It’s a debate that plagues every friend group of four: Determining whether you’re a Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, or Miranda is a personality test arguably right up there with your zodiac sign and enneagram. Opinions and hot takes abound regarding each character’s true personality and motivations—is Carrie’s boundless curiosity self-serving or actually valuable? Is Samantha’s take-no-shit demeanor her truest self, or just a tough exterior? Is Charlotte’s romanticism obnoxiously naïve, or necessarily hopeful? Does Miranda’s pragmatism set her up for success, or does it hinder her personal relationships? Now that SATC is officially back on Netflix, all of these debates and more have been bubbling back to the surface.
Whether you want to figure out what SATC gal you are just in time for hot girl summer (and who could blame you?) or you’re ready to settle the argument amongst your friend group once and for all, we’ve crafted a quiz that will tell you whether you’re a Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, or Miranda. It may be true that there’s a little bit of each of these nineties New Yorkers in every one of us, but we couldn’t help but wonder…which Sex and the City Character are you?
If you’re a…

Main character energy! You are the hero of your own story, and you’re not going to let any man get you down—no matter how many post-it notes you get hit with. You have the energy of the classic New York City girl, and you love a night out on the town, a fabulous addition to your wardrobe or home decor, and a recap gab with your friends. You’re constantly asking the big questions about life—you can be counted on to have a daily revelation, whether profound or mundane.

You’re the life of the party, but you have a heart of gold. As a Samantha, you instantly turn heads the moment you walk into a room: You’re confident, outgoing, and not afraid to push your friends out of their comfort zones. You always know the right thing to say to strangers, and you rarely find yourself out of your depth when it comes to flirting. While it might take a little while for you to let people in, when you’re with your inner circle, you can be your truest self.

You’re a die-hard romantic and a bleeding heart. You believe that there’s one true love out there for you, and there’s nothing that will stop you from trying to find that person—even if you take a few wrong turns along the way. You’re a natural-born caretaker (of humans and animals alike), and your stunning home is the envy of all of your friends. Though you may be soft and approachable, at the end of the day, you’re not afraid to stand up for what you deserve.

If you were to get a calligraphy sign to put up in your kitchen, it would say “Drink coffee, have sex, buy pies, and enjoy battery-powered devices.” It’s a man’s world, and you’ll forever resent that, but that ultimately isn’t going to stop you from enjoying your life. Your friends constantly come to you with problems and situations that you never would have gotten yourself into, and you take all of their chaos in stride. You’re never afraid to say what you really think.