Whether or not you’re lucky enough to witness Queen Bey in all her resplendent glory IRL on her Renaissance tour, you probably know the music and fashion mogul exudes a certain je ne sais quoi. While she makes “having it all”—a beautiful family, rewarding career (rather, empire)—look ***Flawless, it hasn’t come without sacrifice. In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, Beyoncé revealed that she’s been guilty of putting her work above her own self-care. “I think like many women, I have felt the pressure of being the backbone of my family and my company and didn’t realize how much that takes a toll on my mental and physical well-being,” she told Harper’s Bazaar. “I have not always made myself a priority.”
Spoiler Alert: It's so, so worth it.
But in the same interview, which was published before Beyoncé’s 40th birthday, she alluded to “a renaissance emerging.” And, sure enough, it has—both in her music and self-care practices. Ahead, the positive rituals she’s drawn from past generations and put her own spin on. Spoiler: They’re all sure to be Bey Hive-approved.
1. CBD can help you sleep.
Life on tour is grueling—riding on a bus for hours, giving it your all on stage, living out of a suitcase—so you know it disrupted Bey’s beauty sleep. “I’ve personally struggled with insomnia from touring for more than half of my life,” she disclosed. Beyoncé’s go-to remedy for her insomnia is CBD. “I discovered CBD on my last tour, and I’ve experienced its benefits for soreness and inflammation,” she described. “It helped with my restless nights and the agitation that comes from not being able to fall asleep.”
While there’s not a one-size-fits-all sleep solution, Tom Greenspan, a sleep expert, sleep science coach, and Co-Founder at VS Mattress, expressed that the supplement does help the mind and body relax: “CBD for sleep may be more beneficial for those with anxiety issues or insomnia, due to its calming and anti-inflammatory effects.” If you’ve tried taking a relaxing soak, cutting off your caffeine habit at 3 p.m., and resisting the urge to TikTok the night away (a feat in and of itself) to no avail, ask your doctor about using CBD as a method to relax the body before bed.
2. Honey is a healing superfood.
Queen Bey has added beekeeper to her already impressive resume, tending to her very own colony of bees—and I’m not talking about her loyal fanbase. “I found healing properties in honey that benefit me and my children,” she expressed to Harper’s Bazaar. “And now I’m building a hemp and a honey farm. I’ve even got hives on my roof! And I’m so happy that my daughters will have the example of those rituals from me.” With phytochemical, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, honey is a natural therapeutic agent with many health perks: It can promote wound and burn healing, boost immunity, improve digestive issues, soothe a sore throat and cough, and enhance brain health. Just make sure you opt for raw or manuka honey so you’re getting the real thing (AKA the ingredient that has all the health benefits) rather than a processed version with added sugar.
3. Your body is always communicating with you.
Thanks to diet culture, we often use physical appearance to determine our health and we can easily neglect what our bodies actually need. And celebrities, including Beyoncé, are not immune to it. Once subjecting herself to a “no bread, no carbs, no sugar, no dairy, no meat, no fish, no alcohol” diet before her tours, she vowed never to push herself that far again. “In the past, I spent too much time on diets, with the misconception that self-care meant exercising and being overly conscious of my body,” Beyoncé voiced to Harper’s Bazaar. “My health, the way I feel when I wake up in the morning, my peace of mind, the number of times I smile, what I’m feeding my mind and my body—those are the things I’ve been focusing on.”
She continued, “I’m learning to break the cycle of poor health and neglect, focusing my energy on my body and taking note of the subtle signs that it gives me. Your body tells you everything you need to know, but I’ve had to learn to listen.” The lesson to be learned: Tune out engrained rules diet culture has taught us, and listen to, honor, and fuel your body accordingly.
4. Boundaries are your right, not a luxury.
Celeb or not, establishing healthy boundaries to build a solid foundation for healthy relationships with yourself and others should be a priority in becoming the highest, most authentic, and happiest version of yourself. “Throughout my career, I’ve been intentional about setting boundaries between my stage persona and my personal life,” Beyoncé shared with Harper’s Bazaar. “I’ve fought to protect my sanity and my privacy because the quality of my life depended on it. A lot of who I am is reserved for the people I love and trust.”
Take a cue from Bey and take the time to reflect on your needs and limits in your friendships, romantic relationships, work, etc., create rules to meet them, and remember why each boundary you’ve introduced or would like to introduce is important to you. While it may be uncomfortable and take practice following through on your boundaries, you’re a better friend, partner, and co-worker when you advocate for yourself. No matter what context a boundary is set in, it is your right to feel safe, valued, and respected.
5. Community care is self-care.
Celebrating powerful women is not just a theme of her record-breaking music (Alexa, play “Who Run The World (Girls)”); it’s an essential self-care practice. In the Harper’s Bazaar interview, Beyoncé recalls the power of female community that she’s felt throughout her life, always gravitating toward “strong, grounded women:” “I’ve surrounded myself with honest people who I admire, who have their own lives and dreams and are not dependent on me. People I can grow and learn from and vice versa.”
We’re quick to define wellness within the confines of food, exercise, supplements, and routines. But your community and connections also play a critical role in your health and well-being. Dozens of studies have shown that people who have social support from family, friends, and their community are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer. Meaningful connection also provides key components to your mental well-being: a sense of belonging, support, and purpose. All the superfoods, vegetables, and gym sessions in the world won’t matter if you don’t have a community to love, support, and laugh with you. Blasting a Beyoncé song here and there to boost your mood wouldn’t hurt either.