Prioritizing our health from November to January feels like a feat. With holiday celebrations penciled in every weekend, treats everywhere you turn, and year-end deadlines to meet, this season can make even the most enthusiastic wellness girlies feel like throwing in the towel to maintain any semblance of a healthy routine (I speak from experience). Which begs the question, how do you fully enjoy the holidays while still feeling good? While it may take more intention and motivation to stay healthy during the holidays, women who feel good in their bodies have the best-kept secret: simple habits that lean into joy and minimize stress. Let’s dive into the eight habits that the healthiest women lean on during the holidays.
panic packing? I don't know her.
1. They Know Joy Is the Most Important Nutrient
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the holiday sales frenzy, a schedule overbooked with social obligations, and checking off everyone’s gift on your list. But the healthiest women don’t get sidetracked by alluring emails, parties overflowing with food and drinks, and the commercialization of the season—they focus on fostering connections and making memories to nourish and care for their bodies. Because it’s just not the food on your plate that feeds you; it’s also the people you surround yourself with, the media you consume, and the way you speak to yourself and others. Only spend time with people who bring out the best in you, prioritize activities that bring you joy, and show yourself TLC.
2. They Don’t Label Foods “Good” or “Bad”
Yes, you can have your (yule log) cake and feel good about yourself, too. Wellness is not all or nothing, especially when it comes to food. It’s not polishing off an entire pumpkin pie or passing on dessert altogether. Instead of swearing off homemade apple pie or resisting a second helping of figgy pudding, healthy women enjoy the good on their plate and don’t count calories while still tuning into their hunger cues and what their bodies need to feel their best. Their other holiday hack? Noshing on some protein and veggies before that Christmas soirée where they know their cookie habit will likely present itself.
3. They Sip Smarter
If you’re not alcohol-free, being healthy does not have to mean cutting out alcohol altogether (as long as intentionally indulging in wine or a festive cocktail is a part of your best life). Instead, it means knowing what your personal limits are (we each have our own definition of a healthy amount, which varies depending on our biological sex, age, health, and body composition) and practicing mindful drinking. And when the healthiest women enjoy a cocktail or two (or three) at the office holiday party, they have a few tricks up their sleeves: They support their bodies with nutrient-dense foods before, during, and after they drink, opt for a healthier alcohol alternative (such as red wine), double-fist it with water, and curb their alcohol intake three to four hours before bed.
4. They Don’t Go on Detoxes
Despite what diet culture has ingrained in us, you don’t have to go on a juice cleanse to “make up for” your holiday indulgences. The healthiest women skip the shame and regret that often comes with overeating and don’t feel the need to “get back on track” the day after Thanksgiving or Christmas with calorie counting, restrictive diets, and intense workouts. The body detoxifies itself on its own, with the liver doing a lot of the heavy lifting. So let your body do its job, and focus on intuitive eating, stretching or engaging in light exercise, staying hydrated with water, loading up on veggies, and taking self-care up a notch to support your body as much as possible.
5. They Cook At Home More Often
Consider preparing whole, home-cooked meals a healthy nut’s love language and healthifying traditional holiday recipes without sacrificing flavor her favorite hobby. Making meals yourself not only means control over what goes into them (read: more fresh, nutrient-dense foods) but also more savings in your bank account. Add in-season produce packed with micronutrients and dietary fiber to your dishes to help regulate your digestion. Need some inspo? Even your most discerning relative will be going back for seconds with these plant-based holiday recipes.
6. They Get Eight+ Hours of Quality Sleep Every Night
With Hallmark Christmas movies running on repeat, it takes a certain kind of self-control to refrain from staying up late—whether or not you have to wake up early for work. But not getting enough quality sleep often leads to consequences like lack of energy, anxiety, and poor decision-making (not to mention more sugar cravings). The healthiest people know that sleep deserves to be a top priority, which means they have a dedicated nighttime checklist or routine to help them fall (and stay asleep) and don’t let late-night TV binges get in the way. The result? Better mood, stronger immune system, less stress, and a healthier weight (just to name a few benefits).
7. They Exercise to Feel Good
Rather than viewing exercise as a guilt-induced chore or punishment for the one-too-many cookies they ate the night before, the healthiest women prioritize movement out of enjoyment and to feel their best. They show up for their workouts consistently because they’re not forcing themselves through an hours-long sweat session or a workout they dread. The healthiest people view fitness as a sustainable habit that’s enjoyable and supports their growth, both physically and mentally. Whether it looks like cozy cardio, a game of Pickleball, or a challenging Pilates class, they keep the mindset that they get to (as opposed to have to) work out.
8. They Make Space for Hard Feelings Too
The truth is that the holiday season is not just the most wonderful time of the year. It can also bring up grief, stress, loneliness, overwhelm, perfectionism, or triggers. Being “healthy” is not just about eating your vegetables or reciting gratitude affirmations. “Healthy” also means acknowledging, making space for, and feeling the hard feelings. Maybe that means you add a couple of extra therapy sessions, maybe that means you schedule in alone time, or maybe that means you stick with habits like journaling to make you feel grounded and present. All feelings are for feeling, and the healthiest women know that.

Katherine Chang, Wellness Staff Writer
Katherine Chang is The Everygirl’s Wellness Staff Writer with over five years of experience in the health and wellness space. She navigates the latest wellness topics and trends through studies, articles, and is always first in line to try them firsthand.