For as long as I can remember, my family Thanksgivings centered around something we called turkey notes. This tradition involved my mom writing a short, turkey-themed rhyme for each person and us reading them aloud before dinner. Nevermind the steaming casserole dishes and heaping platter of roasted turkey–our table wasn’t complete without those little poems written on construction paper (which was rolled up and tied with ribbon at the ends) at each place setting.
Now that all of my siblings are grown, we no longer recite nonsensical rhymes about turkeys, but we do like to savor the sense of gratitude and family that comes with Thanksgiving. There are so many ways to give thanks on this holiday, but why not turn it into a fun activity à la turkey notes? Allow me to propose a little gratitude practice using The Everygirl’s Thanksgiving printable.

Source: Kirra Wallace
The Everygirl
Thanksgiving Printable
Our graphic designer Kirra whipped up this Thanksgiving printable design (in both color and black and white) with spaces to share what you’re thankful for, a recipe you love, and a memory you’d like to cherish. She recommends printing them out on heavyweight paper (like this) so they’re not too flimsy. Then cut them out and place one at each setting around the table. Don’t forget to set out a few pens, too!
The Everygirl
Thanksgiving Printable
Ask everyone at the table to fill it out before or during dinner, then take time to share what each person wrote once the meal is over. Because it encourages you to get intentional about giving thanks, this simple activity can make your gathering so much more meaningful and special.
In short, it’s an easy way to make this year’s feast a little more gratitude-forward. Who knows–you might have just found a new Thanksgiving tradition your family will practice for years to come.