Getting back with an ex is rarely a good idea, but most of us have done it at least once. Whether you miss the companionship, you never really got over your ex in the first place, or you just want out of the dating world, rekindling past relationships happens. It can be tough to figure out whether going back to an ex is a smart move or a huge mistake, but some zodiac signs might have a harder time than others. To figure out if you’re a member of that lucky group, you can look to your sun sign.
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Zodiac signs can help you understand the personality traits that might make you more or less likely to get back together with an ex. Are you an unforgiving Scorpio who will hold a grudge against them until the end of time? Or are you an impulsive Sagittarius who might not completely think it through before deciding to give it another go? While every sign may have revived a past relationship before, these are the three zodiac signs most likely to go back to an ex.
Cancer zodiac signs care a lot about others, and they don’t want to see anyone sad or hurt. And yes, that even means their exes. They might feel guilty about the end of a relationship, which can make them willing to meet up with their ex just to help them feel better. As a water sign, Cancers also develop strong emotional bonds with their partners that can be hard to break. After a breakup, they might have difficulty cutting ties and shaking off lingering feelings.
Before getting back with an ex as a Cancer sign, don’t let your emotions take over. Remember that once you’re broken up, you’re not responsible for taking care of your ex-partner’s feelings. You should also consider whether getting back together is something you actually want or if you’re just trying to cater to your ex. However, if you can clearly see both the good and bad parts of your relationship and are ready to put in the work to fix the problems that caused your relationship’s downfall in the first place, getting back together might actually be the right move.
Libra zodiac signs are romantics by nature and suckers for a good love story. Thinking they can have the rom-com, fairytale ending, Libras are more likely to fall for an ex trying to win them back. Libras, ever weighing all sides of a situation, can also be indecisive. Instead of being totally sure that the separation was for the best, they might waffle and think that there’s no harm in giving it another shot.
If you’re a Libra and you’re considering getting back together with an ex, think about whether it’s realistic for you and your ex, no matter how much fun daydreaming of a happy ending might be. Further, try not to second-guess yourself when deciding whether or not to rekindle the relationship. Obviously, don’t make an impulsive decision. Rather, after taking the time to think through the situation (especially when it comes to what caused the breakup in the first place), trust your gut and act accordingly.
Pisces zodiac signs tend to lead with their feelings over logic, so they might overlook the negative aspects of a relationship if they’re missing their ex. With their active imaginations, remembering the reasons for breaking up in the first place can take a backseat to their rose-colored-glasses vision of how their relationship (and ex) might be different this time around. The water sign is extremely empathetic, too, which means they can see their ex’s point of view and might be able to convince themselves that getting back together is a good idea.
Are you a Pisces on the verge of backsliding? Consider whether you’re being logical about your and your ex’s dynamic or if you’re just imagining what could be. Try to focus on the realities of your previous relationship. Taking a beat to think about how your relationship was on a daily basis instead of just remembering the good times can help you think about it more rationally.

Lauren E. Taylor, Contributing Entertainment Writer
Lauren is an experienced writer who specializes in zodiac signs and pop culture. With a talent for combining astrological insights with the latest trends, she has captured our audience’s attention and helped them better understand themselves through astrology.