If you’ve ever wanted to step through the screen into the world of Pride & Prejudice or Little Women, walking into Margo Roth’s home is just about the next best thing. Her cozy and colorful North Carolina home feels as if it’s been plucked from the English countryside, thanks to its mix of vintage furnishings and pattern-on-pattern decor. The garden and mini farm—complete with chickens, ducks, rabbits, dogs, and cats—only enhance the home’s fairytale atmosphere. Over the past few years, Margo and her husband, Eric, have slowly, lovingly transformed a once-generic, “buyer-friendly” house into a vibrant, personality-filled sanctuary.
panic packing? I don't know her.
Margo’s advice for creating a cozy, comfortable space that doesn’t feel like a showroom is simple: actually live in your home. Light the fancy candles just because, use the nice glassware, and don’t sweat minor imperfections or stains. Keep reading for the full tour of Margo’s warm, character-filled home.
Margo Roth’s North Carolina Home Tour

The details:
Name: Margo Roth
Location: Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Square Footage: 2,000 square feet
Rent/Own: Own

Your home has so much character, from the charming blue front door to the painted brick fireplace to the expansive garden outside. Can you share the process of finding this property and what made it feel like the perfect fit for your family?
Finding and buying the house all happened so fast! We had been renting in that neighborhood for over three years and happened upon the listing one day and went to see it the same day. We put an offer in the next morning, and the house was ours!
The house itself had amazing bones and had been taken care of so well by the previous owners, but it was very plain when we first moved in. In order to make it more “buyer-friendly,” the owners had painted the whole house gray and covered up some of the original features. We spent a lot of time painting and uncovering the original charms of the house! The backyard was large but very overgrown, so we spent loads of time cleaning and clearing it before installing an English-inspired kitchen garden last spring! Eric and I put so much time into making the house a perfect fit for our family and crazy zoo of animals, but it feels just right now!
Alongside your work as a content creator, you also own two small businesses and run a home decor brand called House of Margo. How do you balance it all on top of maintaining a beautiful home and garden?
We do have a lot going on! I’m naturally a very motivated but scattered person (thank you, ADHD), so having a partner who is supportive and really involved makes it all possible! Eric and I do everything together and make such a great team. I wouldn’t be able to realize any of these dreams without him. I’m also a true homebody at heart, so being home and cleaning, organizing, and decorating the house is like therapy for me. Getting outside and working in the garden is also such a joy! It’s become our favorite hobby and is so rewarding.

Your home is located in North Carolina, but you clearly take a lot of inspiration from the English countryside. What are your favorite ways to infuse English charm into your home?
I’m so inspired by the English countryside and English design! I decorate with tons of antique and vintage pieces, which already tend to lean into that style naturally. I also incorporate lots of patterns, wallpaper, texture, and color in my designs! My goal is for my home to feel really warm and cozy as well as lived-in and effortless.

Your living room seamlessly mixes patterns and textures, creating a charming space that’s full of personality. How do you achieve a maximalist look without it feeling overwhelming?
While everyone is different, and I think some people would consider my style to be overwhelming, I think that the key to keeping a maximalist look cozy and cohesive is sticking to a good color scheme and keeping that flowing throughout your room. In my home, I use lots of hues of blues, reds, and creams. I also think that if you collect what you love and pay attention to quality, it will all naturally come together. I love to mix patterns!
The baskets displayed over your fireplace are a creative touch. What inspired this unique display idea?
The fireplace decor was definitely inspired by cottage hearths in the English countryside. I adore how it makes the space feel so cozy, and since we couldn’t use the fireplace anyway, it was the perfect way to warm up the space.
Every surface in your home is brimming with books, artwork, and collected finds. How do you approach styling these knicknacks on surfaces like a fireplace mantel or open shelving?
I definitely consider myself to be a collector (maybe edging towards hoarder) when it comes to thrifting little collections of similar items, like ceramic dog figurines or horse art prints. My philosophy is more is more! Fill the space up with items of varying heights, textures, and colors.
Of all the antique furniture in your home, do you have a favorite piece? If so, what’s the story behind it?
I adore English pine, so one of my favorite items would have to be the massive English breakfront cabinet we have in the living room. It’s perfect for hiding the TV, and we found it on Facebook Marketplace for only $200, which is crazy considering what it could be worth! I love the tones of the wood and the character it gives to the space.
“If you only look at social media or popular magazines or what’s on the shelves at Target, you will always be chasing trends.”

You’ve mentioned on social media that you used to shy away from using color in your home decor. Now, every room in your home is drenched in color. What led you to embrace color to its fullest?
I think some of my original fear of color came from inexperience, but mostly, I think it comes down to what you expose yourself to inspiration-wise. If you only look at social media or popular magazines or what’s on the shelves at Target, you will always be chasing trends. It’s important to get out and find inspo in the real world and in vintage design books and historic homes. Exposing myself to lots of avenues of inspiration was what led me to find my love of color.

We love all the fun wallpaper throughout your home. What is your process for choosing each pattern?
Wallpaper is one of the best ways to bring interest and color into a home! Also, I advocate for always doing the full space and not just one accent wall. I choose papers that generally keep to the color scheme of the whole home. For me, that would be reds, creams, and blues. I then kind of just go with what speaks to me personally. I love toile and floral prints!

You have tackled many projects to transform the rooms in your home. Is there one project that made the biggest difference in turning your house into a home?
I’d have to say either the kitchen or the various wallpapers we have added to over half the rooms in the house. Kitchens, of course, make a huge difference in the overall feel and design of a home, and because Eric and I love food and love to cook, it was so important to us to create a space that was functional while also being cozy and really lovely aesthetically. The kitchen renovation has really tied the design of the whole home together, and it feels like a true part of the house now.

Your kitchen is absolutely stunning, from the butter yellow cabinets to the terracotta tile floors, but it didn’t always look like this. Walk us through the renovation process and how this space came to be.
The kitchen had been previously renovated in the early 2000s and was quite ugly, to be honest. The finishes, cabinets, and countertops were all very poor quality and lacked any character. The walls were gray, and the floor was gray vinyl tile. The whole space was drab and sad. We kept the general footprint of the kitchen intact—as I am allergic to open floor plans—and we just changed out the layout a bit and, of course, the floor, cabinets, fixtures, and paint! It came together so beautifully and feels really old-world and meant to be.

You’ve thrifted so many of the pieces throughout your home. What sorts of items do you always look for at thrift stores, and do you have any tips for finding good quality pieces?
I’m always on the hunt for great original art, lovely linens, and ironstone. I start in the home decor section of any thrift store and work my way through. I always check the glassware, lamps, art, and book sections as well. My best tips are to be thorough and go often. Also, use Facebook Marketplace for larger items like sofas and tables.
Although every room is beautifully styled, your home feels very cozy and lived-in. What tips do you have for creating a well-designed home that doesn’t feel too precious?
I think I used to be much more precious and concerned about my home and the items in it. This obviously led me to have less fun with decorating and to save so many things for best when I should have been using them all along! Your home is meant to be lived in, and your things are meant to be enjoyed. Use the good linens and fancy glassware all day long, and don’t stress too much about stains and imperfections. Have fun and treat each day like a special occasion.

You often reference films like Little Women as sources of decor inspiration. Where else do you draw inspiration from?
I gather loads of inspiration from period films, historic homes, vintage design books, and even children’s picture books! Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, Brambly Hedge, and Beatrix Potter are big ones for me.
Your bedroom integrates colors from the rest of your home but maintains a slightly more neutral palette with subtle pops of color. Was this intentional, or did it evolve naturally?
I think having one’s bedroom be a bit more of a calming and neutral space is a natural tendency when it comes to decor. I wanted it to feel soothing but also maintain a colorful and happy feeling. The creamy-toned wallpaper and blue trim are such perfect ways to keep it colorful but in a way that feels a bit more subdued. It’s so relaxing and lovely to be in that space!

In a world of ever-changing trends, what advice do you have for those trying to establish their own personal style?
I’d advise people to stay away from overconsuming social media, as it becomes easy to get sucked into trends and fads. Of course, Pinterest is great, but ultimately, I’d suggest looking at real-life homes and art, as well as decor books and vintage magazines. I’d also suggest thrifting and buying vintage, as those items will innately have 100x more character and style than a newer, more cheaply made item.

You recently welcomed a new member of your family—congratulations! Your nursery looks like something out of a storybook. How did you keep this room fun and playful while incorporating all the necessary storage and functionality a nursery needs?
To start with, I used a whimsical floral wallpaper that gave the room such a happy air about it. My husband found the scalloped shelves on the side of the road, and we repainted and repurposed them to add room for decoration and storage. We had been trying to get pregnant for several years, during which I was thrifting books, toys, and decor items for a future baby. All these items function as both decor and future toys for our daughter. And then, I always think using antique furniture pieces gives a room more soul, so we found several to add storage without sacrificing the look I was going for in our nursery.

Your home is located on a relatively small plot of land, but you’ve truly made it live large with an incredible garden space. How did you transform your outdoor area into the mini farm of your dreams?
My husband and I have always loved animals, and like many people, we picked up gardening during the pandemic. Our dream has always been to move to the country and have more land, but we are big believers in working with what you have. Really, our mini farm/garden has evolved bit by bit over time in sections. First, we built a shed and chicken coop. Then, we designed a raised bed garden and added fruit trees and bushes. We have collected animals along the way and killed a lot of plants, but we just kept trying things. I think what holds a lot of people back is trying to think too big that they can’t get started. We just went for it, and our garden has evolved into something that is beautiful and functional for our life.
In addition to your garden, you also take care of a whole host of animals. Tell us about all your furry (and feathery) friends!
Right now, we have 14 chickens, four ducks, five rabbits, four dogs, and three cats. Once you start getting chickens, it becomes somewhat addicting—there are so many beautiful breeds, and you end up wanting a chicken that produces every egg color. We love all of our animals, but I think we’re about at capacity on our quarter-acre lot right now. Someday, I’d love to have horses and cows and all sorts of menagerie if we move to the country.

What does your ideal day at home look like?
I’m a bit of a neat freak, so I would start my day by cleaning the house—I know, not the most whimsical thing. Once everything is settled, I think my ideal day would be to do a little bit of redecorating and spend some time puttering around in the garden and playing with my dogs. I’m constantly changing things, and I love to refresh the flowers and herbs around the house with whatever we have on hand. In the afternoon, I would cozy up with my baby and a good book. My husband loves to cook, so we would just lounge while he cooks up a nice meal for us to enjoy. I’m lucky, right? And then I would probably be in bed by about 8 p.m.