
What November Has in Store for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

that's right, your horoscopes are here

With Halloween over and the arrival of November, we’re switching out our spooky decor and costumes for pumpkin pie and twinkly lights to gear up for the holidays. And another new month also means new horoscopes!

November starts during Scorpio season, but there’s a lot of Sagittarius energy this month. Venus and Mercury enter the sign within a day of each other, plus Sagittarius season begins at the end of the month, and to top it off, there’s a new moon in Sag. Sagittarius vibes are chaotic, energetic, enthusiastic, and positive, so you may be feeling some of that energy in addition to the reserved and secretive feelings of Scorpio season.


The Month at a Glance 

November 8: There’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus at the beginning of November. This is the last eclipse in the Taurus/Scorpio series until 2023, so we’ll be out of eclipse season for a while after this one. Reminder: You may not see big changes immediately after an eclipse — you could still experience the themes associated with these signs (money, stability, secrets, jealousy, to name a few) playing out over the next year or so until the final eclipse in this series.

November 16: Venus enters Sagittarius on November 16, which could have you feeling bolder in your love life. Ask out that guy you always see on your commute or finally tell your SO that it drives you crazy when they leave dishes in the sink. 

November 17: Mercury enters Sagittarius the day after Venus does. Mercury in Sag doesn’t pull any punches, so speak your mind and be more straightforward in your communications during this time. 

November 22: Sagittarius season begins on November 22. Sagittarius season is a big shake up from Scorpio season. Where Scorpio is aloof and dark, Sag is upbeat and excited.

November 23: The new moon in Sagittarius comes right before Thanksgiving and closes out the month on a positive note.


Scorpio season’s a good time for you to try to sort out your finances. It’s also ideal if you want to ask for a raise or invest money. Since Venus, the planet of love and money, will be in Scorpio until the middle of the month, you could have luck with money matters. You also may be more concerned about money around this time or spending more than usual, so def try to save up. The eclipse in Taurus might even inspire you to take the leap and start your own business to make some extra cash.

picked just for you, Aries


Since the lunar eclipse is in your sign at the beginning of the month, you’ll really be feeling the effects of this one — from changes in your appearance to cutting out things and people that don’t serve you or make you happy. If you think back to when these eclipses first started in April, you’ve probably changed a lot over that time period, and you’ll continue to change through 2023, when the eclipses end. This isn’t only change within yourself, but also with your close relationships, especially during Scorpio season, which is highlighting the area of your chart associated with one-on-one relationships.

picked just for you, Taurus


Scorpio season will be more about work for you, especially because Jupiter just entered your career house on October 28. Use this time to ask for a promotion or a raise or apply to your dream job. With the eclipse in Taurus at the beginning of the month, you should also try to focus on your work/life balance so you don’t get burnt out. Put together a workout schedule to give yourself an outlet and help you feel calmer. Also take some time to get yourself organized to reduce your stress.

picked just for you, Gemini


November will be a social month for you. Around the eclipse you could make some new friends or join some kind of club or community. But you could also lose some friends during these eclipses, so try to take stock of the people in your life to figure out who’s a real friend to you. Scorpio season is a good time to spend more energy doing things you enjoy, like hobbies or going out with friends, and it’ll bring more of a focus to your dating life. Join (or rejoin) a dating app or plan some fun date nights with your partner.

picked just for you, Cancer


Scorpio season will be focused on your home and family. If you’ve been considering moving, this is a good time to take the plunge and find a new place. Or set aside a day to organize your place and get rid of things you don’t need, like those boots you haven’t worn in two years. The Taurus eclipse on November 8 will be more about your career, though. You may have some big changes at your company or on your team, or you might decide you want to switch fields entirely and start fresh. Use this time to think about your career and whether you like where it’s going or you want to change directions. 

picked just for you, Leo


With Scorpio season starting and the Mercury retrograde shadow period over, you may have fewer miscommunications or you could find the motivation to take on writing projects that you’ve been putting off — no more writer’s block for you. Scorpio season and the Taurus eclipse could also have you feeling eager to learn a new subject or travel to an exotic location. Think about what subjects you’re interested in and find a course to take or pick up a new book genre. And if you’ve been working on some sort of writing or public speaking project, now’s the time to finish it up because you could see it finally come to fruition.  

picked just for you, Virgo


Scorpio season is a good time for you to focus on learning new skills. Try out a coding course or take a webinar about money management. You could also be looking for a new job that’s more aligned with your skills. If you have a hobby you’ve been wanting to turn into a side hustle, try it out now — you could actually earn some money from it. The eclipse in Taurus might even bring you some extra cash, whether it’s from a raise at work or from starting to freelance on the side.

picked just for you, Libra


It’s your season, Scorpio, and with the sun in your sign during November, you can expect to have all eyes on you, so make the most of it. Get your hair and nails done or use your attention-grabbing powers this month to ask out your crush. You’ve probably gone through a lot of changes in your life and personal relationships this year with the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses, so harness that energy to take a chance on trying out a new look or to strike up a convo with a potential new friend. 

picked just for you, Scorpio


To prepare for the upcoming Sag season when you’ll be the main character, spend Scorpio season relaxing. Allow yourself to wake up a little later and try to avoid working after hours so you can get in some me-time — binge a new show or go to the spa. This is also a great time for you to try a new workout routine or a new exercise class if you’ve hated every other type you’ve tried in the past. Try to get in a therapy session, too, so you can feel mentally and physically healthier. 

picked just for you, Sag


You may feel a little more lighthearted and social than usual this month. Scorpio season will highlight your friendships, and the Taurus eclipse will make you want to let loose a little (which can be pretty uncharacteristic for a Capricorn). You may want to take a break from your all work and no play attitude and do some things that are just for fun. Try a new hobby, make plans to hang with friends, or schedule a few dates. The eclipse could bring some changes to your dating life, too, and you might start dating someone new or choose to break it off with someone if you’re just not feeling it. 

picked just for you, Capricorn


Scorpio season will highlight your career. You could get more recognition from your manager or have new projects to work on. If you’ve been thinking about leaving your company, this is the perfect time to start searching and interviewing. And aside from work, the Taurus eclipse will bring more focus to your home life. This eclipse is ideal for moving, renovating your house, or revamping your decor. Eclipses tend to bring unexpected changes, so something might even happen to force you to move, like you or your SO getting a job in a new city

picked just for you, Aquarius


The Taurus eclipse and Scorpio season this month will have you hungry to learn and read. Take a trip to the bookstore to find some new books or join a book club. Now’s a good time to sign up for a class on something you’ve been meaning to try, like a cooking or kickboxing class. You might even decide to go back to school. And if you like writing, something you’ve worked on could be published, so finish up your editing and polishing.

picked just for you, Pisces