There are many things to love about the beginning of summer, but that I-can-do-anything feeling that comes with brighter days holds a special place in our hearts. Having a “best self summer” in 2024 is all about tapping into your highest self, your most positive energy, and a level of confidence that you’ve never accessed before. This best self-summer challenge is less about being the “hottest” possible version of yourself in the eyes of society or other people and more about feeling like the best possible version of yourself—because when you’re putting that high self-esteem energy out into the world, you’re going to attract that energy back.
panic packing? I don't know her.
From journal prompts to super-inspiring weekly episodes of The Everygirl Podcast to little everyday hacks that will help you romanticize your life, we’ve compiled a list of 31 activities to do every single day for the next month to kick off the warmer season as your best self. This challenge is designed to harness all of that amazing spring energy you’re probably already feeling as the weather gets warmer and put it back into your well-being. You deserve to feel like the most confident and capable version of yourself this summer, and this challenge is designed to help you get there. Throw on your cutest sundress and get ready for the best summer yet!
The Everygirl’s 31-Day “Best Self Summer” Challenge

Week 1: Tap Into Your Highest-Self Energy
1. Make a list of your best self’s qualities. Then, strategize how you can adapt those qualities or routines now.
2. Read: 6 Green Flags You’re Becoming Your Best Self.
3. Listen to: Mimi Bouchard’s Formula to Become Your Highest Self and Design Your Dream Life.
4. Do something your highest self would (dress a little fancier, have a luxurious nighttime routine, romanticize cooking dinner, etc).
5. Make a vision board for summer.
6. Try “future you” journaling.
7. Listen to: The new episode of The Everygirl Podcast with Whitney Uland about how to tap into “It-Girl” energy.
Week 2: Optimize Your Fitness
8. Walk 10,000 steps.
9. Take your workout outside.
10. Listen to: Celebrity Fitness Trainer Megan Roup on How to Make Workouts More Effective and Feel More Motivated.
11. Stretch in the morning and before going to bed.
12. Read: 14 Realistic Fitness Goals To Set This Year (And Exactly How to Accomplish Them).
13. Try a workout you’ve never done before.
14. Listen to: The new episode of The Everygirl Podcast with Laura Girard for all her best fitness tips.
Week 3: Feel Good in Your Skin
15. Look in the mirror and make a list of all the things you love about yourself.
16. Treat yourself to your favorite face mask or hair mask.
17. Listen to: Eat Your Way to The Best Skin of Your Life with The Acne Nutritionist, Maria Marlowe.
18. Wear that outfit that makes you feel amazing.
19. Read: This Body Care Routine Will Completely Transform Your Skin Before Summer.
20. DIY a lymphatic drainage massage.
21. Listen to: The new episode of The Everygirl Podcast with yoga instructor and influencer Lexi Hidalgo.
Week 4: Boost Your Energy
22. Get to bed 30 minutes earlier and wake up 30 minutes earlier (try to rise with the sun).
23. Go for a walk when your afternoon slump starts to hit.
24. Listen to: Thriving Instead of Surviving with Brandi Sellerz-Jackson.
25. Try one of these breakfast recipes for all-day energy.
26. Make a list of everything you’re excited about (it can be as small as dinner or tomorrow’s morning coffee or as big as a vacation you have coming up this summer).
27. Get sunlight first thing in the morning.
28. Listen to the new episode of The Everygirl Podcast with Dr. Uma Naidoo, the author of This is Your Brain on Food.
Week 5: Live Your Best Life
29. Make your own summer bucket list of all the big and small things you want to do this summer.
30. Do something fun outside (a rooftop bar, DIY a picnic, or go for a hike).
31. Read: 33 Ways to Romanticize Your Life This Summer.