Welcome to your first monthly horoscopes of 2023! We’re more settled into the year now and have either abandoned or doubled down on our resolutions. It’s the dreary time of winter when all the holidays are over, but you can still look forward to your horoscope to let you know where to direct your energy this month. We started the year during Capricorn season and February begins with Aquarius season. Aquarians are very independent, rational, and unique, and you can expect similar themes from their season. Check out your February horoscope to find out what else is happening this month.
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The Month at a Glance
February 5: February starts off with a full moon in Leo, which is a time to be creative and lean into main character energy.
February 11: Mercury enters Aquarius on the 11th. You might be following your head more than your heart during this time and looking at things with a more objective lens. It’s a great time for anything that requires a lot of research or dealing with technology.
February 18: Pisces season begins on February 18. This is the last season before the astrological new year, which starts when the sun moves into Aries.
February 20: There’s a new moon in Pisces on the 20th. Everyone might be feeling more sensitive during this time, so tread carefully. On the same day, Venus enters Aries, which will bring a more competitive and jealous energy to any dates or romantic relationships.
You’ll start out the month feeling social during Aquarius season. Spend more time working with your team members at work, since you’ll feel that collaborative energy more than usual right now. You might be juggling a lot of plans with friends, too, so be sure to look at your calendar before committing to anything so you don’t end up double-booking yourself. You may see more action in your romantic life, as well, or you could be feeling extra creative, especially around the full moon in Leo. Then take advantage of Venus moving into your sign toward the end of the month by doing things that you feel like you need a little extra luck for.
Aquarius season will be about your work and career. You might feel more motivated at your job than you have lately, or you could be entering a busier season. Be sure to remember to take time for yourself so you don’t get burnt out. With the full moon at the start of the month, you could be dealing with home and family stuff, too. It’s an ideal time to finally act on any impulses you’ve had to redecorate or rearrange furniture. If you’re thinking of moving, you could be finishing up those plans now. While the theme of Aquarius season is work, you’ll have a chance to socialize when Pisces season and the new moon in Pisces come around.
During Aquarius season, you’ll be feeling very curious and open to new things. You may decide to read a book on a subject you recently got into or just do a ton of your own research. You could have a writing project finally come to fruition, whether that’s working on a book you’ve always wanted to write or finishing up writing or speaking duties at work. You might also sign up for workshops related to your job to prepare for Pisces season, which will be career-oriented for you. Another way to lean into your curiosity during this time is by taking a trip somewhere you haven’t been before, even if it’s just a weekend trip to a nearby city.
For the first part of the month, you’ll be focused on money matters. Use this energy to start working on taxes, paying off debts, or taking a deeper look at your finances. You might also be meeting with your manager to discuss a raise or bonus. If you’ve been thinking about branching out on your own to start a side business or freelance, you could finally start making moves. Around the new moon, you might have the urge to learn something new, so it’s a good time to brush up on any skills you may need for your next business venture.
Aquarius season will bring up the theme of close relationships, whether it’s your significant other, a family member, or your BFF. Take some time to make plans with the good friend you haven’t seen in a while, or call your parents to catch up. The full moon in your sign at the beginning of the month is a great time to reflect on your relationships and decide if you need to spend less time with certain people, so you don’t wind up wasting energy on people who don’t fit with where you are currently in life.
During Aquarius season, you’ll be focused on getting caught up on errands and work. If you’ve been avoiding chores like laundry or scheduling appointments, now’s the time to get it all out of the way. You may have some admin-type work to take care of at your job. It may seem tedious, but you’ll feel better and more organized when you’re finished. Around the full moon, you might feel especially weighed down by the things you need to do, so keep your to-do list handy so you don’t get overwhelmed. Or on the flip side, you might be finally crossing off a major item on your list and be able to chill for a while.
Aquarius season is a fun one for you, so make the most of it before Pisces season, which will be more focused on work. Give yourself permission to binge watch a couple shows, host a dinner party with friends, and make time to get back into hobbies you enjoy. Not only will you get the chance to socialize and have fun during Aquarius season, but it’s also a romantic time for you. And on top of that, when your ruler Venus enters Aries, you’ll have luck with dating, too. This is a good opportunity to revamp your dating apps or ask out your neighborhood crush.
You may become more of a homebody during Aquarius season. Since you might want to spend more time at home, use the time to purge clutter, get organized, or redecorate. If you can, work from home instead of commuting for a while to recharge and focus. Don’t feel guilty about spending all your time inside, though, because the rest of the month once Pisces season starts will be much more social for you, and you could even meet a potential romantic interest or get into a new relationship around the new moon on the 20th.
The beginning of this month, particularly around the Leo full moon, is the ideal time to plan a big trip, so gather your travel buddies and pick a location. You might be making some smaller trips during Aquarius season, too, whether you’re going home to visit family or taking a short day trip. If you’re not able to travel much during Aquarius season, research places you want to go for the rest of the year. Be sure to make the most of the travel bug now because come Pisces season, you’ll be more inclined to chill at home.
Aquarius season is a good time for you to focus on honing skills that can help you earn additional money or assist you in your career in the future. And that should come pretty naturally to you as a work-oriented Capricorn. The full moon in Leo on the 5th could bring unexpected money, whether it’s from a raise, a new job offer, or some kind of investment, so don’t slack off now. Sign up for a class where you can study a new subject or learn how to use your knowledge to help you at your job. Ask your manager to take on a new project in an area you’ve been interested in to help you broaden your work skill set.
It’s still your season for a few more weeks, so enjoy it while it’s here. You’ll get more attention during this time, so use that to your advantage for things you’ve been meaning to do, like applying for new jobs or downloading a dating app. Try mixing up your look with a new outfit or hairstyle, too. You’ll feel the dating themes around the full moon in Leo at the start of February, in particular. You could break up with someone that you’re not vibing with, or you might end up having the DTR talk.
Your season is just around the corner, starting on February 18, but first we have to finish out Aquarius season. This season brings up themes of mental health and self care, which will feel right at home for you, since Pisces tend to be introverted and intuitive. Try to strike a balance between work and relaxation by taking a day or two off to recharge. The new moon in your sign on the 20th is the perfect start to Pisces season for you, and you’ll feel ready to take on new challenges and level up.
Lauren E. Taylor, Contributing Entertainment Writer
Lauren is an experienced writer who specializes in zodiac signs and pop culture. With a talent for combining astrological insights with the latest trends, she has captured our audience’s attention and helped them better understand themselves through astrology.