A few months ago, I found myself hovering over the checkout button on DHgate, a popular website known for their knock-off designer bags. After a quick pulse check, I came to the conclusion that something felt off. I guess I just assumed that by the time I reached the age of 30, I’d be able to spare the expense of a designer bag.
Whether sporting a real hand-me-down or a fake of their own, the online audience for designer bags seems to be getting younger and younger. But, in the land of social media, it can be hard to tell–leaving people like me to feel unreasonably inadequate. As someone who doesn’t come from a long lineage of luxury handbags, and can’t afford one of her own, I decided to do some research in order to put these feelings to rest.
After years of working for an accessories brand, I know that creating reasonably priced, quality handbags is possible—why are designer brands continuing to charge thousands of dollars? Are consumers receiving supreme craftsmanship, or are they just buying into brand names? TikTok creator Volkan Yilmaz (who goes by Tanner Leatherstein on the app), has garnered the attention of more than one million users as he quite literally rips brands apart by tearing into luxury goods and expressing his concerns over the quality of the pieces. After watching a few rather jarring videos of Leatherstein dissecting designer bags, it became evident that higher price tags don’t necessarily equate to higher standards of craftmanship.
As the prices of designer handbags have continued to shoot up—the price of the Chanel Classic Flap bag has notoriously almost doubled in the past five years—more and more affordably priced bag designers have begun to make their mark.
While riding the excitement of realizing I didn’t need to fork over my life’s savings for a bag that will last me a lifetime, I sought out to find the very best mid-range bags on the market. These are the under-$500 bags I currently have my eye on.
DeMellier London
Known for mixing the old with the new, London-based brand DeMellier produces ethically and sustainably made leather bags that are modern, but stand the test of time. A percent of every purchase also goes toward funding vaccines and medical treatments for children in need through their “A Bag, A Life” initiative.
Polène’s popularity has continued to rise over the past few years—largely due to their famous Numéro Dix Bag and designs that combine minimalism with creative expression. Their croissant-shaped bag is so cute, I could take a bite out of it.
Behno New York
Behno, which translates to “sisters” in Hindi, was founded out of a desire to improve poor working conditions in the textile industry. Now, Behno can be seen all over the world, making their name as a sustainable, minimal luxury brand.
Rooted in rich cultural heritage, Songmont offers some of the chicest bags around. From mini duffles to playful bucket bags, this brand has my full attention.
Manu Atelier
With their bags being carried by A-list celebs like Taylor Swift and Hailey Bieber, Manu Atelier has quickly risen to popularity as of late. It’s giving The Row without the price tag.
While we probably know Staud by their instantly recognizable Moon or Tommy Bags, their lesser-known bags are also worth checking out.
Dragon Diffusion
Dragon Diffusion is whipping up hand-woven leather bags with on-demand production that could have you waiting up to 10 weeks to get your hands one one. But their bags are so beautiful, they’re well worth the wait.
Ganni is one of those brands that just screams “fun” in everything they release. When it comes to handbags, they’re not afraid to push the boundaries through out-of-the-box prints, colors, materials. I personally own the Bou Bag and it’s been one of my best purchases to date.
Carolina Santo Domingo
LA-based brand Carolina Santo Domingo has attracted quite the list of fans, ranging from Michelle Obama to Kate Hudson. The brand designs minimalist, sculptural pieces that are inspired by the designer’s coastal Californian and Columbian background.
Marge Sherwood
Marge Sherwood, a brand that specializes in bringing out-of-the-box designs to life, gives very Miu Miu energy at a much lower price point. The Outpocket Hobo Bag is giving Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century in the best way possible.
The first time I saw a Coperni bag (more specifically, their Mini Swipe Bag), I thought my friend had brought a kettlebell to dinner. After a good laugh, I became enamored with Coperni’s ingenious bag designs, many of which are inspired by the iPhone’s swipe button.
Cult Gaia
You’ll never forget a Cult Gaia bag, and chances are you can spot one of their stand-out designs from a mile away. While the first thing that comes to mind after hearing their name name are iconic, sculptural evening bags, I’m loving their latest collection of understated, fall-ready designs.
By Far
When I recently saw this picture of Rita Ora, I immediately closed Instagram and did some sleuthing to find out where I could get the bag she was carrying. It came as no surprise that it was by the brand By Far, whose statement-making designs are rooted in playfulness and innovation.
Tinsley Crisp, Fashion & Beauty Staff Writer
Tinsley Crisp is a Fashion & Beauty Staff Writer at The Everygirl and specializes in reporting on the season’s latest trends and hottest products. As a New York City-based stylist, she’s committed to injecting joy into the art of getting dressed and delivering attainable yet aspirational content to our readers.