
The Fictional Witch You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

written by MICHELLE LEMA
fictional witches"
fictional witches
Source: Walt Disney Pictures
Source: Walt Disney Pictures

There’s a little bit of magic in the air as Halloween approaches—in other words, it’s witch season. Growing up, I always wanted to have magical powers, and October increased that feeling tenfold. I lived vicariously through the fictional witches in ’90s and 2000s movies and shows, whether that was the Sanderson sisters, the Owens sisters, or so many other magical icons. While all of these witches had magic in common, each had their own distinct personality and abilities. I would also venture a guess that each of these characters, were they real, would be very into horoscopes and zodiac signs. If you’ve ever yearned to be one of these nostalgic fictional witches, read on to find out which witch your zodiac sign most aligns with.


Source: Walt Disney Pictures

Winifred Sanderson, Hocus Pocus

As fire signs, Aries are known to be, well, fiery, and Winifred Sanderson represents this both figuratively and literally. At one point she throws an actual fireball of energy. This fictional witch is also the leader of the Sanderson Sisters, and is not afraid to take over planning. Like an Aries sign, she is ambitious, but sometimes to a fault, which we witness when her plans go awry. Nevertheless, Winifred can entertain any crowd and has no fear when it comes to taking risks and putting herself out there to achieve her goals.


iconic witches
Source: Sony Pictures

Isabel Bigelow, Bewitched (2005)

Like a Taurus, Isabel just wants to fit in by keeping things simple and remaining practical at all times. She’s worried her magic will be too much for the people around her, so she tries to hide it, but she never lets go of it completely. At the same time, in typical Taurus fashion, she’s not afraid to defy tradition, especially when it comes to the advice her father gives her about how to handle her new job playing Samantha on Bewitched. In the end, Isabel learns that stability is best found when being true to who you are—a trait that many Tauruses exhibit.


Source: Walt Disney Pictures

Kiki, Kiki’s Delivery Service

As a witch-in-training, Kiki has to move away from her home for a year to spend time alone in a city she’s never been to before. Her bravery alone is reminiscent of a Gemini’s ability to tackle new situations with ease, but it’s Kiki’s willingness to tackle both the human and witching world that is true Gemini behavior. This flexible sign can adapt easily to new situations because of their versatility, which is something that Kiki displays as she navigates relationships with a variety of characters. Plus, only an entrepreneurial Gemini would be creative enough to start their own delivery service.


iconic witches
Source: Warner Bros

Sally Owens, Practical Magic

Sally Owens just wants to keep her family safe and avoid conflict at all costs, something most Cancer signs will resonate with. Of course, being a witch with a curse on her family makes that very difficult. Like Cancers, Sally’s actions come from a place of love. She also has a hard time hiding her emotions and inner thoughts, especially when she and her sister are being investigated for a crime committed in self-defense. However, Sally’s ability to love even in the face of a curse is her greatest strength, something Cancer signs often exhibit to their family and friends.


Source: The CW

Bonnie Bennett, The Vampire Diaries

Just because Bonnie was (criminally) rarely the center of attention in The Vampire Diaries doesn’t mean she doesn’t have major Leo energy. Throughout the entire series, Bonnie is constantly standing up for what she believes in—much like a Leo, she’s unafraid to use her voice and speak her mind when it’s most important. Fiercely loyal and independent, Bonnie is also incredibly persistent and continues to bounce back (sometimes even from the dead) after each challenge she faces in Mystic Falls. Bonnie’s confidence in the face of adversity gives serious Leo energy.


Source: Hartbreak Films

Sabrina Spellman, Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Perhaps one of the most iconic fictional witches, Sabrina Spellman tries to figure out her magical powers and navigate high school at the same time. Like a true Virgo, she approaches this task practically, even when talking cats distract her. One of her main goals is to learn enough magic so she can earn her witch’s license, which is a task any Virgo would be fully prepared to take on. Studying, organizing, dealing with high school, and taking magic tests? There’s nothing a dedicated Virgo like Sabrina can’t handle and succeed at.


iconic witches
Source: Sony Pictures

Rochelle Zimmerman, The Craft

Libras are all about restoring balance, and Rochelle taps into this power when she forms a coven with her friends and learns how to wield magic. Rochelle often balances the strength of her magic with its potential consequences, working to find the harmony between her powers and the real world. If there’s one sign that’s all about harmony, it’s Libra. She also uses her natural Libra intellect and charm to guide her friendships and navigate the world of spells. But like a true Libra, Rochelle is best when adapting to new situations and reassessing how to move forward, perhaps in a different direction.


Source: Paramount Pictures

Phoebe Halliwell, Charmed

Scorpios are known for their psychic and intuitive abilities, and Phoebe not only wields this power in relationships, but also when it comes to her magic. This fictional witch literally has premonitions about the future, and uses these to guide her next steps. While she’s outgoing, Phoebe also has to be secretive to hide her powers from the rest of the world. This secrecy is something Scorpios are known for, but it’s often a way to mask their sensitive side, which is something Phoebe only reveals to those she trusts in her inner circle.


iconic witches
Source: Walt Disney Pictures

Marnie Piper, Halloweentown

Much like many of the fictional witches we’ve seen in nostalgic shows and movies, Marnie discovers her powers in her teenage years. Like Marnie, Sagittariuses often seek to understand the meaning of their lives. Marnie begins to feel this way when she finds out about her family history with magic. She absolutely has to know more, as any Sagittarius would. She goes on a physical and emotional journey to discover her own power and identity, saving her family along the way. This type of adventure is something that Sagittarius signs never shy away from.


iconic witches
Source: Warner Bros

Hermione Granger, Harry Potter

Hermione Granger is the best student in school. She’s organized, she’s a perfectionist, and she’s able to achieve any goal she puts her mind to. These are without a doubt the strongest characteristics of a Capricorn. Also like a Capricorn, Hermione’s intellectual instincts are strong in educational settings, friendships, and matters of the heart. She’s an incredible friend who will never give up on a plan until she’s worked out all angles of it, something Capricorns can relate to in their endless quest to achieve their goals.


iconic witches
Source: Mutant Enemy Productions

Willow Rosenberg, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Willow is openhearted and protective of her friends, treating them with constant kindness, like a true Aquarius. When we first meet her, she seems shy and free-spirited—also qualities of an Aquarius sign. However, Willow embraces her unique power throughout the seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and displays even more Aquarian qualities. She shows that she’s not afraid to be different, and will always live life on her own terms. After all, this fictional witch’s magical powers have endless possibilities, just like the many gifts of Aquarius signs.


iconic witches
Source: Walt Disney Pictures

Sarah Sanderson, Hocus Pocus

If Winifred is an Aries, Sarah Sanderson is definitely a Pisces. Constantly dreaming and sometimes thinking about another time and place, Sarah exhibits the qualities of a Pisces with their head in the clouds. Even when the Sanderson Sisters are on the hunt for their precious spellbook, Sarah takes time to dance, sing, and generally bring joy to everyone around her. While she may have a wandering mind from time to time, she’s also aware of her abilities. Like a Pisces, she’s extremely compassionate to her sisters and is willing to do whatever it takes to make them happy.

Michelle lema

Michelle Lema, Contributing Entertainment Writer

Michelle is a Los Angeles-based writer, performer, and on-camera host. She has worked in editorial and on-camera entertainment coverage with brands like Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars. She has been writing about astrology on The Everygirl since 2022.