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Our Editors’ Best Kept Secret for Holiday Gift Exchanges

No more throwing names into a hat
Source: Laura James | Pexels
Source: Laura James | Pexels

In my opinion, Secret Santa gift exchanges are what make the holidays truly feel like the holidays. Between finding out who your Secret Santa is, trying not to spill who has who with other family members, and seeing your loved one’s face light up when they realize you bought them exactly what they wanted, it’s true Christmas magic.

But before we get to enjoy the act of shopping and gifting, there are always unanswered questions. What’s the budget? Will they actually like the gift I bought them? Oh no, what’s their size? Did we forget anybody? Let’s be honest, throwing a bunch of names into a hat and hoping you don’t pick your cousin who’s impossible to buy for doesn’t exactly seem like the best approach to a holiday tradition so many hold dear. 

Thankfully, before preparing to write 25+ names on cut-up sticky notes, I found Elfster, a gift exchange website that takes care of all the nitty gritty gifting necessities. Goodbye to frantic texts from friends and family asking for details you’ve shared countless times—Elfster makes holiday gifting accessible, fun, and most importantly, stress-free. Read on for reasons why The Everygirl can’t get enough of Elfster, Santa’s favorite gift exchange website.



Elfster is free—no strings attached

Bestie, put your wallet away. I’m being serious. It’s free! No, it’s not one of those deals where it’s free to sign up but you have to pay $14.99 to use literally any of the key features or an extra $4.99 if you have more than 10 people in your gift exchange. Elfster is free to sign up, free to use, and free to have a magical gift exchange. That’s right, there is enough for me to take the icy plunge (see what I did there?) and sign up for Elfster


You can set a gift budget

Holiday gift budgets can be a tricky point of conversation. A holiday budget should be a private decision, exempt from any judgment or criticism. Why not skip that awkward chat and set a gift budget that everyone in your gift exchange group has to stick to? Whether it’s $30, $50, or $100, set your budget based on what you think is appropriate for your friends and family, and let Elfster cut down on Christmas contention



Elfster can be used remotely or IRL

Family get-togethers might look a bit different after the pandemic. My gift exchange group spans state lines, making it tough to find a date and a time that works for everyone. Whether you all get to gather around the Christmas tree in person or you jump on a giant Zoom call, Elfster is your guide to navigating a unique holiday season. You can drop the virtual hangout link right in your Elfster exchange event, making the fun easily accessible for everyone involved. To make sure everyone receives their gift in time for the big exchange, Elfster instructs each participant to include their address on their profile, helping you keep your identity a secret until the exciting reveal. 


You can get the gift you really want

Picture this: It’s your family’s annual Christmas party, you’re so excited to open your gift and see who your Secret Santa is, but when you open it, you realize it’s the wrong size or you already have it. You’re still incredibly grateful, of course, but wouldn’t a detailed wishlist of your preferred gifts give everyone involved some peace of mind? Gone are the days of scrolling through Amazon the week before the exchange because you can’t figure out what to get your best friend’s boyfriend. With Elfster, you can create a wishlist full of your ultimate gifts from Christmas hotspots like Amazon, Etsy, Nordstrom, Ulta Beauty, and so much more. 

Gift exchanges can be intimidating. You don’t want to blow your cover by asking too many questions, you want them to love their gift, and you want the exchange to be a memorable experience. Whether you’re exchanging with friends you see at least three times a week or with coworkers you haven’t really gotten to know yet, coming up with the perfect gift is a challenge, no matter how many of The Everygirl gift guides you reference. Let Elfster take some of the load off so you can focus on what’s really important: making memories and soaking up all the holiday vibes.



This post is sponsored by Elfster but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.