It feels like I just caught my breath from that extra-spicy Aries eclipse back in April, but here we go again with another set of eclipses ready to bring some wild energy back into our lives. We’re now in the middle of the second (and last) 2024 eclipse season, which started with the Pisces lunar eclipse on September 17, 2024, and ends with a Libra solar eclipse on October 2, 2024. It’s been intense and emotional, and as much as I love Pisces energy, the brain fog has made it almost impossible to get anything done. If you’re anything like me, you’re ready to book a spa day and disappear from society for a few days.
Not all eclipses are created equal, and everyone feels each one a little bit differently. Your zodiac sign can tell you a lot about how this eclipse season will affect you and what sort of changes the cosmos are plotting for your life over the next few months.
What is an eclipse?
If we want to get science-y with it, an eclipse occurs when the Sun comes in between Earth and the Moon or when the Moon comes in between Earth and the Sun. In astrology, eclipses are like full moons on some serious performance enhancers. They have the potential to bring about life-altering changes, like a big move, marriage, kids, or a major promotion.
Eclipses always happen in opposite pairs, but sometimes the pairs overlap. This season, we have one eclipse in Pisces and one eclipse in Libra because we’re just starting to move into the Virgo-Pisces eclipses and move our way out of the Aries-Libra eclipses, which will officially finish up their turn during the next eclipse season beginning in March 2025.
How to deal with eclipse energy
Eclipses can be exciting and fun. They can also feel like hopping on a rollercoaster that you didn’t know went upside down before you strapped in. You’ll be fine, but it might be a wild ride. Luckily, we’ve got the tools to get through it—a little self-care and a go-with-the-flow attitude can go a long way. This is not the time to take on extra responsibilities—the eclipses will be a lot more challenging if you’re burnt out and frazzled.
It’s also important to keep in mind that changes during eclipse season usually don’t happen right away, and you might not notice how significantly things have shifted in your life until months later. If you’re feeling especially anxious about this eclipse season, I recommend looking back at previous eclipse seasons and seeing how your life changed during those times.
What to expect from this eclipse season, based on your sign

Aries, it’s time to dive deep and really think about what you want. Let’s be real, you’re not great at taking things slow, but this eclipse forces you to sit still by making your next move unclear—or by bringing on some serious brain fog. As we enter October, the focus switches to relationships, but not necessarily the spicy, X-rated type of romance you love so much. This eclipse is more about serious relationships—whether that means a long-term SO or a new business partner—and what you need to do to create more space for the people who matter the most.

This recent Pisces eclipse lit up your social life in a major way, and you’ll probably see those changes throughout the next few months. That might mean fewer Sunday brunches for a while as you spend more time with a new friend group, or even more time alone while you figure out what type of friendships you want to prioritize. That alone time will help you during the Libra eclipse when the focus switches to your daily habits and health. Your day-to-day responsibilities could change in a big way, too—whether it’s because of a new job, a new pet, or a commitment to creating healthier habits.

Expect some big changes in your public image: Think blowing up on social media or getting a promotion that puts you in a leadership role. The Pisces eclipse started pushing you along and encouraging you to go after what you want, and if it’s aligned, it’ll start paying off as this Virgo-Pisces eclipse pair continues next year. The Libra eclipse, on the other hand, switches the focus to the fun stuff—romance, creativity, and kids or pets. You might realize that you don’t want kids and would rather save the extra bedroom for a colony of adopted cats, start a new creative project, or just have a lot of fun dating if you’re single.

It’s time to go off on a new adventure. Book that dream trip or get back to school and finally earn that M.B.A. you’ve been thinking about. This Pisces eclipse is pushing you to create change in your life by learning and experiencing something new. On the other hand, the Libra eclipse will do a major switch on you and push you back into your comfort zone—home! Make sure you make the most of this second eclipse and prioritize self-care, no matter how crazy the outside world gets. Take extra-long baths, get those pumpkin-scented candles stocked, and feel all the feelings.

Buckle up and get ready to deal with those emotions you’ve been sweeping under the rug, Leo. Unresolved issues with your ex? Resentment about not getting that promotion? Anger about family drama? All valid feelings, but now it’s time to sit with them and let them do their thing. Surround yourself with good friends this eclipse season, and know it will pass. Lucky for you, the Libra eclipse brings lighter energy with it. You might feel ready to share some feelings with the girls during wine night or plan a fun weekend getaway for everyone to get some R&R. The focus here is on taking time to connect with your people and build new relationships, too.

You know those relationships you’ve been avoiding so that you can work on yourself? It’s time to take a chance and swipe right. Even though your mental game is on point, finding balance and compromise in relationships can be a mystery to you. This Pisces eclipse is pushing you—you don’t need to have all the answers, and things don’t need to be perfect for love to exist. If you’re searching for love, take a chance. If you’re already there, be open to change. The Libra eclipse is more your style and gives you the chance to analyze how you make money and whether or not it lines up with who you are. If not, create a plan to find work that means something to you and gives you a sense of purpose.

Switching up your daily routines keeps things spicy, and that’s exactly what September’s Pisces eclipse pushed you to do. Whether it’s starting a new health routine, taking on a new role at work, or challenging yourself to take more breaks during the day for self-care, it’s time to mix things up. The changes you make now will bring some big energy next year when the Virgo eclipse rolls around. As the Libra eclipse peaks in October, it brings some well-deserved all-about-me energy. Celebrate yourself, but also focus on what it is you want. You love to make other people happy, but this eclipse is asking you to be selfish.

Romance, family, and creativity are the themes during this Pisces eclipse. As a Scorpio, I felt this Pisces eclipse in a major way—the baby fever is hitting hard. This eclipse season has all of us Scorpios feeling extra romantic and family-oriented. Maybe you’ll adopt a pet, have a lot of fun dating, or finally end that dry spell with your partner (it happens to the best of us). With the Libra eclipse, prepare to go deep and see what’s holding you back. Make changes wherever you’re feeling stuck, whether that means finally seeing what the sober-curious movement is about or setting better boundaries with your boss.

Listen Sag, I know you’re not one for letting your emotional side take center stage, but it can be helpful sometimes. This Pisces eclipse is hitting a sensitive part of your chart, and it might bring up emotions that you haven’t felt in a while (or ones you’ve been avoiding to keep your optimistic outlook on life). You can go as deep as you want to, but make sure to at least think about what these emotions are trying to tell you. In October, the Libra eclipse will help you chill out and focus more on your social life and professional circle. Use this energy to your advantage and make connections with new people you vibe with—it’s a powerful time to open up new opportunities for yourself.

With the Pisces eclipse, communication and your immediate community are the center of attention. Are you communicating clearly and actually saying what you want to say? If not, it might be time to rethink your communication style to get your points across more effectively and help you reach your goals. Once the Libra eclipse rolls around and those communication barriers are easier to navigate, get ready to shine. This eclipse energy is helping you finish up whatever advancements you’ve made in your career over the last year and a half. It’s time to finally get the recognition you deserve.

Expect some disruptions in your career—it might feel like a huge headache at first, but all of the best changes do. The Pisces eclipse aims to make sure that how you make money is aligned with the person you are. Treat this change like your next big project—it can be fun or, at the very least, be the perfect opportunity for you to figure out exactly what you want. In October, you might find yourself moving neighborhoods or taking some weekend trips to clear your mind and get a change of scenery. Think about how these opportunities can help you build stronger connections and communicate your ideas with more people.

This recent Pisces eclipse might’ve felt a bit bumpy, in the way that pilots say you’ll only feel “a little bit” of turbulence. This is a time for self-transformation and growth. Maybe you had one of those famous Pisces epiphanies about your purpose in life or broke out the box dye and switched up your look on a whim. On the other hand, maybe you just cried a lot. No judgment: The key is to feel, heal, and make positive change. When the Libra eclipse happens in a few weeks, be prepared to take an even deeper dive into your emotions. Will it be intense? Yes. But it will only help you get to know yourself and connect with the world around you more.

Brittany Mailhot, Contributing Astrology Writer
As an Astrology Writer for The Everygirl, Brittany enjoys exploring how we can use astrology to understand ourselves on a deeper level. During her time studying at Portland Astrology School, she became especially interested in evolutionary astrology and the role of the moon in our lives. Outside of The Everygirl, she is an advocate for community building, mental health, and policy change.