While we all deserve to go on a one-week vacation and treat ourselves to a spa day in the name of self-care, some days you’re lucky if you remember to eat breakfast, let alone find the time to squeeze in a quick walk around the block. “Me time” often takes a back seat to the laundry list of tasks to get done and the feeling of needing to prioritize productivity over rest. Reminder: You don’t need to earn a break. Showing yourself some TLC doesn’t have to be elaborate, costly, or require you to block out time in your schedule.
Case in point: Gretchen Rubin’s “one-minute rule,” which entails immediately doing any task that can be completed in one minute or less. When the New York Times bestselling author was asked to give her best happiness tips, she suggested this rule because it’s easy and convenient, but can make a major difference in your wellbeing. Read on for 14 small yet effective rituals that you can do right now, in between meetings, and daily to make a major difference in your mood. You can complete them in the time it takes to put on red lipstick or wait for your coffee to brew; consider them self-care micro-moments.
“Reminder: You don’t need to earn a break.”
14 Acts of Self-Care That Take 60 Seconds or Less
1. Perform a brain dump
Call it journaling or a self-therapy sesh. Write down whatever to-dos, worries, and thoughts your racing brain throws at you in a minute, and release emotions and anxieties that would otherwise eat at you throughout the day.
2. Light a candle
Cue the hygge and slip on your fuzzy socks while you’re at it. WebMD says the simple act of lighting a candle can lower blood pressure and heart rate, reduce stress, and balance brain activity. (Opt for non-toxic beeswax candles scented with natural essential oils for the greatest health perks.) Click here for our favorite candles of the season.
3. Drink a glass of water
Next time you have 60 seconds, down a glass of water and you’ll be that much closer to reaching your daily hydration goal, plus revving up your digestion, hydrating joints, increasing energy, and boosting skin glow–just to name a few benefits you get from drinking water. Need some inspiration for staying hydrated? Hi, #WaterTok.
4. Exercise-snack
I’m not talking smoothies, protein bars, or bananas, but rather doing as many push-ups, squats, or lunges as you can in a minute. It will not only help break up your day but also ensure you fit in movement on the reg, prevent prolonged sitting, and boost energy. Think: An instant endorphin release that is not only good for your body but for your mood.
5. Text your best friend
Take the 60 seconds (or less) to let your bestie know you’re thinking of them. There’s power in social connection, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant the gesture. A 2022 study found that we underestimate how much other people appreciate us reaching out to them, meaning not only can it make your day, but it can make a friend’s day too.
6. Engage your senses
Putting your senses to work helps you focus on the present moment and stay mindful, which can help you destress or calm anxiety. Wrap yourself in your coziest blanket, put your diffuser to work, sip on a PSL, play your go-to chill playlist, and go through your “Favorites” album.
7. Step outside
Breathing in some fresh air does your mind and body good. One study published in 2015 proved that being outdoors for as little as 40 seconds can improve your focus. Being one with nature also increases happiness and decreases anxiety, stress, and depression.
6. Stretch or do a yoga flow
Whether you down-dog, back-bend, or cat-cow, consider stretching an act of self-care. It’s often the piece of our fitness routines that doesn’t get much love, but stretching your muscles is a key part of fitness, not only for muscular health but also to release tension in the body. Try these poses that can also improve digestion.
7. Hug it out
There’s no denying the oh-so-good feelings of a warm embrace, so go wrap your arms around your S.O., four-legged friend, or even yourself (it is called self-care, after all). Oxytocin, the love hormone that gets released when you hug someone you love, can reduce blood pressure, soothe stress, and promote healing.
8. Repeat a positive affirmation
The ongoing monologue in your head can either light a fire in you or tear you down. Enter: optimistic AF self-talk. A 2015 study suggests that affirmations can boost your sense of self, influence positive behavioral changes (better sleep habits, anyone?), and help you perform better under stress. Try these seasonal affirmations or these affirmations based on your zodiac sign.
9. List three things you’re grateful for
Reflecting on what you appreciate can work wonders for lessening anxiety, relieving stress, and improving sleep. Practicing gratitude will help you be mindful and attract more of what makes you thankful (see: manifestation). So take a minute (literally) to notice what genuinely brings you a sense of happiness and satisfaction. It could be as mundane as the first sip of your morning coffee or as big as the people in your life who fill your cup.
10. Take three deep breaths
If there’s one surefire way to instantly relax you and boost your mood, it’s engaging in breathwork. Whatever technique you choose, you’ll hit reset on your nervous system and gut (think: better digestion) with the simple act of breathing. Try the 4-7-8 routine, which entails breathing in for four seconds, holding the breath for seven seconds, and exhaling for eight seconds.
11. Connect to the earth
Earthing (also known as grounding) is a therapeutic technique that involves physically connecting to the earth, and according to a study in the Journal of Inflammation Research, it can lower inflammation, strengthen immune responses, accelerate wound healing, and reduce pain. Kick off your shoes and walk barefoot in the grass or jump into a pile of leaves (you know you’ve always wanted to) for powerful physical and mental benefits.
12. Tidy up a corner of your home
Harness the power of 60 seconds by doing a quick clean-up of an area of your home—wiping down the kitchen counters, doing a load of laundry, or making your bed. You’ll be surprised at how many household tasks can be done in one minute or less and the significant positive impact organizing your space can have not only on the tidiness of your home but for your stress levels too.
13. Practice eye movements
Whether you take a 30-second break to gaze out the window into the distance, engage in eye yoga (think: blinking rapidly 10 times in a row or rolling both eyes in one direction and then back again), or look at something that evokes feelings of joy or awe, like a picture or a sunrise or sunset, you’re sending the message to your brain that you are safe and can relax. In other words, you’ve switched off the stress response and calmed the nervous system in under one minute.
14. Smile
If all else fails, just smile. The jovial expression has the power to help the body release cortisol and endorphins, which come with major health benefits, like reducing pain and stress and strengthening the immune system. Your brain listens to your body, which is why relaxing tension from the shoulders can often have a calming effect to help reduce stress; smiling helps signal to the brain to be happy. Consider this your reminder to not take life too seriously.

Katherine Chang, Wellness Staff Writer
Katherine Chang is The Everygirl’s Wellness Staff Writer with over five years of experience in the health and wellness space. She navigates the latest wellness topics and trends through studies, articles, and is always first in line to try them firsthand.