When it comes to decorating a Christmas tree, there are two methods of operation to choose from. You can either meticulously arrange the tree with a carefully curated selection of holiday ornaments in a specific color scheme and style. Or you can throw on the random assortment of tree trimmings you’ve been collecting for years, including but not limited to: popsicle-stick creations you made in elementary school, kitschy souvenir ornaments you picked up on various trips, and sentimental treasures that have seen better days but you can’t bear to part with. Both are respectable approaches to holiday decorating, and there’s no right or wrong answer here. This year, for the first time in my adult life, I finally have the space for two Christmas trees, so you bet I’m doing both.
If it isn’t going to make me feel like I’m wrapped up in a warm hug, I’m not wearing it.
Regardless of how you like to decorate, having a solid collection of Christmas ornaments is key to making your tree look as festive as possible. Whether you prefer your tree to be a designer-worthy masterpiece or a beautiful mess of memories, there’s always room to add a few new pieces to your collection. Plus, ornaments make fantastic gifts, especially for those folks on your list that are difficult to buy for. We’ve rounded up our favorite holiday ornaments for 2023 to gift to a loved one or dress up your own tree this year.