Career & Finance
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This post was sponsored by La Marca Prosecco but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl Media Group editorial board.

Your Work from Home Style, Based on Your Enneagram

written by BETH GILLETTE

If you’re still working at home like us, you know the saying all too well: we live where we work and we work where we live, and the days all just run into each other. It’s easy to get bogged down and stressed out with everything going on in the world, but it’s another to feel trapped and lonely when all you do is work all day and then go to sleep. Luckily, there are solutions to make the workday and your home-life feel a little separate rather than staying in the same bed all day long (except for getting snacks, of course). 

Wondering how to spice up your weeknights after working or being productive while you’re spending the whole day at home? We were too. Which is why we partnered with La Marca Prosecco to remind you to celebrate the small victories. La Marca believes that popping the bubbly shouldn’t be limited to the big, grand occasions. Celebrating the little moments—that made you smile, feel proud or encouraged, laugh freely—can be just as rewarding. Because we could all use something to cheers right about now. Here, we’re sharing what your work-from-home style might be, based on your Enneagram type, and how exactly you should spend those precious evening hours.

Don’t know your Enneagram type? Take this quiz!

But first, two new tech backgrounds to help you celebrate, every day!

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Black Text:
Desktop | iPhone 8 / Google Pixel | iPhone X / iPhone 11 | Samsung Galaxy
iPad / Tablet

Blue Text: 
Desktop | iPhone 8 / Google Pixel | iPhone X / iPhone 11 | Samsung Galaxy
iPad / Tablet


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Desktop | iPhone 8 / Google Pixel | iPhone X / iPhone 11 | Samsung Galaxy
iPad / Tablet





Work-From-Home Uniform: light sweater, comfortable denim, and their favorite blue-light glasses


Work-From-Home Style


Ones like order and structure in their lives, so they’re probably using this time to get totally acquainted with the organizational systems in both their homes and their jobs. They like to work in a tidy work area, whether it’s a clean living room, a minimal kitchen situation, or a desk. They’re probably waking up and doing their normal morning routine to make it feel like they’re still going to work in the morning. 


After Work


Once work is over, you can expect ones to start cleaning and decluttering their space. They’re using this time to spring clean everything in their homes. Make sure you leave your workspace once the workday is over to really create that separation between going to work in the morning and leaving the “office.”




Work-From-Home Uniform: comfortable tee with their favorite pajama pants from the night before


Work-From-Home Style


Twos are having quite the time during isolation, as they truly live for social interaction. But they also love having this time to connect with their friends and family in other ways! Expect them to look nice for all their video calls (which they’ll want to do multiple times a day), but TBH, they’re probably wearing PJ pants underneath. 


After Work


After work, they have to get their social time in somehow. They’ve probably already had multiple FaceTime dates with their BFFs, so twos who are bored with that method should try Instagram Live happy hours. The Everygirl is hosting one every Friday, but our favorite celebs, bloggers, influencers, and more are doing them throughout the week too! La Marca Prosecco minis are easy to keep in your fridge for moments like these. Toast to everyone on the IG Live with you in a drink perfect for one!



Work-From-Home Uniform: button-down top, leggings, and slippers 


Work-From-Home Style


Threes are using this time to get ahead on projects and focusing on their productivity, both in and out of the workplace. They’re social by nature, but putting their time into work is a distraction. They might not be all dolled up for work every day, but expect them to still put some effort into their day-to-day dress. You never know when you’ll have to run a meeting, you know.


After Work


Threes need to keep their motivation up after they spend a whole day at their desk, so you’ll find them doing the latest at-home workout routine (or creating their own—so three). Once they’re done with a workout, they’ll spend time brushing up on their skills by taking online courses and reading about their field.




Work-From-Home Uniform: Pajamas and a silk scrunchie (for when genius strikes) 


Work-From-Home Style


Our beloved fours are without a doubt consuming many, many cups of coffee per day. But that’s OK! They’re using this time to slow down and focus on their projects clearly rather than rushing through one thing to the next like they might when working in their traditional office. 


After Work


This creativity works its way into their nighttime routines which includes trying new hobbies, such as baking! Turn your evening cookie-making into a girls’ night by calling your friends and sharing a glass of La Marca Prosecco over the phone together. With notes of crisp lemon, apple, and grapefruit, La Marca Prosecco pairs well with sweet and salty, so you can get extra adventurous with your next creation.




Work-From-Home Uniform: listening to podcasts or audiobooks while they work, most likely in comfy leggings and sweatshirts


Work-From-Home Style


When they were first ordered to stay at home, fives were a little more OK with it than their type seven counterparts. Introverts at heart, they knew this would give them time to catch up on reading what’s on their bookshelves and listening to their favorite podcasts. So, fives are likely giving themselves breaks throughout the day to add in a little extra self-care time to balance with productivity.


After Work


Once work is over, fives finally have time to really put their headphones in and escape. That is, until they finally finish that true-crime podcast and need to text all of their friends about the ending. This might turn into an all-night text-sesh or maybe even a FaceTime to really get it out—surprised, “I can’t believe that happened” face included.





Work-From-Home Uniform: their comfiest jeans and a blazer while working, but immediately throwing on a robe and sweats once the clock strikes 5pm


Work-From-Home Style


Sixes are using this time to read and make lists. They like to look forward to things and have a plan, so tallying up the work they need to do, who to call or text this week, and their favorite ways to practice self-care give them a little peace of mind. You’ll also likely see them reading up on self-help and motivation when inspiration strikes. They’re most productive when working from a desk or a designated workspace in their kitchen or living room.


After Work


After all of that productivity, sixes love to take the time for self-care and relaxation. Whether they’re catching up on sleep or starting a new show, you can expect them to spend their weeknights on all the little things they save during the day for nighttime.





Work-From-Home Uniform: some variation of workout leggings, a sports bra, and a sweatshirt (likely from their high school volleyball days)—however, expect a midday costume change at least a few days a week


Work-From-Home Style


Although sevens love spontaneity and surprise, they need a little structure to their day without the social activity of an office. So, they’re waking up and getting dressed, and maybe putting on some makeup or doing their hair just to make the day feel like a regular workday. They desperately need fresh air, so they’ll probably use their lunch break to take a walk around the neighborhood or sit outside. 


After Work


After work is all fair game for a seven. They won’t want to develop too much of a routine to keep things exciting. So, make it a point to have a girls’ night in by using the Party Extension on your favorite streaming service. (If you haven’t tried this feature, your world is about to change!)

Grab a La Marca Prosecco mini, some popcorn, and whatever is new to stream, and host your girls for a virtual GNI! La Marca is our go-to for the usual girls’ night, so why not make it a staple when you’re at home too! The minis are the perfect size to enjoy on your own (or with whoever you’re at home with, of course!).




Work-From-Home Uniform: failsafe black leggings, a black T-shirt, and their favorite pen stashed behind the ear


Work-From-Home Style


Eights need both structure and order and a little excitement (we’re confusing creatures). You’ll find them motivated and working early in the morning, but they’ll likely get bored of that environment after a little while and move to somewhere else in the house. Then, they’ll hightail it back to their desk for an end-of-the-day productivity sesh. (Yes, this is exactly what I do every single day as an eight.) They might not put on their best outfit every day, but they’ll keep routine up by putting on makeup or doing their hair. 


After Work


Once work is over, eights probably won’t stop. Although threes are often the career-oriented type, eights are goal-setters—big time. So, they’ll use this time to set new goals and update their resume to showcase the new skills they’ve learned in the last few months, especially about handling stress and change in the workplace since moving to work from home. And what’s more to celebrate than some career accomplishments? La Marca celebrates wins big and small, so don’t hesitate to pour yourself a glass of Prosecco and toast to everything you’ve done in Q1.





Work-From-Home Uniform: fuzzy socks, comfy joggers, and their reading glasses (ideally blue-light-blocking)


Work-From-Home Style


At any given moment, you can expect nines to have a cup of tea in hand with their pets right beside them. They love working from a cozy atmosphere, so expect a couch draped with blankets and pillows to keep them feeling comfortable and at ease while they’re working.


After Work


Nines turn in their tea for something a little more bubbly once the clock strikes 5! Spend time journaling, planning, or making lists. Write down what you’re grateful for, everyone you want to call or text during this time, your self-care rituals, and anything that will help you feel grounded and centered. Prosecco doesn’t have to be for celebrating just the big accomplishments—La Marca appreciates even the small steps we take to making better days, so grab your Prosecco and make this time of self-care a celebration too.



Have a Virtual Happy Hour

When you’ve finally clocked out for the night, carve out some social time—virtually! Connecting with your loved ones and finding community are more important than ever right now, and hosting a virtual happy hour is a great way to bring some normalcy and fun to your daily routine. Grab a mini La Marca Prosecco and host a video chat with your best friends, work wives, family, or support network. There’s something to celebrate every single day, so highlight that during your happy hour. Say you nailed a call with a client, finished a report, or just got through the day without putting out a fire. Or you went outside on your lunch break, crushed it at a living room workout, or put in a hair mask while you wrote some emails. Prioritize you and your loved ones by cheers-ing to your accomplishments—big and small.




This post was sponsored by La Marca Prosecco but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl Media Group editorial board.