time to apply to new roles if you’re thinking of leaving your company.



Be on the lookout for opportunities to make additional money during Sagittarius season (just in time for the holidays). You could receive money from family or investments, or you might be reevaluating your spending habits.


Around the full moon in Virgo at the end of February, you might decide to cut off a situationship or recognize the issues with your current relationship. As a Taurus, you can be stubborn, so just be sure to try to see things from the other person’s perspective before making any decisions.


The beginning of February could bring a new job opportunity, or you might start searching for new roles or reconsidering your career path. Aquarius season will also be a busy time for you at work.



You’ll be more affected by Mercury retrograde than most since it’s your ruling planet, so don’t feel bad if you’re feeling kind of out of it in December. As a Gemini, you love to learn all the time, but you’ll be especially curious about different topics during Aquarius season. If you’ve been considering going back to school or taking online classes, February is a good time for that. You might have wanderlust, too, and you could be planning a vacation or jetting off on a trip.


Sagittarius season will revolve around your relationships. Around the new moon on December 12, you could meet someone you’re interested in or might become exclusive with the person you’ve been dating. The winter could bring a new beginning in your relationship, too, like moving in together.


Capricorn season is a good time to discuss a raise at your job, or you might get a raise if you’ve already gone through your yearly review. Work will be quieter for you during the winter, but take advantage of it because Pisces season will be all about your career.



During Sagittarius season, you’ll be getting your act together to start off 2024 on a high note, whether it’s organizing your house or trying to start a new workout routine. The full moon in Cancer at the end of December is the perfect time to set goals for yourself or think about changes you want to make in the new year.


Capricorn season could open up a new stage of your relationship. You might also be spending a lot of time with your partner or trying to prioritize your relationship. If you’re single, you could start dating someone new.


If you’ve wanted to ask for a raise or find a higher-paying job, Aquarius season is a good time for that. Around the end of January, you could be finishing up freelance projects or considering ways you can improve your skills to get ahead at work.



As the life-of-the-party Leo, you’ll have plenty of opportunities for fun and socialization in December. If all the craziness of the holiday season has you feeling out of whack, you’ll get a chance to get back on track during Capricorn season. Leos tend to like structure, so don’t let the disruption to your routine make you too stressed.


Sagittarius season could have you dating around or trying to be more romantic with your partner. Plan a cozy date night in to watch Love Actually or do some winter activities, like ice skating. The Aquarius new moon in February could bring a beginning, like getting into a relationship or taking a new step with your significant other.


Capricorn season is a great opportunity to get back into your usual work schedule after holiday vacations and days off. Rather than bigger-picture projects, try to better organize your daily tasks to make your day-to-day that much easier.



Sagittarius season will be all about home and family for you. Since your ruler, Mercury, is going retrograde, this is a good time to slow down and use the holidays to spend more time with loved ones. You could also be chilling at home more often to avoid the winter weather, or you might feel like cleaning your house and getting rid of things you don’t need.


Mercury retrograde is happening in the part of your chart associated with dating and romance, which means you might be feeling confused about a dating situation, or you might not have a lot going on in that department in December. You could also have miscommunications with your partner, so make sure you listen closely to them and try to be extra clear with them.


You could have more tedious tasks to complete at your job during Aquarius season. As a Virgo, you’re good at details—but try not to get too lost in the weeds or overly anxious about making things perfect.



During Capricorn season, you’ll get some much-needed rest after the social holiday period. Make your home feel cozy for the chilly temperature, and consider hosting friends at your place instead of always going out. You could also be preparing to move or redecorating and rearranging furniture in your house.


While Libras love love all year round, for you, the best time of the year for it is in Aquarius season. And serendipitously, that just happens to coincide with Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re single, dating, or in a relationship, make plans to celebrate with your partner or throw a Galentine’s Day party.


You’ll have more communications work during Sagittarius season, such as writing reports for the end of the year. Around the full moon at the end of December, you might be wrapping up (no pun intended) major projects, or you could decide to start job hunting if you’ve been thinking about leaving your current role.



You’ll be budgeting or figuring out ways to earn additional income in December, which means you’ll need to avoid splurging when holiday shopping for others and yourself. Grab your travel buddies when Capricorn season arrives because you could be itching to take a short weekend trip. Winter could also have you planning to move or wanting to redecorate.


There’s not a whole lot going on with you love-wise right now, but you’ll have more time to focus on that part of your life when Pisces season comes. If you’re in a relationship, you might also be planning more date nights at home rather than venturing out into the cold.


There will be an emphasis on personal projects during Sagittarius season, like planning how to start your own business or doing freelance and consulting work. This could be a good time to plan out how you can get more experience in your career field, too.



It’s your season in December, which means it’s time to party, and that luckily comes naturally to you as a Sag. You can think of all the holiday events as your own personal celebrations (we won’t tell anyone). Around the new moon, you could have the urge to cut your hair or revamp your wardrobe, but you might want to make any big changes before Mercury retrograde (or after it ends) to avoid possible issues.


You’ll get more attention during Sagittarius season, so be sure to use that to your advantage if you’re currently dating. If you’re single or in a relationship, this could be a great opportunity for some self-love in the form of a spa day or a relaxing massage, too.


Capricorn season is a good time to get serious about making money from any side hustles you have. You could also become interested in learning some new skills that could help you in your career in the future. Then, Aquarius season will likely bring more writing and speaking at work. As a Sag, you like to just wing it, but you might want to try to slow down a little and plan for any presentations you might have.



With Mercury going retrograde in your sign in December, you might be feeling unsure of yourself or confused about goals. Instead of beating yourself up about not being as productive as usual, try to use this time as a reset before the new year.


You’ll be more concerned with yourself than with love during the winter, although you might have more dating action happening during your season. The full moon in Cancer could mean closing out a chapter of a relationship, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a breakup, so don’t freak out. It could even be letting go of certain expectations surrounding your S.O.


The end of December and January could bring more recognition at work, which you definitely deserve as a hard-working Capricorn. This is a great time to try to get more experience and learn new things related to your role, too.



You’ll have a lot of plans with friends during Sagittarius season. Socializing comes easily to air signs like you, but if you’re feeling burnt out, you’ll get some alone time when Capricorn season arrives. Try to make the most of that self-care time before your season begins and brings the attention back to you.


You could meet someone through a friend of a friend in December, so be sure to say yes to invites and put yourself out there. If you’re already dating someone, you might be prioritizing your friends during Sagittarius season, so try to carve out some time to spend with your S.O., too.


Career won’t be a big emphasis for you during the winter, but you might have a lot of collaborative work with your coworkers. As an Aquarius, you like to do things your way—but try to let everyone else contribute, too.



You’ll be in demand with your friends during Capricorn season. But with Mercury retrograde, you might run into misunderstandings, so double and triple confirm plans before you head out the door. The homebody in you will get its time to shine during Aquarius season when you’ll be more concerned with taking care of yourself and your mental health.


The Cancer full moon could bring changes in your dating life or relationship. You might start to recognize self-sabotaging behaviors and decide to work on them, or you might realize that you haven’t been as open as you could be with a partner or someone you’re seeing.


You’re closing out 2023 on a strong note with your career since Sagittarius season will highlight work for you. The new moon in December could mark a new job or a promotion, or your manager might trust you with more responsibilities. If you’ve been wanting to ask your boss about taking on some new tasks, this could be a good time for that.

lauren e taylor writer

Lauren E. Taylor, Contributing Entertainment Writer

Lauren is an experienced writer who specializes in zodiac signs and pop culture. With a talent for combining astrological insights with the latest trends, she has captured our audience’s attention and helped them better understand themselves through astrology.