
Our Editors Share What Helps Them Stay Motivated To Workout

Source: Jayme Burrows | Stocksy
Source: Jayme Burrows | Stocksy

For a lot of us, there’s no better feeling than knowing you crushed a workout when you could’ve just as easily binge-watched six episodes of Schitt’s Creek. But motivating ourselves to get there is a different story and a struggle that always seems to rear its ugly head. And it’s in these moments that we rely on our go-to workout motivation tips to keep us going.

There’s something about getting our sweat on, pumping up our endorphins, and feeling that “I can do anything I set my mind to” energy that makes working out an obvious addition to our to-do lists. But even though we know what’s good for us, it doesn’t make it easy to find the gusto to get moving, especially when tasks pile up, you’re feeling tired, or the couch is calling your name. Our editors know the struggle, but after plenty of trial and error, we pulled these workout motivation tips that keep us active and ready to be our best selves:


1. Set specific, tangible goals

“If I set a goal for myself, I’m pretty keen on sticking to it. And I’m not saying ‘run five days this week’ or ‘work out every day.’ Goals like that never motivate me. But having specific, tangible fitness goals that I know I can reach will. For all of 2021, my biggest fitness goal has been to do 10 push-ups (it’s my least favorite activity and my chest strength is basically non-existent), so every time I’m at the gym, I do a little work to get there. I have other goals, too, like walk 30,000 steps in a day or reach my personal best on the squat rack. Does it get me up on the days all I want to do is sleep? No, but having goals is what has kept me consistent.”

Beth, Beauty Content Manager & Associate Editor


2. Track and share your workouts

“I’m an elder millennial and thus, need constant validation and positive reinforcement (hello participation medals!). Anytime I do a run or Peloton, I upload my results in Strava, where my friends on the platform can give me ‘kudos’ for my workouts. When I need an extra hit of attention, I’ll take a screenshot from Strava and share it on my social channels. Am I digging for compliments when I do this? 100 percent. Is it an effective source of motivation? Absolutely.”

— Elle, Chief Operating Officer


3. View your gym sesh as an appointment

“Recently, I saw this viral video on TikTok that resonated with me so much. The content creator was basically saying that if we wait to be in the mood to do something (especially if your goal is being more consistent), you’ll never do it. So instead, she suggested viewing your workout as an appointment. You wouldn’t miss a doctor’s appointment, pre-planned dinner and drinks with a friend, or a nail appointment that you’ve had scheduled, so what makes your appointment with yourself at the gym any different?

If you commit to working out consistently, the odds are that you’re not always going to have the motivation to get there—and that is OK. So if you’re tired, do it tired. Because at the end of the day, the only bad workout is the one that never happened, and the endorphin rush that occurs when you get your body moving is oh-so-worth it.”

— Ashley, Contributing Writer


4. Reserve class spots and commit to certain gym times:

“Having a set time for my classes or workouts keeps me accountable. Whether it’s a live fitness class on Obé or I reserve a spot at my apartment gym (or a fitness class in person one day—eep!), knowing that I have to be at a specific place at a specific time makes me basically never skip my workouts. I want to see what songs my favorite instructor will pick or get the good treadmill at the gym (you know the one), so I’ll stick with the time I set up for myself.”

Beth, Beauty Content Manager & Associate Editor


5. Assemble the perfect pump-up playlist

“One of my favorite ways to get myself in the mood to get to the gym is to listen to songs that make me want to run through walls and do backflips. Whether I’m listening to Olivia Rodrigo’s Good For You or Eminem’s ‘Til I Collapse (yeah, I have range), I’ve found that listening to my lineup of motivating hits before I even leave my apartment is key to getting me amped up and moving. My tried-and-true pump-up playlist serves as the perfect pregame dance session for any gym appointment and gets me ready to pick weights up and put them down with a little extra pizazz.” (Psst: try out our Workout Playlist!)

— Ashley, Contributing Writer


6. Exercise for the right reasons

“I started feeling motivated to exercise most days of the week when I stopped working out because I’m ‘supposed to’ or to burn off the takeout I ate the night before. I work out consistently because it helps my anxiety and stress levels, and it is the one time of the day where my focus goes into my body instead of my mind. I didn’t always love working out, but I started to love it when I saw it as self-care instead of a punishment or chore. When you exercise for the right reasons, you find yourself craving it instead of dreading it. Rethink your ‘why’ and you’ll never have to ‘force yourself’ to get to the gym again.”

— Josie, Associate Editor & Wellness Content Manager


7. Wear your gym clothes long before your workout

“I really, truly hate the thought of working out. But I know that when I do get past that mental block, put on my favorite leggings, and get to work, I feel phenomenal after. Any stress or anxiety I was feeling is vanquished by my newly released endorphins. I feel accomplished, strong, and healthy. My biggest hurdle has always been working up the courage to simply start a workout. In order to combat this, I exclusively wear workout clothes during the day so that I’m not held back by having to change after work. (I’m fortunate to work remotely and can do this pretty much every day.)

When it actually comes time to do the thing, wearing workout clothes tricks my brain into thinking we’ve already overcome half the battle. This, coupled with the promise of burning off excess energy and anxiety, is enough to get me back on my bike or yoga mat 4-5 days a week.

— Garri, Managing Editor