Whether it comes to a romantic partner or an interview, we often can spot red flags from a mile away, but we could all afford to put a spotlight on the green ones too. You know, the signs that give you the thumbs up that you’re heading in the right direction with your health, relationships, or career. While we can more easily identify growth in our relationships and work, it’s not as black and white gauging our progress with our wellness (health is way more than just the number on the scale or pants size, after all). The good news is there are some general clues the body tells us that indicate good health. Ahead, we’ve rounded up some of the green flags that prove you’re becoming the healthiest version of yourself. BTW, these aren’t the only green flags; we all have unique bodies and paths toward greater well-being, but these green flags can serve as a good starting point.
1. You wake up feeling refreshed
Waking up feeling inspired and excited to take on the day can feel like an out-of-reach luxury. But because you fall asleep in under 30 minutes and sleep solidly through the night without waking up more than once, feeling rested, restored, and energized upon waking up in the AM is the norm for you. Plus, you know better than to go to bed and wake up at inconsistent times, get trapped in the hamster wheel of TikToks close to bedtime, sip on an espresso after 2 p.m. (yes, you also skip your favorite nightcap in the name of a good night’s rest), and keep your bedroom cooler than 72 degrees. Because sleep is essential for our bodies and minds to release toxins and recharge, when we have consistent nights of blissful sleep, we reap the benefits of better brain function, improved emotional regulation, a healthy immune system and weight, and decreased risk of developing chronic diseases.
2. You have consistent energy throughout the day
Drinking one cup of coffee after the next ’til you’ve lost count to get you through the work day: You’ve been there, done that. But as you’re healing your body, you no longer depend on your afternoon caffeine pick-me-up to function. Instead, you have picked up a workout routine that you enjoy and stick to, eat whole, nutritious foods (most of the time), say your daily affirmations, journal, and call your BFF on the regular to tame any stress. You have the physical and mental energy to do the things you want to do, like manifesting love, crushing your workouts, checking off work projects without distractions, and letting the little things slide (a 20-minute wait at the doctor’s office? no biggie). What afternoon slump?
3. You have regular and healthy bowel movements
Your bowel movement schedule (or lack thereof) is a window into your gut health. Sure, you may have struggled with digestive drama—stomach pain, bloating, and constipation—in the past, but out with the old habits, in with the new. You’ve prioritized staying hydrated and stick with foods rich in antioxidants, antimicrobials, prebiotic fiber, and resistant starch. You stocked your kitchen with whole foods that are in season to help fight inflammation and support a healthy gut microbiome. Thanks to these healthy habits, your bowel function is normal, AKA they are soft but solid, are easily passed, and happen regularly (at least once a day). And because you’re thorough AF, you’re connected enough to your body that if you experience abdominal pain, excessive bloating, or diarrhea after eating certain foods, you can pinpoint the culprit(s). Your new MO: Happy gut, happy life.
4. Your urine is pale yellow
Your first order of business in the morning: drink a tall glass of water first thing, because staying hydrated is essential for many of the body’s functions like digestion, hormone balance, sleep, and even mood. No more falling short of your hydration goals because you’re busy, forgetful, or unmotivated. Instead, you incorporate water-rich foods like cucumber and strawberries, habit-stack your water intake with your meals and walks, and generally aim to drink half of your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water every day (i.e. if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink at least 70 ounces of water every day). But you listen to your thirst cues and drink more when you’re struggling with constipation, working out more, or out in the heat, and you use your urine color as an indicator of hydration. When you see light-colored urine (as opposed to dark yellow or amber-colored), you take it as a sign you’re properly hydrated. Who needs the age-old, eight-glasses-a-day rule when your body is always telling you what it needs?
5. If you menstruate, you have regular cycles
If there’s one telltale sign you’re in good health, it’s getting your period consistently (meaning within the same 2-3 day window) with minimal symptoms. The menstrual cycle is called the fifth vital sign for a reason: your period can be a direct reflection of what’s going on in the body. Your period is basically a report card for the previous month, which you might know if you struggled with symptoms of a hormonal imbalance in the past, such as irregular periods, cramps fatigue, PMS, or low libido. Maybe you synced your diet, lifestyle, and exercise to your cycle to better support hormone patterns, maybe you cut out foods that were causing hormone-disrupting inflammation, or maybe you worked with your doctor to identify the root cause of symptoms. If you menstruate and have a regular, fairly symptom-less period, consider that your body giving you an A+.
6. You embrace all of your emotions
Because you’ve made it a point to carve out time for self-care, mindfulness, and social connection, you’re not in a constant funk, you don’t feel stressed out 24/7, and you feel happier overall. Whether it’s gratitude journaling or setting social media boundaries, you notice a difference in how you handle stress and your mood. However, when you find yourself in a season of hardship (because that happens to all of us, no matter how healed we are), you feel and process all emotions without judgment, practice self-compassion, and remind yourself everything is temporary–including hard times. Emotional well-being means welcoming the full range of emotions, recognizing that they’re all OK to feel, and having the right strategies to manage them, whether it’s talking to someone you trust, engaging in positive self-talk, or moving your body.
7. You have clearer skin
J.Lo’s got nothing on you and your dewy, sun-kissed glow. Your breakouts, eczema, and rashes are a thing of the past, your complexion is even-toned, and you can’t help but notice your skin is hydrated and supple. The skin is a great indicator of your overall health (it’s the body’s largest organ, FYI), so you listened to what it was telling you. Your skin glow-up didn’t happen overnight, of course—it likely took months of nourishing your body with antioxidant and omega-3-rich superfoods and prioritizing protein in each of your meals (when you eat enough protein, you provide the necessary amino acids for collagen production, wound healing, and skin structure). And it doesn’t hurt that you have green flags #1 (beauty sleep is a real thing) and #4 (adequate hydration translates to more supple and radiant skin) down to a science. The skin is a pretty good indicator of what’s going on internally, so if you’re having more good skin days than bad, you’re on the right track.
8. You focus more on how you feel than how you look
You know that a “healthy” weight for you doesn’t look the same as Blake Lively or Zendaya, or even yourself 10 or 15 years ago. And it sure isn’t dictated by what the scale says. Instead, you look to health markers like blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and symptoms as more telling indicators of your health. And while there are many ways “healthy” can be defined , you check in with how you feel physically to be the ultimate test. You choose regular movement like strength training and walking to feel good (because you have the energy to enjoy it!). And when you look at your body, you don’t nitpick flaws, but appreciate it for what it does for you, like enabling you to experience travel and food you love.
9. You prioritize how your body responds to food instead of restricting yourself
The healthiest people don’t count calories, obsessively track macros, or restrict food groups in their eating habits. Rather than cutting out an entire food group like carbohydrates and labeling them as “bad” or “unhealthy,” you practice intuitive eating and tune into and honor your hunger cues; you eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. Instead of spending your time and energy fixating on limitations, you focus them on really listening to what your body needs: sometimes that might be an apple; other times, it might be a cookie. You focus on building nutrient-dense meals, ensuring you eat enough protein, along with whole grains, vegetables, and healthy fats. But you also live by the belief that a healthy, well-balanced diet does not mean only eating certain foods; it means making room for all foods, including indulgences, while being mindful of getting in the essential nutrients the body needs to function at its best.
10. You have good oral health
While you don’t count brushing, flossing, and tongue scraping as the “fun” part of your wellness routine and you dread going to the dentist every six months for your dental check-up, you do them anyway because proper oral care is essential to preventing dental issues like cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. You weren’t always diligent about your dental hygiene, but you realized it affects way more than just your teeth and mouth; it plays a massive role in your overall health and can say a lot about what’s going on with the body. Namely, it’s directly linked to gut health. So you also prioritize a diet rich in whole foods—fruits, veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, fats—for proper jaw development and nutrient intake to benefit both your oral and gut health. And you pay attention to the signs you have good oral health: you’re able to consume your iced and hot lattes without any discomfort or sensitivity, your gums are pink and don’t bleed while flossing or brushing, your breath smells neutral, and your teeth have a smooth texture.

Katherine Chang, Wellness Staff Writer
Katherine has been writing for The Everygirl since 2018 and became a Wellness Staff Writer in 2022. She ideates and writes wellness content and reports on expert-driven data on various topics, including fitness, mental and physical health, nutrition, self-care, and sleep, to inspire open dialogue and help make healthy living attainable for all women.