Healthy Living
Sponsor Post

This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.

5 Things Successful Women Do Before Bedtime

written by HAILEY BOUCHE
Source: @mylittlebooktique
Source: @mylittlebooktique

We all know what we shouldn’t be doing during our bedtime routine: losing all track of time on TikTok, abandoning our skincare regimen, drinking caffeine, texting our ex, etc. These things don’t set us up for the get-up-and-go energy we need the following day, and when we have things to do and goals to meet, who has the time for that?

I love a productive morning routine as much as the next girl, but let’s not forget that a bedtime routine that prepares you for the next day is just as important—if not more. By adding in just a few things before bed, you can get miles ahead of where you would be otherwise come morning. But what are some steps we can take to set ourselves up for success instead of scrolling Instagram? I’m glad you asked—because we’re diving into the five things successful women do before they hit the sheets.


1. Unwind

We spend all day long responding to emails, answering our coworkers, completing tasks, and doing #allthethings that by the end of the night, a deep breath is not only well deserved but is needed for overall well-being. Can I get an amen?

To increase rest and relief, we love to incorporate products from our favorite CBD brand, Equilibria, while we unwind. CBD can help regulate mood, reduce stress, and leave you feeling more balanced overall, so Equilibria’s Rapid Calming Melts, Daily Drops, Mindful Mineral Soak, and Sleep Gummies are just a few of the products that our editors are constantly reaching for to make the most of their unwind routines.

+ There’s no better time to stock up on CBD than right now because Equilibria is having a FLASH SALE—score 50% off of CBD subscriptions with code THEEVERYGIRL50, 20% off sitewide with code THEEVERYGIRL, a free tote with the first 200 orders, and free Mini Pear Gummies with purchases made within 48 hours!  


boost energy
Daily Drops

These best-selling CBD drops get to work within 10-30 minutes, so take some at the start of your bedtime routine to increase relaxation and shake off any stress from the day while you unwind.

Choose between unflavored or mint drops.

FLASH SALE: Score 50% off of CBD subscriptions with code THEEVERYGIRL50, 20% off sitewide with code THEEVERYGIRL, a free tote with the first 200 orders, and free Mini Pear Gummies with purchases made within 48 hours! 

Shop now
Mindful Mineral Soak

This powerful soak is infused with 200mg of full-spectrum, premium CBD to purify and destress. Simply pour into a warm bath, relax, and enjoy the benefits. Trust us, you'll sleep like a baby after.

FLASH SALE: Score 50% off of CBD subscriptions with code THEEVERYGIRL50, 20% off sitewide with code THEEVERYGIRL, a free tote with the first 200 orders, and free Mini Pear Gummies with purchases made within 48 hours! 

Shop now
Sleep Gummies

Sleep Gummies help women combat restlessness and unwelcome thoughts with the help of CBD, CBN, chamomile, and L-theanine.

FLASH SALE: Score 50% off of CBD subscriptions with code THEEVERYGIRL50, 20% off sitewide with code THEEVERYGIRL, a free tote with the first 200 orders, and free Mini Pear Gummies with purchases made within 48 hours! 

Shop now



2. Tidy Up

A clear space is a clear mind. Who’s with me? Before you head to bed, spend 10-15 minutes tidying your main living spaces (kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedroom). I am not telling you to go into full-on Marie Kondo mode, but her philosophy rings true even in small ways: When you declutter, you create room for clarity. By putting away dishes that are in the sink, straightening up any loose papers or mail that are cluttering the countertops, pushing in chairs, folding blankets in the living room, etc., you will feel fresh waking up in the morning instead of distracted by the piles of items laying around that you’ll have to get to later.

Plus, when you do a little bit of tidying every night, you’ll prevent bigger messes from piling up, and this will ultimately save you from an entire afternoon of cleaning over the weekend—praise.  Tip: If something will take 60 seconds or less to put away, do it right then and there. Right before bed is not the time to reorganize your junk drawer, but it is the time to put rogue pens that are sitting on the counter back in the junk drawer. 


3. Make a To-Do List

No more making mental to-do lists while you’re laying in bed at night. Instead, spend a few minutes during your bedtime routine writing down what you know you need to tackle the next day before you hit the sheets. Jot down everything that comes to mind (putting pen to paper is my preferred way of doing this, but if you prefer to use an app, go for it!), even if it’s as small as “buy paper towels,” so you can prioritize even the smallest tasks that need to be handled the following day.

Not only does making a physical list or brain dumping help you get more restful sleep because you’re not kept awake by the thoughts of your growing to-do list, but when you have a better understanding of what needs to be done in your work life and personal life, you are more likely to 1) actually get them done and 2) not feel like you’re scrambling around to check all the boxes.


4. Set Out Clothes

Headed to a workout in the morning? Set out your matching set. Have an early meeting to get to? Set out your cool-girl office outfit. Especially if you find yourself spending far too long picking out what to wear (guilty) and running out the door because of it, this tip will totally transform the start of your day.

Before bed, review your to-do list and your meeting schedule, and check the weather. What outfit will be the most put-together, professional, and practical? For example, if you work in the city and will be walking to a few meetings, plan your outfit around a supportive yet stylish pair of sneakers or slip-ons. This will prevent you from grabbing sandals in the morning and ending the day with swollen feet and blisters. No thank you.

Spend 10 minutes during your bedtime routine choosing your outfit, and leave nothing for question. Set everything out from your socks (because no one likes searching for those at 6 a.m.) to your jewelry. If you want to take this a step further, get your bag together too, so you’re less likely to forget something in the morning.



5. Unplug

The end of the night is when you should be spending time relaxing and recharging, so by all means, put your phone away, or at the very least, turn it on “Do Not Disturb.” The saying is true: You can’t pour from an empty cup. When you want to show up as the best version of yourself, you need to show up for yourself first. This means that late-night text messages, emails, and to-dos that didn’t get done during the day can be handled in the morning. Make unplugging a priority so you don’t end up feeling depleted by the end of the week.

Channel your inner zen-girl by kicking your feet up and watching your favorite show on streaming, turning the pages of another book on your TBR list, or listening to an episode of a podcast. Spending an hour or two (or more if you’re lucky!) before heading to bed doing nothing other than what brings you joy will restore the energy you need to hit the ground running in the morning.




This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.